Part 34 (1/2)
”I only wanted to secure us against interruption. So many agents come up here, and they are a regular nuisance.”
Sloc.u.m advanced and held out his hand, as if expecting Jerry would drop the precious papers into it. Instead, the boy retreated and took up a position behind a flat-top desk in the centre of the office.
At this the real estate dealer grew furious behind his well-waxed mustache. He had expected to intimidate our hero easily, and now he was nonplused.
”Are you going to let me see those papers?” he fumed.
”No; at least not now.”
”Why not?”
”I prefer not to answer that question.”
”You think you have a case against me--that you can place me in a tight hole.”
”Well, if all is straight you have nothing to fear.”
”Don't preach to me, boy. All is straight. I lost my money as well as the others did.”
”This doesn't look as if you had lost much,” ventured Jerry, as he glanced about the elegant apartment.
”Oh, I have made money since, in a lucky real estate deal in Brooklyn. I won't keep your papers.”
”I want that door unlocked.”
Sloc.u.m muttered something under his breath, and his face grew suddenly red. Like a flash he placed his hands on the flat desk and leaped over it.
”I'll bring you to terms, you young country fool!” he cried, and made a clutch for Jerry's collar.
Had our hero not turned like a flash he would have had the lad. But Jerry was on guard and fled to the office door. Raising his foot he gave the barrier a kick that caused it to crack heavily.
”Stop that!”
”I won't. Let me out, or I'll kick the door down.”
”Casey, catch the young rascal!” cried Sloc.u.m. ”I'm going to teach him a thing or two.”
Anxious to obey the command of the man who held him completely under his thumb, Casey ran forward. Seeing him coming, Jerry fled behind a large screen. Here rested a heavy cane, and he picked it up and brandished it over his head.
”Keep back! Advance at your peril.”
”I'm afraid to go near the young fool,” said Casey.
”I'll fix him. Stand aside. I never yet saw the boy that could get the best of me,” muttered Alexander Sloc.u.m.
”He may kill you, Mr. Sloc.u.m.”
”I'll risk it.”