Volume I Part 95 (1/2)

Man or Woman, thou'rt worth our Care-- She faints-- come, let us bear her hence.

[She faints, _Antonio_ kneels to her.

_Ant._ Oh stay, _Hippolyta_, and take me with thee, For I've no use of Life when thou art gone. [Weeps.

Here, kill me, brave _Marcel_-- and yet you need not; My own Remorse, and Grief will be sufficient.

_Mar._ I credit thee, and leave thee to their Mercy.

_Hip._ That Goodness, Sir, has call'd me back to Life, To pay my humble Thanks; could you have Mercy too, To pardon me-- you might redeem my Soul.

_Mar._ Some Pity I have yet, that may preserve thee too, Provided this Repentance be not feign'd.

_Ant._ My Life, Sir, is Security for both.

_Mar._ Doubt not, I'll take the Forfeit, Sir-- Come, _Hippolyta_.

Thy Father's House shall once again receive thee.

_Ant._ Lean on my Arm, my dearest.

_Mar._ Sir, by the way, I'll let you know her Story, And then perhaps you will not blame my Friends.h.i.+p.

_Alon._ And in return, I'll give you back _Clarinda_-- And beg your Pardon for the Wound I gave you.

[Exeunt, leading _Hippolyta_.


SCENE I. _A Garden._

Enter _Cleonte_, _Clarinda_ weeping, and _Dormida_ and _Francisca_.

_Cleo._ Fear not, I'll use my Interest both with your Mother and my Father, to set your Heart at rest, Whose Pain I feel by something in my own.

_Clar._ The G.o.ds reward your Bounty, fair _Cleonte_.

_Dor._ I, I, Madam, I beseech you make our Peace with my good Lady her Mother, whatsoever becomes of the rest, for she'll e'en die with Grief-- [Weeps.

She had but two fair Pledges of her Nuptial Bed.

And both by cruel Fate are ravisht from her.

_Manuel_ a Child was lost, And this; not holy Relicks were more strictly guarded, Till false _Marcel_ betray'd me to debauch her. [Weeps aloud.

_Cleo._ Alas, had you a Brother once? [To _Clarinda_.

_Clar._ Madam, I might have had: but he was lost e'er I was born.

_Cleo._ Ah! would my _Silvio_ had been so. [Aside.

By what strange Accident, _Clarinda_?

_Dor._ Madam, I can inform you best.