Volume I Part 24 (1/2)

[_Ang._ turns towards them.

--The Rogue's bred up to Mischief, Art thou so great a Fool to credit him?

_Ang._ Yes, I do; and you in vain impose upon me.

--Come hither, Boy-- Is not this he you speak of?

_h.e.l.l._ I think-- it is; I cannot swear, but I vow he has just such another lying Lover's look.

[_h.e.l.l._ looks in his Face, he gazes on her.

_Will._ Hah! do not I know that Face?-- By Heaven, my little Gipsy! what a dull Dog was I?

Had I but lookt that way, I'd known her.

Are all my hopes of a new Woman banisht? [Aside.

--Egad, if I don't fit thee for this, hang me.

--Madam, I have found out the Plot.

_h.e.l.l._ Oh Lord, what does he say? am I discover'd now?

_Will._ Do you see this young Spark here?

_h.e.l.l._ He'll tell her who I am.

_Will._ Who do you think this is?

_h.e.l.l._ Ay, ay, he does know me.-- Nay, dear Captain, I'm undone if you discover me.

_Will._ Nay, nay, no cogging; she shall know what a precious Mistress I have.

_h.e.l.l._ Will you be such a Devil?

_Will._ Nay, nay, I'll teach you to spoil sport you will not make.-- This small Amba.s.sador comes not from a Person of Quality, as you imagine, and he says; but from a very errant Gipsy, the talkingst, pratingst, cantingst little Animal thou ever saw'st.

_Ang._ What news you tell me! that's the thing I mean.

_h.e.l.l._ Wou'd I were well off the place.-- If ever I go a Captain-hunting again.-- [Aside.

_Will._ Mean that thing? that Gipsy thing? thou may'st as well be jealous of thy Monkey, or Parrot as her: a German Motion were worth a dozen of her, and a Dream were a better Enjoyment, a Creature of Const.i.tution fitter for Heaven than Man.

_h.e.l.l._ Tho I'm sure he lyes, yet this vexes me. [Aside.

_Ang._ You are mistaken, she's a Spanish Woman Made up of no such dull Materials.

_Will._ Materials! Egad, and she be made of any that will either dispense, or admit of Love, I'll be bound to continence.

_h.e.l.l._ Unreasonable Man, do you think so? [Aside to him.

_Will._ You may Return, my little Brazen Head, and tell your Lady, that till she be handsom enough to be belov'd, or I dull enough to be religious, there will be small hopes of me.

_Ang._ Did you not promise then to marry her?

_Will._ Not I, by Heaven.