Part 46 (1/2)

Dancer swallowed. ”We can't do that, Fain.”

”Yes. You can. Don't lip me. We're venting atmosphere. I can feel it. We need to isolate this section and we're going to have to make a hard decision soon, anyway.”

Galene shook her head. ”No! I'm not about to leave you down there with no ventilation.”

”Yes!” Fain looked up and met her gaze. ”Stormy, we both know I'm nothing but a worthless piece of s.h.i.+t. I've never done anything right in my life. Please, don't risk Talyn for me. We've got to get him out of here.”

”He's right,” another engineer chimed in. ”We are venting atmosphere.”

”Then work faster,” she growled. ”Get them out!”

”We don't know where the leak is. We could make it worse. Again, we might lose them both.”

Galene broke on those words. ”No!” She leaned over and tried to find them through the darkness. ”Fain... please, don't do this.”

”It's okay, Storm. I'll always be with you. You know that. Not even death will keep me from you.”

Dancer met Galene's gaze with eyes filled by torment. ”What do I do?”

”I don't know. I can't make this decision. I won't... I can't lose either of them. And I can't watch another brother die.”

An aftershock shook the station, knocking the engineer from his feet. Dancer cursed as he went skidding sideways.

Galene barely caught herself before she fell, tumbling over the edge, down on top of Fain and Talyn.

Fain let out a roar of pain as more debris crashed on top of him and Talyn.

”Baby?” she called. ”What's happening?”

”It went deeper... I'm bleeding worse. You have to move fast. I'm not sure how much longer I can help Talyn. Send me the lift.”

”No!” Talyn growled. ”I'm not leaving you. We fell in together. We get out together.”

Fain smiled at the son he didn't deserve. ”You live. I live.”

Talyn s.h.i.+fted and took Fain's hand in both of his. ”There's only one thing in this life I want, Paka.” He swallowed hard. ”To hand my son to you for his naming. For him to carry on your name for another generation.”

Closing his eyes, Fain savored those words. That was the highest honor any Andarion son could bestow on his father. While mothers chose the names of their daughters, the fathers picked the names of their sons. For a male to ask his father to name his son in his stead...

It was rarely done.

Normally, the birth father chose the names of family members he wanted to honor or impress. Friends who meant something special to him. Fain only had Dancer, but he wouldn't take the honor of Dancer being able to name his son after himself.

Besides, Dancer had always hated his name. And there was only one other Andarion Fain honestly treasured.

Fain blinked back his tears. ”Then if it's a son Felicia honors us with, I would ask that he be called Talyn Aubrien of the Winged Blood Clan of Batur.”


He smiled sadly at his son. ”The name I would have given you, after the War Hauk who gave his life to save his sisters. And Talyn for the greatest athlete and son Andaria has ever produced.”

Talyn laughed, then groaned. His red eyes burned into Fain. ”Love you, Paka.”

”And I, you. Forever and beyond. With all I am, and all I hope to be.”

The lift fell down by Fain's side, striking him so hard that for a moment, he thought he might lose consciousness. Only his sheer force of will and refusal to see his son perish kept him alert enough to pry it from the rubble and work it around Talyn. With the last of his strength, he pulled up on the beam that pinned Talyn's legs.


They did. The moment Talyn began to rise, it s.h.i.+fted the weight of the beam that was piercing Fain and brought it down on him even harder. Fain bit his lip and tried to remain silent as pain ripped him apart. But he couldn't stand it. Crying out, he waited for death to stop the agony.

Suddenly, the pain lessened.

Not understanding the source, he looked up to see Nero and Hadrian through the breaks in the debris. With arms spread wide, they were using their Trisani powers to hold the rubble back from him while the engineers lifted Talyn out.

Galene pressed her hand to her lips and prayed beside Jayne as Talyn came free of the wreckage. Weeping silently, she ran to him. The medics placed him on the ground so that they could evaluate his condition. For once, he didn't fight them when they placed the mask over his face or even while they cut away his uniform.

That more than anything told her how bad his condition was. The only other time he'd not fought against medics had been after his last fighter crash.

Wanting to comfort him, but knowing she had to stay out of the medics' way, she squeezed his hand to let him know she was there and met his gaze.

She had half her heart safe.

The other part...

Galene glanced over to Hadrian and Nero. Both were sweating from the strain of holding up so much weight. Though to be honest, Nero looked much worse. Hadrian had always been the stronger of the two Trisani brothers. And that was the bad part about their exemplary mental powers. Too much, and they could give themselves brain damage.

Worse case, coma and death.

Jayne fretted by her side. ”Hadrian can't do this much longer.”

Galene ran to the side to see if there was any way to reach Fain. d.a.m.n it! What good were wings when she couldn't even fly down to him? ”Fain?”

”I'm here, love. I know they have to let go. Tell Nero and Hadrian it's okay. There's no need in them risking Jayne descending into h.e.l.l to kill us all for them trying to do a good deed.”

Hadrian snorted at his misplaced humor. ”Not giving up yet, Hauk. Besides, you know how much I love to live dangerously. Why else would I share a domicile with Jayne? Risking her wrath is what I do for fun.”

”You need to find a new hobby, my friend.”

”How 'bout we get you out of that hole and you can teach me one?”

Fain coughed as his sight dimmed. Sadly, it wasn't going to happen. But he was glad that he wasn't alone. If he had to die, he wanted it to be with the sound of Galene's sweet voice ringing in his ears.

”We're losing oxygen. We've got to seal the area before we jeopardize more of the station.”

Galene growled at the engineer. ”Not until we get Commander Hauk out!”

Nero staggered and went down to one knee.

The moment he did, Hadrian's nose started bleeding. ”I can't hold this alone. It's too heavy.”