Part 3 (1/2)

A. Freshman/first year B. Soph.o.m.ore C. Junior D. Senior E. Uncla.s.sified F. Other 3. Which of these fields of study best describes your major(s) or expected major(s)? Mark only one in each column. If you do not have a secondary major or minor field of study, mark aN / A (not applicable).a 1. Agriculture 2. Anthropology 3. Architecture 4. Biological / life sciences (biology, biochemistry, botany, zoology, etc.) 5. Business (accounting, business administration, marketing, management, etc.) 6. Communications (speech, journalism, television / radio, etc.) 7. Computer and information sciences 8. Economics 9. Engineering and technology 10. Education 11. English and literature 12. Ethnic, cultural studies, and area studies 13. Foreign languages and literature (French, Spanish, Chinese etc.) 14. Health-related fields (nursing, physical therapy, health technology, etc.) 15. History 16. Home economics and vocational home economics 17. Law enforcement 18. Liberal / general studies 19. Mathematics 20. Multi / interdisciplinary studies (international relations, ecology, environmental studies, etc.) 21. Nursing and physical therapy 22. Parks, recreation, leisure studies, sports management 23. Philosophy 24. Physical education 25. Physical sciences (physics, chemistry, astronomy, earth sciences, etc) 26. Political Science 27. Psychology 28. Religion 29. Public administration (city management, law enforcement, etc.) 30. Sociology 31. Visual and performing arts (art, music, theater, etc.) 32. Undecided 33. Other 34. NA.

4. How many credits have you completed at this inst.i.tution, including those you are completing this semester?

A. 1a”12 B. 13a”24 C. 25a”36 D. 37a”48 E. over 48 5. Of the total number of credits you have completed at this inst.i.tution, including those you are completing this semester, how many are in each of the following: 0 1a”4 5a”8 9a”12 over 12 A. English B. Math C. Natural or Physical Science D. Social Science E. Humanities F. Your major or intended major 6. Where do you live?

A. University housing (on or off campus) B. Non-university housing, with family C. Non-university housing, independent 7. During the previous semester (Fall 2006), how many times have you done each of the following: 0 1a”2 3a”4 5a”6 more than 6 Met with a faculty member outside of cla.s.s Discussed course selection and program requirements with faculty or staff Worked with faculty members on activities other than coursework (e.g., research projects, academic clubs, etc.) Went to the writing center or attended a writing workshop Met with a tutor Wrote a research paper Took a writing-intensive course (wrote more than 20 pages over the course of the semester) Took a reading-intensive course (read more than 40 pages a week) 8. How many hours in a typical week do you spend doing each of the following: 0 1a”5 6a”10 11a”15 16a”20 more than 20 Attending / labs Studying alone Studying with peers Using computer for schoolwork Volunteering Spending time in a fraternity / sorority Partic.i.p.ating in student clubs Working on campus Working off-campus If you are working on or off campus, is your job related to your field of study or career goals?

[pull-down menu]

A. Yes B. No If you are working on or off campus, are you earning money to pay any tuition costs of attending college?

[pull-down menu]

A. Yes B. No If you are working on or off campus, are you earning money to send home to your family?

[pull-down menu]

A. Yes B. No 9. Approximately what percentage of your college costs (including tuition and fees, books, and room and board) this semester are covered by each of the following?

0a”9% 10a”39% 40a”59% 60a”89% 90a”100% Parents / family Scholars.h.i.+ps Grants Loans On-campus work Off-campus work 10. Please rate the following statements: Faculty members at my inst.i.tution are approachable, helpful, and understanding.

Part II: Background information 11. What is your s.e.x: A. Female B. Male 12. Which of the following categories best describes your racial / ethnic group?

A. Black, non-Hispanic B. American Indian / Alaska Native C. Asian / Pacific Islander D. Hispanic E. White, non-Hispanic F. Other 13. Was English the primary language spoken in your home when you were growing up?

A. No B. Yes 14. What is your citizens.h.i.+p?

A. U.S. citizen B. Permanent U.S. resident C. Immigrant (e.g., student visa, employment visa, etc.) 15. In years, how old are you? __________ 16. What is the highest degree you expect to attain?

A. Bacheloras B. Masteras (e.g., MA, MS, MBA) C. Doctorate D. Professional (e.g., medical, law, architecture) 17. What is the highest level of education completed by either of your parents?

A. Less than high school B. High school C. Some college, less than a bacheloras degree (including a.s.sociate and technical degrees) D. Bacheloras degree E. Graduate or professional degree 18. What is your fatheras or male guardianas current job? _________________ 19. What is your motheras or female guardianas current job? _______________ 20. What job do you expect to have six years after completing college? ______ 21. At age 16, were you living with: A. Mother and father B. Mother and male guardian C. Father and female guardian D. Mother only E. Father only F. Other relative or non-relative 22. How many siblings do you have?

A. 0.

B. 1.

C. 2.

D. 3.

E. more than 3 23. What high school did you attend (if multiple, report the last high school attended)?

Name ________________________ City ________________ State______ 24. Describe your grades in high school: English Math Science Social Studies Overall A. Mostly Aas B. Some Aas and Some Bas C. Mostly Bas D. Some Bas and Some Cas E. Mostly Cas and Das 25. How many AP courses did you take in high school?

A. 0.

B. 1.

C. 2.

D. 3.

E. 4.

F. more than 4 26. How many college-level courses did you take in high school?

A. 0.

B. 1.

C. 2.

D. 3.

E. 4.

F. more than 4


Chapter 1.

1. Derek Bok, Our Underachieving Colleges: A Candid Look at How Much Students Learn and Why They Should Be Learning More (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2006), 8.

2. Bok, Our Underachieving Colleges, 109.

3. Claudia Goldin and Lawrence F. Katz, The Race between Education and Technology (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2008), 353.

4. Helen Lefkowitz Horowitz, Campus Life: Undergraduate Cultures from the End of The Eighteenth Century to the Present (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1987), 11a”14.

5. James Coleman, The Adolescent Society (New York: Free Press, 1961).

6. Barbara Schneider and David Stevenson, The Ambitious Generation: Americaas Teenagers Motivated but Directionless (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999), 7.

7. Philip Babc.o.c.k and Mindy Marks, aThe Falling Time Cost of College: Evidence from Half a Century of Time Use Data,a Review of Economics and Statistics (forthcoming).

8. Rebekah Nathan, My Freshman Year: What a Professor Learned by Becoming a Student (New York: Penguin Books, 2006), 113. Rebekah Nathan is a pseudonym.

9. Valen E. Johnson, Grade Inflation: A Crisis in College Education (New York: Springer-Verlag, 2003), 9.

10. Mary Grigsby, College Life through the Eyes of Students (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2009), 117.

11. Arthur G. Powell, Eleanor Farrar, and David K. Cohen, The Shopping Mall High School: Winners and Losers in the Educational Marketplace (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1985), 9, 67a”68.

12. George D. Kuh, aWhat We Are Learning About Student Engagement,a Change 35 (2003): 28.