Chapter 144 - The Three Friendly Deities (1/2)

”Senior Suwa, did you see what I saw?” MF glanced at the Mountain Deity.

”Indeed I did, my friend. Let's just hope that this little creature can hold its rage in one way or another.”

”Here's the kicker, it's Ki's creation.”

”After putting some thought into it, let's seal it.”

”Both of you are so cautious of Toma.” Ki hugged her black blob, its tail wagged when its creator showed it to the other two deities. ”Look at him! He is cute!”

”I won't argue with it, but your perception isn't at our level yet.” Suwa smiled bitterly. ”That creature has the symbolism of your Tribunal Blight Divinity, in our point of view, he had the enough fuel to corrode this mountain and devour a whole Civilization.”

MF felt a little bit intimidated. Toma had just been born yet it already bore a dense and strengthened malicious power. The 'Minor Overseer' screamed danger and danger all over again due to the intense unused force that could blow at any second.

'This little creature is a mini version of vacuum decay, so unstable with great potential that a tiny unintentional bump can result in a massacre of many. Might not be as strong as an Angel but having something that solely acts on instinct is like keeping a shock-sensitive grenade.'

MF was anxious because she couldn't determine the intelligence of this little dangerous blob.

”Hueekh!? That is scary.” Ki gazed at her hugged creation. ”Toma, you won't do that right?”

Toma wobbly nodded.

”See!?” Ki exclaimed. ”He is a smart little boy.”

A sign of tone discernment. MF hurled a relieved sigh.

”Ohoho, it seemed like it wasn't as mindless as we thought. It could comprehend universal speech by its tone and emotion.” MF caressed her chin with a slight grin. ”I think he can probably be trained into a precious family member and a merciless strong warrior.”

”If the Almighty Ouroboros say so.” Suwa closed her eyes with a little bit of gratitude. ”There is rarely any person who can discern and train someone to its utmost potential such as you, after all.”

”You speak too highly of me, Lady Suwa.” MF giggled.

”Oh yeah, the next Circle Gathering will be held in four days. By some circumstances, I'll be picking both of you up when the time arrives. I do know where the location is but I have a faster transportation method out of the three of us.”

”Is it really that far?” MF worriedly sneered.

”Ki was late by ten days on the latest Circle Gathering, if you had seen how fast she traveled from place to place, you can estimate the distance from here to the designated place, gero~”

'... As expected of Deities, Ki are able to go back and forth from Dorian Citadel far on the south in just a few hours. Ten days are more than just a flight! It can stretch to the sea!'