Volume I Part 85 (1/2)

_Glo._ Slaves said you, Sir? hah--

_Hip._ Oh, as you're a Gentleman, a.s.sist me. [To _Haunce_.

_Hau._ a.s.sist thee? this Fellow looks as he would not have his Abilities call'd in question; otherwise I am amorous enough to do thee a kindness.

[Offers still to go, she holds him.

_Hip._ Sir, you mistake me; this is a Ravisher--

_Hau._ A Ravisher! ha, ha, ha, dost like him the worse for that? No, no, I beg your Pardon, Madam.

_Hip._ Have you no Manhood, Sir?

_Glo._ She is in earnest; now if I durst stay, how I would domineer over my Master; I never try'd perhaps, I may be valiant thus inspir'd. Lady, I am your Champion, who dares ravish you, or me either?

_Ant._ Rascal, unhand her.

[He comes up to them, _Gload_ puts the Lady before him.

_Hau._ How now, _Gload_ ingag'd! nay, I scorn to be out-done by my Man.

Sirrah, march off with the Baggage, whilst I secure the Enemy.

_Ant._ Rash Man, what mean you?

_Hau._ I say, stand off, and let him go quietly away with the Wench, or look you--

_Ant._ Unmanner'd Fool, I will chastise thy Boldness.

[Goes up to him with his Dagger.

_Hau._ How, how, hast thou no other Weapon?

_Ant._ No, if I had, thou durst not have encounter'd me.

_Hau._ I scorn thy Words, and therefore there lies my Sword; and since you dare me at my own Weapon, I tell you I am good at Snick-a-Sne as the best _Don_ of you all-- [Draws a great Dutch Knife.

_Ant._ Can I endure this Affront?

_Glo._ The best way to make a Coward fight, is to leave him in Danger-- Come, Lady-- [Goes out.

_Ant._ Thou base unmanner'd Fool, how darst thou offer at a Gentleman, with so despis'd a thing as that?

_Hau._ Despis'd a thing? talk not so contemptibly of this Weapon, I say, do not, but come on if you dare.

_Ant._ I can endure no longer-- [Flies at him, _Haunce _cuts his Face, and takes away, after a-while, his Dagger.

Injustice! can such a Dog, and such a Weapon vanquish me?

_Hau._ Beg your Life; for I scorn to stain my Victory in Blood-- that I learnt out of _Pharamond_.


_Ant._ He does not merit Life, that could not defend it against so poor and base a thing as thou: Had but _Marcel_ left me my Sword--