Part 1 (1/2)

The Corner House Girls Among the Gypsies.

by Grace Brooks Hill.


If Sammy Pinkney had not been determined to play a ”joey” and hooked back one of the garage doors so as to enter astride a broomstick with a dash and the usual clown announcement, ”Here we are again!” all would not have happened that did happen to the Corner House girls--at least, not in just the way the events really occurred.

Even Dot, who was inclined to be forgiving of most of Sammy's sins both of omission and commission, admitted that to be true. Tess, the next oldest Corner House girl (n.o.body ever dignified her with the name of ”Theresa,” unless it were Aunt Sarah Maltby) was inclined to reflect the opinion regarding most boys held by their oldest sister, Ruth. Tess's frank statement to this day is that it was entirely Sammy's fault that they were mixed up with the Gypsies at all.


”Well, if I'm going to be in your old circus,” Sammy announced doggedly, ”I'm going to be a joey--or _nothin'_.”

”You know very well, Sammy, that you can't be that,” said Tess reprovingly.

”Huh? Why can't I? I bet I'd make just as good a clown as Mr. Sully Sorber, who is Neale's half-uncle, or Mr. Asa Scruggs, who is Barnabetta's father.”

”I don't mean you can't be a clown,” interrupted Tess. ”I mean you can't be just _nothing_. You occupy s.p.a.ce, so you must be something. Our teacher says so.”

”Shucks!” e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed Sammy Pinkney. ”Don't I know that? And I wish you wouldn't talk about school. Why! we're only in the middle of our vacation, I should hope.”

”It seems such a long time since we went to school,” murmured Dot, who was sitting by, nursing the Alice-doll in her arms and waiting her turn to be called into the circus ring, which was the cleared s.p.a.ce in the middle of the cement floor.

”That's because all you folks went off cruising on that houseboat and never took me with you,” grumbled Sammy, who still held a deep-seated grouch because of the matter mentioned. ”But 'tain't been long since school closed--and it isn't going to be long before the old thing opens again.”

”Why, Sammy!” admonished Tess.

”I just _hate_ school, so I do!” vigorously announced the boy. ”I'd rather be a tramp--or a Gypsy. Yes, I would.”

”Or a pirate, Sammy?” suggested Dot reflectively. ”You know, me and you didn't have a very nice time when we went off to be pirates. 'Member?”

”Huh!” grumbled Sammy, ”that was because you was along. Girls can't be pirates worth shucks. And anyway,” he concluded, ”I'm going to be the joey in this show, or I won't play.”

”It will be supper time and the others will be back with the car, so none of us can play if we don't start in pretty soon,” Tess observed.

”Dot and I want to practice our gym work that Neale O'Neil has been teaching us. But you can clown it all you want to, Sammy.”

”Well, that lets me begin the show anyway,” Sammy stated with satisfaction.

He always did want to lead. And now he immediately ran to hook back the door and prepared to make his entrance into the ring in true clowning style, as he had seen Sully Sorber do in Twomley & Sorber's Herculean Circus and Menagerie.

The Kenway garage opened upon Willow Street and along that pleasantly shaded and quiet thoroughfare just at this time came three rather odd looking people. Two were women carrying brightly stained baskets of divers shapes, and one of these women--usually the younger one--went into the yard of each house and knocked at the side or back door, offering the baskets for sale.

The younger one was black-eyed and rather pretty. She was neatly dressed in very bright colors and wore a deal of gaudy jewelry. The older woman was not so attractive--or so clean.

Loitering on the other side of the street, and keeping some distance behind the Gypsy women, slouched a tall, roughly clad fellow who was evidently their escort. The women came to the Kenway garage some time after Sammy Pinkney had made his famous ”entrance” and Dot had abandoned the Alice-doll while she did several handsprings on the mattress that Tess had laid down. Dot did these very well indeed. Neale O'Neil, who had been trained in the circus, had given both the smaller Corner House girls the benefit of his advice and training. They loved athletic exercises. Mrs. McCall, the Corner House housekeeper, declared Tess and Dot were as active as gra.s.shoppers.

The two dark-faced women, as they peered in at the open doorway of the garage, seemed to think Dot's handsprings were marvelously well done, too; they whispered together excitedly and then the older one slyly beckoned the big Gypsy man across the street to approach.

When he arrived to look over the women's heads it was Tess who was actively engaged on the garage floor. She was as supple as an eel. Of course, Tess Kenway would not like to be compared to an eel; but she was proud of her ability to ”wriggle into a bow knot and out again”--as Sammy vociferously announced.