Part 17 (1/2)
Our limo pulls up to the front of the skysc.r.a.per that the radio station's studio is in. As soon as I glance out the tinted windows I spot a few paparazzi lurking around.
It's ridiculous that these people make a living out of stalking celebrities.
Squeezing my hand, Jordon presses a quick kiss to my bright red lips, ”Ready?” He asks, as the door to the limo opens.
”Yup.” I beam back at him before he slides out and holds his hand out to me, helping me get out of the car.
I'm wearing a tight red leather strapless dress and black peep toe suede heels with a tight fitting leather jacket. Sonja, my manager, said to dress in something hot and edgy because the studio is going to be taking our photos to post on their social media sites and website.
Our concert this Friday is sold out. We've been told the station's social media sites have been blowing up all day. While we are at the station, they will be giving away two front row tickets and VIP backstage
Jordon wraps his arm tightly around my waist, and we make our way towards the entrance trying to ignore the flashes and beeps of the digital cameras that are going off around us.
We're surrounded by press shouting a million questions at us as we make our way inside. Ever since we confirmed our relations.h.i.+p, it's been insane. I don't know how many shots they can take of us walking down the street and still find it interesting and front page newsworthy.
Upon entering the radio studio, we notice they have our bar stools scattered around one end of the large table full of mics. The DJ introduced himself then led us over to the end of the studio and told us to sit anywhere we wanted. It's going to be a group interview over the next hour, so it doesn't matter who sits where.
After we finish the interview, Beyond Redemption will play an acoustic version of Falling Into Darkness, followed by Tempting Tomorrow performing their newest single, Goodbye Chicago. It's been climbing the charts over the last few weeks, and the popularity for the song is spreading like wildfire.
From what Jordon has told me, Zane and Jordon co-wrote it together last summer just before they left on their first tour. So far their debut alb.u.m, that was released last November, has already hit gold and is getting close to platinum status. It'll be a huge milestone for Jordon and his bandmates.
As soon as our .h.i.t our seats the interview began. We spend the next thirty minutes answering questions about the tour and if any of us have done any crazy pranks on any of the other members in the bands.
”In the next ten minutes our listeners will hear Beyond Redemption's number one hit from two years ago, Misery and when you do, be caller twelve to win two front row tickets and backstage Until then we're chatting with Beyond Redemption and Tempting Tomorrow.”
I've been waiting the entire interview for them to ask me or Jordon about our relations.h.i.+p. Thirty minutes into it, it's finally asked.
The DJ known as Wild w.i.l.l.y, turns his eyes towards me while keeping his mouth pressed to the mic.
”I know all our listeners are dying to know, Brittan, what's it like dating Jordon? I think it's safe to say pretty much every woman in America wishes they were dating one of the most eligible Rock Stars of 2014.” He slides his gaze from me to Jordon laughing, as he mentions the thousands of women who fill the arenas each week, screaming out to Jordon to marry them. ”Your fans wanna know.”
Jordon lets out a deep husky laugh, and he rakes his fingers through his hair. He's nervous, and I find it hilarious because he is always Mr. Cool-Calm-and-Collected.
Leaning forward on my elbows, I bring my mic to my mouth and give Jordon a playful glance before answering. ”Well, I don't blame all those women for wanting to be with him. Jordon has to be the most charismatic man I've ever met. He constantly keeps me on my toes and has made this tour the most memorable. We've had so much fun touring together. I never expected us to go from friends to a relations.h.i.+p, but I can certainly say this is the happiest I've been in a very long time.”
Jordon affectionately rubs my back while I talk, helping keep my nerves at bay. I can answer any question they throw at me during these interviews but whenever I have to talk about Jordon and our relations.h.i.+p, it's hard to keep myself from becoming emotional.
Sitting up, I turn and run my hand down the side of Jordon's face, before giving him a quick kiss, which causes the studio to erupt in cat calls.
”Ladies and Gentlemen, we just witnessed a live and in person Brittan and Jordon kiss! Whew, I think the temperature just skyrocketed in here.” Wild w.i.l.l.y jokes while he plays cat calls and kissing sounds for the listening fans.
We all have a good laugh before we get back to business.
”I'm the luckiest guy on the d.a.m.n planet because I get to kiss her every single day.” Jordon says as the laughter dies down.
”h.e.l.l, I'd give my right arm to be you for twenty-four hours. Brittan is a fine catch. I think every guy listening right now would say the same!”
Laughing, Jordon snakes his arm around my waist, hugging me against his side, ”I can't argue with you there.”
After answering some more questions, we gave away the tickets and performed our songs. Just as we were wrapping up, DJ Wild w.i.l.l.y told us all he just got news that he thought we'd all love to hear.
”Tempting Tomorrow's latest single just hit number one on Billboards Top 100 actually knocking Beyond Redemption to number two!”
The entire room explodes with excitement as everyone starts screaming and hugging each other.
This is amazing. I couldn't be happier for Jordon right now and for them to hit number one while being back in their hometown. It makes this moment that much more special.
”I can't even believe this is happening right now!” Jordan shouts, scooping me up in his arms.
We're all lost in the moment of excitement while the DJ and his a.s.sistant are busy snapping pictures and talking to the fans who are calling in and tweeting with excitement over the news.
Chicago loves their hometown boys.
”I'm so happy for you!” I shout bursting with excitement as I glance around the room and see Lawson, Zane and Kingston all bro hugging. I think I even spot some tears in their eyes.
I don't blame them this is a huge moment for them, one that they'll never forget.
As soon as we leave the studio we all head down the street to a local pub. The guys say it's like a second home to them. We were definitely in need of some celebratory drinks.
”Hey! Look who the cat dragged in!” an older man who looks to be in his late fifty's shouts towards us as we enter the pub. I immediately take notice of his thick Irish accent. He's about my height and thirty pounds overweight.
”Brittan, this is Ronan McCallister, he's the owner of the bar and the first guy to ever give Tempting Tomorrow a gig.”
I quickly realize his last name gives the pub its name, which is McCallister's Pub & Grill.
Leaning over the bar, I reach out to shake Ronan's hand and he surprises me by pulling me in for a big bear hug. ”You must be the lovely Brittan I've been hearing so much about.”
I give him a puzzled look and glance behind me at the guys. Noticing the confusion on my face he elaborates, ”You know on all those tabloids in the local market. I've been seeing you and my boy here all over them going on and on about Rock and Roll's newest love birds.” He says with pride in his voice, and clapping Jordon on the shoulder.
”I don't know if you heard but we just hit number one!” Zane says hopping up on a bar stool and slapping his hands on the bar. Everyone's still bouncing with excitement from the news they received just a few minutes ago.
”What!? Well I think that calls for a celebration!” Ronan shouts as he gets to work filling a line of shot
All of us grab a gla.s.s and hold it up for a toast, ”To Chicago! The city that made us who we are today!” Zane toasts and we all follow.
After eating way too many hot wings and drinking one too many beers, Ronan finally convinces Jordon and the guys to get up on stage for old time's sake and perform Goodbye Chicago.
I am so happy for Jordon, Zane, Lawson and Kingston. They've killed it every night we've performed, and their entire alb.u.m is amazing. They deserve all the recognition they get.
Many will ask if it bothers me that my boyfriend and his band knocked us out of our number one spot. I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm so happy I was there today with them to experience the excitement of their first number one hit.
Today has been exciting and a great way to kick off our first day in Chicago. I can't wait to go back to Jordon's apartment and do some celebrating of our own.
Past, Meet My Future.