Volume I Part 57 (1/2)
SCENE I. _A Chamber._
_La Nuche_ on a Couch in an Undress, _Willmore_ at her Feet, on his Knees, all unbraced: his Hat, Sword, &c. on the Table, at which she is dressing her Head.
_Will._ Oh G.o.ds! no more!
I see a yielding in thy charming Eyes; The Blushes on thy Face, thy trembling Arms, Thy panting Breast, and short-breath'd Sighs confess, Thou wo't be mine, in spite of all thy Art.
_La Nu._ What need you urge my Tongue then to repeat What from my Eyes you can so well interpret?
[Bowing down her Head to him and sighing.
--Or if it must-- dispose me as you please--
_Will._ Heaven, I thank thee! [Rises with Joy.
Who wou'd not plough an Age in Winter Seas, Or wade full seven long Years in ruder Camps, To find out this Rest at last?-- [Leans on, and kisses her Bosom.
Upon thy tender Bosom to repose; To gaze upon thy Eyes, and taste thy Balmy Kisses, [Kisses her.
--Sweeter than everlasting Groves of Spices, When the soft Winds display the opening Buds: --Come, haste, my Soul, to Bed--
_La Nu._ You can be soft I find, when you wou'd conquer absolutely.
_Will._ Not infant Angels, not young sighing _Cupids_ Can be more; this ravis.h.i.+ng Joy that thou hast promis'd me, Has form'd my Soul to such a Calm of Love, It melts e'en at my Eyes.
_La Nu._ What have I done? that Promise will undo me.
--This Chamber was prepar'd, and I was drest, To give Admittance to another Lover.
_Will._ But Love and Fortune both were on my side-- Come, come to Bed-- consider nought but Love-- [They going out, one knocks.
_La Nu._ Hark!
_Beau._ (_without._) By Heav'n I will have entrance.
_La Nu._ 'Tis he whom I expect; as thou lov'st Life And me, retire a little into this Closet.
_Will._ Hah, retire!
_La Nu._ He's the most fiercely jealous of his s.e.x, And Disappointment will inrage him more.
_Will._ Death: let him rage whoe'er he be; dost think I'll hide me from him, and leave thee to his Love?
Shall I, pent up, thro the thin Wainscot hear Your Sighs, your amorous Words, and sound of Kisses?
No, if thou canst cozen me, do't, but discreetly, And I shall think thee true: I have thee now, and when I tamely part With thee, may Cowards huff and bully me. [Knocks again.
_La Nu._ And must I be undone because I love ye?
This is the Mine from whence I fetcht my Gold.
_Will._ d.a.m.n the base Trash: I'll have thee poor, and mine; 'Tis n.o.bler far, to starve with him thou lov'st Than gay without, and pining all within.
[Knocking, breaking the Door, _Will._ s.n.a.t.c.hes up his Sword.
_La Nu._ Heavens, here will be murder done-- he must not see him.
[As _Beau._ breaks open the Door, she runs away with the Candle, they are by dark, _Beau._ enters with his Sword drawn.