Part 4 (1/2)

We oard for Seneca's reputation as an artist, for in a long passage of sixty lines he proceeds to scour heaven, earth, and the waters under the earth, for every for that the mind of man can conceive; and by the time he has his full array of horrors ruesos that we cease to shi+ver at theredients for the hell-broth are ready

These deadly, potent herbs she takes and sprinkles o'er With serpent venoles unclean birds, a wailing screech-owl's heart, A ghastly vaic poisons all she ranges for her use: The ravening power of hidden fire is held in these, While deep in others lurks the nuic runes she adds, more potent far

But lo!

Her voice resounds, and as with maddened step she comes She chants her charms, while heaven and earth convulsive rock

Medea now enters, chanting her incantations Madness has done fearful ith her in the last few hours We see at a glance that she has indeed, as the nurse has told us, gone back to

The things herself hath held in fear these ed fro mother to a wild and murderous witch once more She calls upon the Gods of the underworld, the silent throng from the dark world of spirits, the tormented shades, all to come to her present aid She recounts her miraculous powers over nature which she has used aforetirasp

Thou radiant loriousob uise, thou Goddess dread Of triple for locks, And feet unsandaled, wandered through thy darkling groves, And by thy inspiration su seas have I subdued, And sent the vanquished waves to ocean's lowest depths

At ether shi+ne, The heavenly law reversed; while in the Arctic Sea The Bears have plunged The seasons, too, obey , And hoary winter autu waves to seek their source; And Ister, flowing to the sea with

The billows roar, the h the winds All silent lie At roves Have lost their leafy shade, and Phoebus, wrapped in gloo Hyades Attest ain Seneca's love for the curious runs counter to his art; for he represents Medea as possessed of a veritable athered froical and traditionary sources, and which she now takes occasion to recount And it is to this catalogue that we are co in breathless suspense to knohat is to come of all this preparation!

After these and s, Medea at last says to her attendants:

Take now Creusa's bridal robe, and steep in these My potent drugs; and when she dons the clinging folds, Let subtle flah her inic flames are compounded of some of that fire which Prometheus stole froiven her; a fla Phaethon, who had hi folly; the fiery Chimera's breath, and some of ”that fierce heat that parched the brazen bull of Colchis” The is before such an array of fires

The er mysterious

Truly, he doth explain too much

But now, in more hurried strain, we hasten on the denouement

Now, O Hecate, Give added force to these uard the hidden seeds of fla to instant life at huh her veins; In fervent heat consu locks outshi+ne Her e torches!--Lo,hounds of Hecate

Now all is ready: hither call My sons, and let theifts As costly presents to the bride [_Enter sons_]

Go, go, ifts and one, but quick your way retrace, That I may fold you in a last embrace

[_Exit sons toward the palace, Medea in the opposite direction_]

The chorus, which but dimly comprehends Medea's plans, briefly voices its dread of her unbridled passion It knows that she has one day only before her banishment from Corinth, and prays that this day may soon be over

And now, as the chorus and the old nurse wait in treer co breathless from the direction of the royal palace All ears are strained to hear his words, for his face and e:

Lo, all is lost! The kingdohter and the father lie in coer_ By gifts, the cos

_Chorus_ What harer_ In equal doubt I stand; And, though my eyes proclaim the dreadful deed is done, I scarce can trust their witness

_Chorus_ What theflames consume the palace at the will Of her who sent thens, While men do tremble for the very city's dooer_ Nay, here is added wonder: The copious streams of water _feed_ the deadly flae To whiter heat The very bulwarks feel their power