Part 6 (2/2)

I believe this is the very felloas seeking Let's go a little nearer

Phorlect of the supposed relative, while Geta noisily takes his master's part

De Geta, he turns withyour pardon, but will you be kind enough to tellabout, and how he said I was related to him? _Phor_ O, you ask as if you didn't know _Dem_ As if I didn't know? _Phor_ Yes _Dem_ And I say that I _don't_ kno do you, who say that I do, refresh my memory

_Phor_ Didn't you know your own cousin? _Dem_ O, you make me tired

Tell me his name _Phor_ The name? Why, certainly

But now the name by which he had heard Phanium speak of her father has slipped from his mind, and he is forced to aard silence Demipho is quick to see his embarrassment:

Well, why don't you speak? _Phor_ [_aside_] By George! I'otten the name _Dem_ What's that you say? _Phor_ [_aside in a whisper to Geta_] Say, Geta, if you remember that na to bluff it out, he turns to De to purily_] I pu_] It's Stilpho _Phor_ [_to Demipho_] And yet what do I care? It's Stilpho _De it at him_] Stilpho, I say Did you know him?

_Dem_ No, I didn't, And I never had a relative of that name _Phor_ No? Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Now if he had left a matter of ten talents-- _Dem_ Confound your impudence! _Phor_ You would be the first to coood enerations back _Dem_ Well, have it as you say Then when I had come into court I should have told just how she was related to me Now you do the same Come, how is she related to me? _Phor_ I have already explained that to those who had a right to ask--the judges If my statement was false then, why didn't your son refute it? _Dem_ Don't ust at his folly _Phor_ Then do you, who are so wise, go before the istrates and ask the to the law of Athens, was impossible_]

Demipho has twice been completely beaten in a war of words--once by Geta and now by Phore as best he can, and now ry to express hih I have been outraged in this business, still, rather than have a quarrel with such as you, just as if she were related to ive her a dowry, take her away from here, and make it _fui minae_ _Phor_ Ho! ho! ho! Well, you _are_ a cheerful idiot! _De? Or can't I get even what is ht? _Phor_ Well, really now, I should like to ask you, when you have once ive her so? On the contrary, it is for the very purpose that a citizen of Athens may not come to shame on account of her poverty, that her next of kin is bidden to take her to wife And this purpose you are atte to thwart _Dem_ Yes, that's just it--”her next of kin”

But where do I come in on that score? _Phor_ O pshaw! don't thresh over old straw _Dem_ Sha'n't I? I vow I shall not stop until I have acco and bear-baiting on the part of Phored deterives his ultih Unless you take iet that woman away, I'll throw her out of the house I have spoken, Phormio

Phor Deestures, he says:

And if you touch that girl except as becoainst you I have spoken, Dee, e of Demipho, and the open-mouthed amazement of the three friends

Demipho now appeals to his friends for advice as to how to proceed in this crisis; but they are so obsequious in their manner, and so contradictory in their advice, that Dereater perplexity than before, and decides to take no action at all until his brother Chree in the direction of the harbor, his three friends having already bowed themselves out

This tely followed by the appearance of the young man himself in self-reproachful soliloquy that he should have run away and left his young wife in the lurch Geta appears, and tells Antipho all that has passed in his absence, h he sorely dreads the return of his uncle, who, it seems, is to be the arbiter of his destiny

Phaedria and his troubles now clai, they hear a pitiful outcry, and looking up, they see a black-browed, evil-faced, typical stage villain, e presently discover is Dorio, the slave-driver ns Phaedria's sweetheart

Things have evidently co Dorio, and ih to buy his sweetheart But Dorio says he has a customer who offers cash down After much entreaty, however, he tells Phaedria that if thehe will consider the bargain closed So there Phaedria's business is brought to a head, and the attention of us all must be at once turned to what has suddenly become the paramount issue What is to be done? Phaedria is too hysterical to be of any help in the matter, and Antipho tells the faithful and resourceful Geta that he et the money somehow Geta says that this is liable to be a pretty difficult matter, and doesn't want to undertake it, but is finally persuaded by Phaedria's pitiful despair to try He asks Phaedria how much money he needs

_Phaed_ Only six hundred dollars _Ge_ Six hundred dollars! Whew!

she's pretty dear, Phaedria _Phaed_ [_indignantly_] It's no such thing! She's cheap at the price _Ge_ Well, well! I'll get you the ives a picture of the situation from the point of view of the two old men, Demipho and Chremes, for the latter has just returned froe fresh from his travels, in company with his brother We now discover for the first time what is probably the real reason for the opposition to Antipho's irl

_Dehter with you, for whose sake you went to Lemnos? _Chr_ No, I didn't _Deour daughter, who had now reached a e, she simply packed up her whole household, and came here to hunt me up--so they told ht theht


_Chr_ Yes, and it's knocked all my plans into a cocked hat For if I hter with soorically just how she comes to be mine, and who her mother is I was secure in our proposed match between her and Antipho, for I knew that my secret was as safe in your hands as in my ohereas if an outsider co as we are on good terood forwith bated breath_]; and I'm dreadfully afraid that my ill find it out in so left for me to do is to takeI can call my own in this house

Frohter in Lemnos, and now lives in wholesome fear of his too e in fine spirits, loud in his praises of the shrewdness of Phor the money He is in search of Demipho, and is surprised to find Chremes on hand as well Meanwhile, Antipho has coe in search of Geta, just as the latter goes boldly up to the two old men As yet unseen by any one, Antipho retires to the back of the stage, and overhears the following conversation: