Chapter 186 - Red Thirst Withdrawal (1/2)
”The stars will align, the heaven will spat at the moon once again.” Yaksha Tivra clicked his teeth three times at Dogma. ”I won't pry into whatever plan you have in the store, Elder Sister. But if the council did really abide by your suggestions, then I want you to expect them to use violence before talking.
”Hundreds of years fending off the onslaught from the Void that could devour the entire galaxy in an instant had driven many personnel from the Aldar Union mad beyond belief.
”Only by showcasing your power they will kneel, their humanity and reasoning is still rooted strong within their soul.” Yaksha Tivra showed a manic grin. ”It's just that they would prove it in a terrifying way!”
An electrifying gate at the size of an elephant emerged from the edge of the broken cosmic room. It showed a vision of the ending battlefield many kilometers from Domeniul Ceresc.
One of the homing massacre impalers got into the portal from the outside and was released to the vacuum of space, ever traveling into the unknown.
MF got up and slowly walked to the portal as she maintained her calm demeanor. Cyanotype followed suit, floating near her master. The Occult Beast then retracted the tendrils covering Yaksha Tivra, releasing him onto whatever he wanted to do again.
”The conquest of Neamh might have taken another hundred years. Not to mention, I want to nurture the good seed of humanity back to its deepest arc.” MF then glanced at the grinning Yaksha Tivra. ”Say hi to the Primarch and the Inquisitor, I'll make sure to treat them with respect when they arrive at Neamh in the near future.”
As the Ouroboros went back to her home world, the portal immediately dissipated into glowing purple dust.
The otherworldly creature stopped spawning, and the Boogeys showed their existence as each of them sung the anthem of victory to the wind, overjoyed that they could finally finish their mission.
After that, MF then amplified her divine aura of obstruction to prevent anything to be perceived from outside perception. She was on her knee, gasping as her face looked like she wanted the cry.
”That is scary. My little brother is literally a Myriad World Usurper and thank goodness that I've managed to trick him.” MF nervously chuckled. ”Although, it seemed like he was weakened by something malevolent. The timing could've been even more perfect with our counter raid.
”The fact that my presence exceeded his comprehension is not within my contingency at all. I might need to take this into account when dealing with any Ancient Origis or the Aldars in the future.”
”Meshia.” Cyanotype felt a huge goosebumps after she saw her master having a cold sweat. ”How strong is he?”
”I'm not sure, but he definitely could plummet an entire continent into the beneath of the sea if he wanted to.”
MF was extremely terrified when she saw through the content of Yaksha Tivra's soul. The thing was, when a Usurper had reached the realm of Soul Infusion, their miniature realm was already condensed thoroughly with their soul, allowing the soul to access the power with the miniature realm without needing any vessel.
But when they've reached even further and managed to somehow, get into Myriad World Phase, then their power level would go up the chart and there was no clear evidence of a true power indicator because one Myriad World Usurper could actually be ten thousand times stronger than another Myriad World Usurper.
Just like the Realm suggested, they had reached the level where they could trade their own powerful essence to create another miniature realm attached to their soul, and this process could be repeated for an infinite amount of time depending on their soul constitution.
Only when they reached the higher realm, that they could finally comprehend the higher phase of mana cultivation.
Because Yaksha Tivra was actually a Myriad World Usurper, meant that MF saw more than ten or even thousands of cultivated miniature realms that were as big as the universe itself. It was her first time to glance upon the content of a miniature realm, and the countless mystical beasts and mana circuits terrified her.
Strangely enough, many of those universe-sized realms were shackled by an unknown force from beyond the realm that they were in. MF suspect that it came from the Boetes Realm itself.
”Tarara~ I see, so we were actually really lucky back then.” Cyanotype shivered. ”Well, even I couldn't affect him with my madness. What could possibly be even more terrifying hidden inside the realm that the Aldars fought everyday.”
Both of them got even more depressed by thinking about it.
Even though today was the Ouroboros' win, it felt like a huge loss when compared to what could've happened. MF had actually prepared many contingencies about it and the fact that she utilized the xeno-formation object had actually made her win the entire psychological war.
'The potential of xeno-formation artifacts has proven to be rather effective, more than I can fathom. Although it would be nullified because of the destruction it caused.' MF decided to lay on the ground, trying to act like a grass and enjoy the moist soil out of blood. 'Maybe if I could expand my Divine Domain further, I could finally get the perfect place to condone this heinous research.”
MF regretted that she had left her little brother's cosmic realm. It was actually the perfect place to conduct numerous research about xeno-formation. If not for the Ouroboros trying to hold herself from wetting her pants, she could've gone past a breakthrough if she decided to stay longer there.
With a tired mental and soul, MF reconstructed her trident-rocket wings and slowly ascended to the sky, approaching Domeniul Ceresc. The wind blew her dirty dress. Cyanotype's oversized raincoat also fluttered from the nonchalant gush.
”So, where are we going now?” Cyanotype said with a deadpan.
”Foel,” MF said with a deadpan. ”I need my wife to recharge my sanity.”
”I think I need one too.”
”She is my wife, not yours.”
”You can't share your wife?”
”No, she is mine.” MF felt like she had enough that she didn't even bother to think of something else other than going to her wife. ”You're the incarnation of madness, how come you even need sanity?”
”I dunno, I feel like I'm not suited to be the Occult Beast of madness after fighting with that guy.”
”You'll do fine.” MF paused for five seconds. ”I think both of us need to take a break.”