Chapter 522 - The war Ends! (1/2)

Chapter 522: The war Ends!

Inside the formation, Sarutobi was cut in the shoulder by Orochi behind Sarutobi as it stretched its hands toward Orochimaru

Orochimaru tried to move his hands and use ninjutsu, but he couldn’t

“damn it… I can’t use ninjutsu…”

“This is a life seal, I ami, as soon as it completes the task, it will take my soul, this is the technique the Yondaime used before he died”

Sarutobi’s blood was overflowing, but his face was resolute Still, you can feel the weariness in his expression

Orochi extracted fro as he felt his soul being forcefully grabbed as he said: “… The nine tails… sealed by this?”

By the ti ninja, and he didn’t witness what happened

“Yes, I will pull your soul and seal it inside my body!”

Sarutobi fiercely looked at Orochiet free

“You should feel it already, half of your soul left your body”

Sarutobi couldn’t control the shi+niga to pull back his soul with difficulties

“Don’t joke around! You old thing, you won’t be able to win!”

Orochii sword moved and pierced Sarutobi’s back, with such an attack, Sarutobi couldn’t control the shi+nigaer, and part of Orochimaru’s soul returned to his body

Sarutobi clenched his teeth as blood overflow fro in and out of his body

After half an hour, Sarutobi couldn’t beat Orochimaru as he panted fiercely

“It looks like I don’t have the power to pull your entire soul…”

“You are right! Sarutboi-sensei”

Orochirinned fiendishly as he said that

However, Sarutobi reently: “But I will stop you fro your ambition”

Sarutobi sternly looked at Orochimaru, and he knows that he won’t be able to finish the seal: “I will take your ability to use ninjutsu co?”