Part 20 (1/2)

”What happened?”

”Blake said my courage to stand up to my parents motivated him to want to tell his folks about his s.e.xuality. So I went home with him. I sat with him while he told them.”

”You're a good friend.”

”His parents are the most conservative New England types you'd ever meet. I still can remember the look on their faces.”

”Were they okay?”

”No, not at first. His mom got sick, right there in front of us. It was horrible. They cried for what felt like hours.” Taddy paused and started to smile.

”And then?”

”Mr. and Mrs. Morgan hugged him. It took them awhile but they loved him more for being honest, for being who he was. I was grateful to have been there. So...don't you see...I'm blessed to have people like Blake in my life. They are true to themselves and to me. I respect and love him so much. I don't think I could ask for more.”

”I see what you mean.” Warner sensed Taddy had depth, but not like this. Underneath those designer clothes was a woman who had a big heart. ”You're quite remarkable.”

She gave him a kiss on the lips. ”Maybe I should go downstairs to my room to get some sleep before the press event.” Taddy sat up to leave.

”No way.” He grabbed her, pulling her into him. They were just starting to get close and know each other better. Warner didn't want her to pull away. Bringing his face to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, Warner licked them. Realizing they were probably tender, he gave each nipple a respectful kiss then he returned his attention to her face. ”I know what we can do. Afterward you'll sleep for hours.”

”My p.u.s.s.y is too sore.” She s.h.i.+vered with a chill.

He lifted her right leg to witness her swollen c.u.n.t. She'd climaxed too many times to keep track. Warner ma.s.saged her thigh. Licking his two fingers, he slipped them into her a.s.shole.

”Warner!” She grabbed onto his shoulders.

With a sly glance, he offered her a villainous smile.

”I've never done a.n.a.l.”


”I'd love to try.” She kissed his lips. ”You're going to have to be gentle, no rough stuff.”

Look who's talking. ”Music to my ears.” He reached behind him for a condom from the nightstand and the bottle of lube. ”Can you also be gentle?”

After unwrapping the condom, she sheathed his erection. ”You should special-order extra-ginormous rubbers for the next time.” Taddy laughed, tickling his b.a.l.l.s, but had nothing to say about his tough-girl-in-bed question.

Next time? ”So you're saying-you want to see my p.e.n.i.s again?” He took a quarter size of silicone oil onto his hand and lacquered her a.s.shole.

”Perhaps.” She squirted lube all over his hard-on. It grew with each stroke.

Ready, his c.o.c.k itched with intense pleasure. Having Red rub his d.i.c.k, even when wrapped in latex, felt euphoric. ”Taddy, baby.” He slid two fingers into her a.s.s, testing her tightness.

”It burns,” she gasped.

”You weren't kidding.” He tried for three fingers.

Taddy gripped his c.o.c.k and pressed the tip to her a.n.u.s. ”Go slow.” Obviously scared, she kissed him sweetly.

”I promise.” He pulled her into him, ready to take charge. Readjusting her leg around him, he buried his tongue in her mouth. His c.o.c.k pushed into Red's a.s.s.

Her warmth guided him deeper.

”You're doing good, baby.” He kissed her again. ”Breathe for me. Take a deep breath.” He went in more.

Taddy inhaled, then exhaled as her a.s.s opened a little more.

”Baby.” He sank in farther. ”I'm nearly all the way in.” He kissed her again, putting attention on her nipples, ma.s.saging her sore b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

She was beautiful. She was quiet. She was sweet.

His c.o.c.k drove farther into her tight, hot a.s.shole. He loved this.

”G.o.d, Warner.”

”I'm in, honey-all the way.” He rocked her gorgeous body back and forth. His manhood guided her frame against his. Warner could come right this second. However, he'd hold it. ”How do you feel?” Cupping her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, he drilled her a.s.s.

”Amazing.” She panted. ”You're...”

”Don't fight it. Let me be one with your body. Lie with me inside you.” He pumped back and forth. ”You'll get familiar with my d.i.c.k, I promise.”

”I love it!” Taddy screamed in pleasure.

He pumped again, responding to her joy. She was talking to him more this time around than before. Maybe her reservations were starting to disappear. Feeling encouraged by the vulnerability in her eyes, he complimented, ”You're everything I've hoped for.”

Taddy slapped him across the face.

Ouch! ”What did I do?”

Her eyes squinted. ”Rough play.”

Fast, he grabbed her wrists, pinning her down. His stomach churned with Rielle flashbacks. Her abusive ways. ”We're going to talk about your nastiness.” He stayed in her a.s.s. ”I don't like that behavior.”


He placed her on her back. Bringing his body down over her, he didn't wait for a response.


”Stop.” He gently covered her mouth with his hand.

”Ouch!” Blood spotted her lip. She'd nipped herself.

”Let me talk, Red. I mean it.” He slid farther into her a.s.s. It was tightening fast, putting pressure like he'd never felt before on his shaft.

Blinking, she nodded. Arms out at her side, she balled her hands into fists.