Volume I Part 44 (2/2)

[Exit _Willmore_ bowing.

_s.h.i.+ft._ Messieurs, 'tis late, and the Seignior's Patients stay for him at his Laboratory, to morrow you shall see the conclusion of this Experiment, and so I humbly take my leave at this time.

Enter _Willmore_, below sees _La Nuche_, makes up to her, whilst the last part of the Dance is dancing.

_La Nu._ What makes you follow me, Sir?

[She goes from him, he pursues.

_Will._ Madam, I see something in that lovely Face of yours, which if not timely prevented will be your ruin: I'm now in haste, but I have more to say-- [Goes off.

_La Nu._ Stay, Sir-- he's gone-- and fill'd me with a curiosity that will not let me rest till it be satisfied: Follow me, _Aurelia_, for I must know my Destiny.

[Goes out.

[The Dance ended, the Bank removes, the People go off.

_Feth._ Come, _Ned_, now for our amorous Visit to the two Lady Monsters.

[Ex. _Feth._ and _Blunt_.

SCENE II. _Changes to a fine Chamber._

Enter _Ariadne_ and _Lucia_.

_Aria._ I'm thoughtful: Prithee, Cousin, sing some foolish Song--


_Phillis_, whose Heart was unconfin'd And free as Flowers on Meads and Plains, None boasted of her being kind, 'Mongst all the languis.h.i.+ng and amorous Swains: _No Sighs nor Tears the Nymph could move_ [bis.

_To pity or return their Love._

Till on a time, the hapless Maid Retired to shun the heat o'th' Day, Into a Grove, beneath whose Shade _Strephon_, the careless Shepherd, sleeping lay: _But oh such Charms the Youth adorn,_ [bis.

_Love is revenged for all her Scorn._

Her Cheeks with Blushes covered were, And tender Sighs her Bosom warm; A softness in her Eyes appear, Unusual Pains she feels from every Charm: _To Woods and Echoes now she cries,_ [bis.

_For Modesty to speak denies._

_Aria._ Come, help to undress me, for I'll to this Mountebank, to know what success I shall have with my Cavalier.

[Unpins her things before a great Gla.s.s that is fasten'd.

_Luc._ You are resolv'd then to give him admittance?

_Aria._ Where's the danger of a handsom young Fellow?

_Luc._ But you don't know him, Madam.

_Aria._ But I desire to do, and time may bring it about without Miracle.
