Part 7 (1/2)
Zaphod took and looked at it in amazement.
”What are the brown stains?” he asked.
”Bar-B-Q sauce,” said Roosta, ”for when I get sick of wheatgerm.”
Zaphod sniffed it doubtfully.
Even more doubtfully, he sucked a corner. He spat it out again.
”Ugh,” he stated.
”Yes,” said Roosta, ”when I've had to suck that end I usually need to suck the other end a bit too.”
”Why,” asked Zaphod suspiciously, ”what's in that?”
”Anti-depressants,” said Roosta.
”I've gone right off this towel, you know,” said Zaphod handing it back.
Roosta took it back from him, swung himself off the desk, walked round it, sat in the chair and put his feet up.
”Beeblebrox,” he said, sticking his hands behind his head, ”have you any idea what's going to happen to you on the Frogstar?”
”They're going to feed me?” hazarded Zaphod hopefully.
”They're going to feed you,” said Roosta, ”into the Total Perspective Vortex!”
Zaphod had never heard of this. He believed that he had heard of all the fun things in the Galaxy, so he a.s.sumed that the Total Perspective Vortex was not fun. He asked what it was.
”Only,” said Roosta, ”the most savage psychic torture a sentinent being can undergo.”
Zaphod nodded a resigned nod.
”So,” he said, ”no food, huh?”
”Listen!” said Roosta urgently, ”you can kill a man, destroy his body, break his spirit, but only the Total Perspective Vortex can annihilate a man's soul! The treatment lasts seconds, but the effect lasts the rest of your life!”
”You ever had a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster?” asked Zaphod sharply.
”This is worse.”
”Phreeow!” admitted Zaphod, much impressed.
”Any idea why these guys might want to do this to me?” he added a moment later.
”They believe it will be the best way of destroying you for ever.
They know what you're after.”
”Could they drop me a note and let me know as well?”
”You know,” said Roosta, ”you know, Beeblebrox. You want to meet the man who rules the Universe.”
”Can he cook?” said Zaphod. On reflection he added: ”I doubt if he can. If he could cook a good meal he wouldn't worry about the rest of the Universe. I want to meet a cook.”
Roosta sighed heavily.
”What are you doing here anyway?” demanded Zaphod, ”what's all this got to so with you?”
”I'm just one of those who planned this thing, along with Zarniwoop, along with Yooden Vranx, along with your great grandfather, along with you, Beeblebrox.”
”Yes, you. I was told you had changed, I didn't realize how much.”
”I am here to do one job. I will do it before I leave you.”
”What job, man, what are you talking about?”
”I will do it before I leave you.”
Roosta lapsed into an impenetrable silence.
Zaphod was terribly glad.
Chapter 9
The air around the second planet of the Frogstar system was stale and unwholesome.
The dank winds that swept continually over its surface swept over salt flats, dried up marshland, tangled and rotting vegetation and the crumbling remains of ruined cities. No life moved across its surface. The ground, like that of many planets in this part of the Galaxy, had long been deserted.
The howl of the wind was desolate enough as it gusted through the old decaying houses of the cities; it was more desolate as it whipped about the bottoms of the tall black towers that swayed uneasily here and there about the surface of this world. At the top of these towers lived colonies of large, scraggy, evil smelling birds, the sole survivors of the civilization that once lived here.
The howl of the wind was at its most desolate, however, when it pa.s.sed over a pimple of a place set in the middle of a wide grey plain on the outskirts of the largest of the abandoned cities.
This pimple of a place was the thing that had earned this world the reputation of being the most totally evil place in the Galaxy. From without it was simply a steel dome about thirty feet across. From within it was something more monstrous than the mind can comprehend.
About a hundred yards or so away, and separated from it by a pockmarked and blasted stretch of the most barren land imaginable was what would probably have to be described as a landing pad of sorts. That is to say that scattered over a largish area were the ungainly hulks of two or three dozen crash-landed buildings.
Flitting over and around these buildings was a mind, a mind that was waiting for something.
The mind directed its attention into the air, and before very long a distant speck appeared, surrounded by a ring of smaller specks.
The larger speck was the left-hand tower of the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy office building, descending through the stratosphere of Frogstar World B.