Part 10 (1/2)
”Nothing would make us more proud.” Taddy didn't want to cheer a Mardi Gras-style hooray for Vive's claim to give up booze. She made this testament each holiday, birthday and anytime the moon glowed full. Nevertheless, it was a vow they prayed she'd keep and soon.
She heard her friends make their goals. Taddy didn't know what she wanted the New Year to bring her. Brill, Inc., as always, pressed full media steam ahead. Her goals had been inked and dried while stuck in Vancouver. What about love? That hadn't been on her list. But tonight planted a seed, an urge filled with l.u.s.t and longing. One she hadn't felt in-forever. A sensation that neither Dr. Fa.s.senbender cosmetic enhancements, Gilad Pilates workouts nor Brayden Brooks football dreams could measure up to. How was it that Rielle warranted such a Big Daddy? His juicy full lips upon hers each morning and night. Those color-changing eyes and the way he ran his hands over her body.
”What do you wish for the New Year, Taddy?” Vive asked.
I'd love to have a Garner in my life every day, not just on this Caribbean holiday.
Rielle was a lucky b.i.t.c.h. But one should never wish for something they couldn't have when he belonged to someone else. It was unhealthy to dream otherwise, she told herself.
”I guess I want more of the same.”
”Let's commit to no more men and lots more of everything else,” Lex challenged. ”No s.e.x. No male contact whatsoever.” She spoke as though it would be easy for her.
”Five hours ago I would've replied no. But seeing Ollie's p.e.n.i.s I'm so in.”
”Vive, you mean-no booze and no s.e.x.” Taddy didn't want to hurt her friend's feelings but needed to be realistic. ”You can't go to the Exhale Bliss Spa on Park Avenue and ask the male ma.s.sage therapist to relax your c.u.n.t muscles while you sip Bailey's on the rocks.”
”f.u.c.k you, Brill,” Vive snapped.
s.h.i.+t. Her words sounded harsh, more than she intended. ”Sorry I didn't mean-”
”Let's do it.” Vive didn't let Taddy finish her apology.
”Yeah!” Lex cheered. ”
”What'll we do next year without c.o.c.k?” Taddy didn't see a no-man-year as a viable option. Although she hadn't had a boyfriend recently, she'd accepted some pleasure in the idea that the hunk du jour might come along, if not now, then soon. But making it a goal, to not have one, was absurd. Regardless, she'd still like to see Vive focus on her sobriety and Lex's line make more money. Then she could surely pay for Birdie's next episode of hypochondria.
”We'll focus on our businesses and manage our careers.” Lex lifted her teacup to toast the idea.
”Sounds good to me, although I'm still going for my a.n.a.l bleaching appointments for good habit.” Vive clanged her mug with Lex's. ”If I o.r.g.a.s.m at the spa, it ain't my fault.”
Taddy met her cup with theirs. ”Deal.”
Part Two.
No More Big Daddies.
”It's not my intention to be a diva. It just happens. I wake up like I'm flippin' Beyonce or something.” -Taddy Brill, CEO of Brill, Inc..
Chapter Eight.
Dominatrix Queen-d.i.c.k Dupree.
May 14.
Times Square, New York, NY.
Taddy's eyes for business were close to permanently crossing. All the work she had to get done before the summer started was enough to give anyone a migraine. She pressed the PR pedal to the metal, hoping she'd have time off with her friends over Memorial Day in the Hamptons. Vive's family estate, situated on Cooper's Beach, gave easy access to summer concerts in the park. She looked forward to shopping the Hamptons' Designer Showhouse and making an appearance at the Hampton Cla.s.sic. But summer couldn't come fast enough.
With no time to do anything except Brill, Inc., she'd gone without vajazzling. No bubbly. No s.e.x. No Red. The winter and spring seasons elapsed in a s.e.xless blur revolving around work, work and more work. She ramped her firm up to launch overseas and scouted locations in Asia and Europe.
Pus.h.i.+ng the Hamptons summer out of her mind, she reached for the speakerphone. ”Kiki, can you come into my office? Bring your notebook.”
”On my way,” the intercom beeped.
Fourteen hundred plus hours Taddy exerted over five months straight with no break. She'd signed nineteen new clients, grossing several million dollars for her firm, and appointed many new staff members to her Times Square office. She'd achieved her goals. Her firm was ranked by Today's Business magazine as the fastest-growing media holding company in North America. Gracing the cover, she'd landed a feature interview. Now in demand, the phones rang nonstop for speaking gigs, women's luncheons and motivational seminars. Kiki staffed her with a chauffeur to get about town and a butler to help keep her fed and dressed.
Her a.s.sistant's Salvatore Ferragamo wedges click-clacked on the floor as she approached. Kiki sat down on the chair by Taddy's desk, legs crossed, lips glossed.
This spring, Brill girls in the beauty division didn't call her a.s.sistant ”Lady Sheet Rock” anymore. She'd blossomed from a boy with long hair into a pet.i.te, vivacious beauty. ”What lip color are you wearing today?”
”Baden Cosmetics' Melonlicious, I love it.” Kiki blew her an air kiss. ”So does Dejon.”
”Have you and the notorious DJ Dejon met in person yet?” Get on with the ”insert d.i.c.k into p.u.s.s.y” show already.
Kiki squirmed. ”No ma'am. He loves my melons-over video though.” According to her FedEx and UPS deliverymen, who lived near Kiki in Jersey City, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s had become the sensational topic in her apartment building.
”I'm sure he does.” She too adored Kiki's b.r.e.a.s.t.s. A true silicone artist, Dr. Fa.s.senbender had transformed Kiki's mosquito bites into head-turning, f.u.c.k-stick-raising grapefruits. ”Where is Dejon spinning his music this weekend?”
”His website page listed the Cannes Film Festival.” Kiki glanced up from her new cleavage with glee.
”How fantastic.” The beaute, the charme, the hommes, I miss having time off. ”Have you been to Cannes?”
”No...I don't even know where Cannes is, Miss Brill.” Embarra.s.sed, Kiki withdrew into her shoulders.
”Cannes is an...enchanting place.” She grimaced. ”Moving right along, I'm working on a new campaign. It's for Neve Adele, the Miss Glamour USA beauty queen turned reality TV star we signed up as a client last month.”
”Neve's attractive. She's a young Elizabeth Taylor.”
”Men are drawn to her, aren't they?”
”It's Neve's sweet personality,” Kiki gave her honest input.
Taddy laughed, humoring Kiki's opinion. She didn't agree with her. Neve was s.e.x on a stick and TV viewers wanted to either f.u.c.k her or be her. ”Anyways, Luxury Television gave us the green light to license Neve's own footwear, accessory and handbag line.”
”Good for her.” Her a.s.sistant clapped in approval. ”An accessories line will bring in a lot of money for Neve. But it also sounds like a ton of work.”
”Darling, the lifestyle accessories line is a lot of money for me and a lot of work for you.” Taddy intended to make more than Neve on this transaction. Neve sure as h.e.l.l hadn't dreamed the lifestyle brand on her own. Her goal in life revolved around beauty pageants, period. Taddy saw the potential of the Neve Adele name. She knew it resonated with today's generation and planned to cash in.
”Right.” Kiki frowned.
”I'd call Lex to a.s.sist us with this project, but Easton Essentials is soaring with retailers. She's too busy for this.” Taddy glanced down at her Rolex, losing her thought. She couldn't remember the last time she had a night off with her friends. Lex had amped up her export distributors. Thanks to a few phone calls Blake had made, Easton Essentials was now in Australia and had been featured on numerous fas.h.i.+on TV segments. As a result, her products were selling better than ever. Most of them were sold out. Easton Essentials couldn't make the garments fast enough to keep up with demand. Exhausted just watching Lex in designer action, Taddy had asked her how she kept up the strength. Lex revealed it was from Dr. Fa.s.senbender's Vitamin B12 shots, which gave her such energy boosts. The injections also contributed to rapid weight loss. Birdie received the injections also. Five months with no crazy spells. Fingers crossed.
”What about Viveca Farnworth?”