Chapter 51 - White Fleshy Abomination (1/2)

The second phase of an Angel, symbolistic form.

Also known as their 'ugly form'. Only when their mortal vessel was threatened into high amounts of stress, an Angel will kill themselves to summon their other body from their true plane.

”M-master! The land is ascending!”

It was only once on its subjugation where Anvriel was forced to use its symbolistic form. By mending space itself to force an unstable matter into its most stable state, a form transition would always result in heavy destruction to the surrounding area.

Anvriel wailed.

It shone its radiant light, the warm yet uncomfortable sprayed ray was destroying the mountainous domain below them. Not giving it any chances, MF used the blood within the thin container of her wrist gauntlet to create a blood slash-wave, continuously trying to cripple its metamorphosis.

Within the unrelenting light was a hardened blob of flesh with red rupture and veins, some parts stretching into tentacles to anchor onto Neamh. Sonic booms were unleashed everytime it tried to anchor into something, destroying the land that it held upon.

Until each of those long flesh tries to sucks all kinds of essences from the Neamh.

Tuli began to control all of the 100 drones. The deadly triangular wasps were stinging every flesh anchors that were saping the wrecked mother nature. Each of those hunters permeated those disturbing tentacles with MF's 'Destructive Blood', all armed and ready to wreak havoc, those nano-weapons began to taint the white pure flesh of an Angel with insurmountable cellular massacres.

Even though the center of the growing lumps of white flesh was heavily disrupted by MF out from its growth, it managed to adapt and spawned numerous gigantic kite-like monstrosities.

30 seconds and it had spawned 10 of those horrific monsters, the flying terror carpet bombed the land and sprayed the sky with finger-size thorns at the speed of a bullet, continuously shredding the clouds and sky where it reached the first layer of Neamh's atmosphere to turn around and rain down upon Neamh.

Thankfully, the battle puppets managed to neutralize most of the gigantic sky-shredder. MF also maneuvered the battlefield at ten times the speed of sound with her ear-numbing rocket wings. The blood producing glands on her wings also secreted her 'Destructive Blood' for it to act as a small respawning army that will seek the nearest Angel's body.

Even after all of that effort to cripple its true growth, Anvriel managed to grow to the size of a small Citadel. A flying fortress of pulsating white flesh and glowing veins that carried corrosive substances.

This is why Anvriel was coded as 'Heaven's Juggernaut'.

Amidst the chaos, Damascus had finally unsealed her golden scimitar. Despite its sheer size that took 20 meters in length, the artifact collector was able to hold the weapon like a butter knife.

On the blade, all of the symbols representing seven deadly sins were lit sequencelly. The pride symbol gave the user and the physical catalyst high durability and a subconscious wavelength akin to symbols pill, coating Damascus and the scimitar with a defense that could make the unreliable person hold their head high in pride.

The greed symbol was continuously gathering mana and elemental essences, the wrath symbol gave the sword a killing zone near the edge that could disassemble any types of barrier, the envy symbol gave Damascus the ability to exponentially heighten her strength when her enemies were stronger than her.

The lust symbol enhanced all of her senses, the gluttony symbol increased her mana conductivity to the scimitar, and the sloth symbol created an after image that would double the damage that Damascus dealt to her enemy.

Her sentient cloud slithered to her arms, turning into exo muscles to enhance her physical strength.