Part 3 (1/2)
Markie promised herself she would work on that this visit. Sona strolled in with the cordless phone still to her ear saying her good byes to Markies sister. ”Ok Glenn. Well see you soon. Were all looking forward to your visit. Love you bye bye.” Sona said handing the phone to Markie. Markie always marveled at how easy it was for Sona to voice her feelings. She took a deep breath and returned to the conversation with Glenn. Glenn told her she would wrap up things she was doing, tell her friends farewell and drive up on the It was only a four hour drive so it was very manageable in one sitting. Markie was glad everything was settled and the cavalry was coming. Markie both looked forward to seeing Glenn and dreaded it at the same time. *
Shaley and Spencer stepped off the school bus with the rest of the kids from the after school program. Sona stood at the end of the driveway to meet them and walk them to the back door of the Church. ”Wheres our Brandon?” She asked the group. ”Thick” Spencer answered smiling. Elizabeth ran up to walk beside Spencer. Sona smiled thinking Elizabeth had a serious crush on him. ”Maybe hes just sick of school.” Sona joked. ”No weel thick.” Spencer answered. ”Real sick huh? Well I hope he gets better soon.” Sona marveled at how literal kids were sometimes.
Shaley liked going over to the Church and playing games with the kids for a while after school. She, Elizabeth and Spencer and sometimes Brandon or Connor would play video games. Today Spencer ran over to the TV to watch the weather forecast. For some reason he enjoyed telling Sona what the weather was going to be for the next day. ”Mowo wain.” He ran to tell her. ”Its going to rain tomorrow huh? Ill have to remember to wear my duck shoes.” Sona replied. ”Yaaaa” Spencer replied smiling and pulling his cowlick. ”Sona! I cant get the video game to work.” Elizabeth said in a panic. ”Ok lets see whats going on. You have to push the input b.u.t.ton on the remote and then component one to change from TV to game.” She explained.
Irene tried to grab the remote control from Elizabeth and they almost started a wrestling match over it. Irene pinched Elizabeth and she let go of the remote to check her injury. ”Irene, remember we talked about that. We dont hurt or hit each other around here. Let me set up that game you like on the computer.” Sona took the remote and handed it to Elizabeth then took Irene over to an empty chair in front of one of the desktop computers. She then went to check on Elizabeth who was still whimpering. Sona checked Elizabeth who had a red welt forming on her forearm.
A knock on the door drew Sonas attention away from the drama. It was Reubens mom. She carried a hanging potted Fuchsia plant and a new keyboard to replace the one Rueben smashed in frustration the previous day. The after school program had a bit of a b.u.mpy beginning and Sona was already working on getting some co-op students to come after school for school credit in the fall to help out. *
Glenn packed up her Beemer, topped up the tank and hit the onramp of the Highway. Shed sold her restaurant because it had become too stressful. Shed put everything into that place, spent all her time there to the detriment of her relations.h.i.+p. One day she came home and he was gone. It was just as well because her relations.h.i.+p with Michael had been contentious from the get go. Theyd conceived of the restaurant together but she had been the only one working there for the past few years and after he left... well she just didnt have the pa.s.sion for it any longer.
Glenn had loved Michael and shed loved the restaurant but now... that was all ancient history. Glenn took a deep breath and moved the from the top of her head down over her eyes. Maybe this was her chance at a new start. She sped along the highway and too quickly entered the lanes merging from the collector lanes to transition to the Expressway. Her brunette mane dancing behind and the defiant red streak shed dyed along her temple made her look like the G.o.ddess of fire.
She had to admit to herself at least that shed gone down a slippery slope since selling Harpers Mill. Too much drink and pot and nothing constructive to do with her time had led to some very poor choices. She was however inwardly stoked about seeing her sister and her family. Markie had been a bit of a rebel in her day but when she met Sona all that had changed. At the time Glenn had vigorously mocked her but now she respected, admired and even envied her sister although she would never publicly admit that. Maybe some of Markies inner strength would rub off on her. G.o.d knows she needed it desperately. *
Sona had been asked by some of the parents to extend her program to morning once or twice a month to allow them time to do their shopping, appointments and other errands. Shed wanted the time to spend with her own family but she had reluctantly agreed. She decided to take the opportunity and use this particular to train her new a.s.sistant. The young woman shed chosen for the position had a degree in Early Childhood Education along with a course in Psychology. She didnt have much experience with people with special needs but Sona felt she had the right temperament so she gave her a shot.
Spencers s.h.i.+ft at the diner didnt start until later so he came to hang out with his friends. Elizabeth gravitated to him and immediately they went over to the video game they had been playing the previous evening. Sona introduced Lydia her new a.s.sistant to the kids as they arrived explaining their personalities as they went by. ”Hi Irene.” Sona said cheerfully. Irene glared at the two women then flopped down on the couch beside Spencer and Elizabeth. Sona turned to Lydia. ”Irenes mom just had a baby and shes having a little bit of trouble adjusting.” Sona explained. ”Is she verbal?” Lydia asked. ”Oh yes, shes very intelligent. Her family is from Central America and she speaks three languages... when she has a mind to.” Sona explained to Lydia. ”Shes been pus.h.i.+ng and hitting some of the other children so we need to keep a close eye on her.” Sona whispered.
Shaley walked in with a handful of wild flowers. ”Hi Auntie. I thought we could do some crafts with these.” She said smiling. Shaley took the flowers over to the activity table where Connor and Reuben joined her drawn by the scent of spring. Spencer came over and picked up a wild Orange Hawkweed to inspect more closely. Elizabeth tossed down her game controller and ran over to be at her usual spot at Spencers side. Elizabeth loved to help Sona with needed supplies or preparing snacks but when she wasnt doing that she was glued to Spencer. Shed really taken a s.h.i.+ne to him.
Irene sat on the couch with her legs pulled up in front of her hugging a throw pillow. She stood up, threw the pillow down and stomped over to the table as well. Spencer handed Elizabeth the Hawkweed hed been admiring and she took it gleefully. Elizabeth danced around in circles twirling the flower. Irene s.n.a.t.c.hed the flower from her and threw it onto the ground and stomped on it. ”No!” Spencer exclaimed. Irene lunged at Elizabeth but Lydia seeing the direction of her movement went to intercept. Instead of pus.h.i.+ng Elizabeth Irene shoved Lydia who fell unceremoniously onto her b.u.t.t. Sona was immediately standing in front of her. ”Irene no!” Sona said sternly.
Irene was face to face with Sona her hands clenched tightly into fists. She turned and started to go around the room throwing anything she could physically lift. Her temper erupted like a volcano whose mountain couldnt contain the buildup of pressure any longer. Lydia was back up on her feet and quickly escorted the other children down the hall to Emmas exercise room. ”Shaley call Irenes parents!” Sona shouted to her niece. Shaley jumped into action as Irene continued her rampage screaming in anger and frustration. Sona knew there was no sense trying to stop her and just hoped she would run out of steam eventually. She stood by the door and hoped they would arrive quickly. Shaley returned to the rooms entrance. ”Shay, could you please go to the end of the driveway and direct Irenes parents here.” Sona asked pointing toward the exit. Shaley did as she was asked. Irene had exhausted objects to throw or break so she threw herself on the ground kicking and screaming... *
Chapter Thirteen.
Glenn pulled her car into the driveway of The Old Rectory. She was thinking how pleased she was to have made such good time and missed all the weekend traffic of people headed north to their cottages. She noticed a commotion in the Church drive next door and she knew her sister and Sona owned that building as well. She jumped out of her Beemer and sprinted across the lawn and the Church parking lot. Shaley spotted her and ran into her arms. ”Auntie Glenn!” A m.u.f.fled voice came out of Shaley as she was pressed into Glenns shoulder. ”What the h.e.l.l is going on?” Glenn said very concerned. ”Mm mm mmmmm!” Shaley replied. Glenn frowned and pried Shaley off her shoulder. ”Its one of Aunt Sonas Peeps. She flipped out and trashed the place.” She said when Glenn held her at arms length. ”Is Sona ok?... are you?” Glenn said looking her over carefully. ”Im fine. Im so glad youre here!” Shaley said hugging her tightly again.
Sona came out of the Churches side door. Irenes father had loaded her into the back seat and slammed the door. Sona was followed by another smaller woman holding her wrist at an awkward angle. Glenn went over to Sona who waved her hand. ”Glenn Im so glad youre here. Could you please do me a favor and take Lydia here to the emergency room in Huntsville to have her wrist looked at.” Sona asked still a little distracted. ”What! I dont even know where that is.” Glenn started to protest. ”I have to stay here with the rest of the children... please Glenn.” Sona begged. ”Ill show you where it is. Can we please go now?” Lydia said cringing. ”Ill tell you all about it when you get back... and thank you!” Sona promised. Glenn pointed to her car. ”Thats my Beemer over there. Lets get you checked out.” She said to Lydia. *
Shaley stood in the window of the spare room overlooking the front yard and street. She very much hoped Aunt Glenn would get back soon. Shed barely had time to say h.e.l.lo when she took off again and it had been hours. She looked around the room. Sona had furnished the room with some of the pieces of furniture the previous owner had left in the house. Shaley took one last look around to make sure everything was ready for Glenn. She checked the en-suite bathroom for cleanliness, new bar of soap and fresh towels. She made sure the pedestal sink was spotless and the faucet tight.
Shaley looked into the old mercury gla.s.s mirror and saw her old friend Nurse Gordon standing behind her. Back in the day wealthy families hired actual nurses to take care of their infants. Nurse Gordon had become a beloved member of the family and had spent more than a decade helping the family raise the children. Shaley knew her as a stern woman but she also knew this woman loved and watched over the family and especially the children in her charge. ”My Aunt is here to stay with us for a while.” Shaley told Nurse Gordons image. ”Im so happy shes here Ive missed her.” Nurse Gordon didnt respond she just nodded her head and walked out of the room.
Nurse Gordon wasnt your average apparition. She had real substance and it wasnt odd to find doors locked or closed that were open only moments before. Shed taken her job seriously in life and still did in the afterlife. She wore a white uniform with white stockings, a nurses cap with a navy blue stripe. She wore a cameo on her neck and a blue cardigan draped over her shoulders. She hadnt meant to startle Sona when they first moved into the house. She quite liked the idea of having a family to take care of again. Each family member at some point had caught glimpses of her from time to time and soon it had become a running joke about Nurse Gordon straightening shoes in the foyer or placing clothes in the hamper. Shaley could feel the love and compa.s.sion she had in her soul and that she just really wanted to be of service. Shaley heard tires on gravel and ran downstairs hoping it was Glenn. *
The dinner table was covered with Sonas best dishes in advance of the meal. Shed prepared Glenns favorite, roast beef. Sona filled everyone in on the days events. Irene had a complete meltdown and wouldnt be returning to the program. Glenn didnt waste any time digging into her plate. She took a huge bite of tender roast, mashed potatoes and gravy. ”Oh my G.o.d Sona this is fantastic.” She said with her mouth full. She closed her eyes and savored the flavors. ”Sorry that was rude of me. So your friend has a severely sprained wrist. They gave her a splint and some Tylenol 3s for pain and sent her home.” Glenn informed Sona.
Sona handed Shaley the salt. ”Shes not exactly my friend. She only just started working for me today.” Sona sighed. ”d.a.m.n!” Glenn said. ”Im wondering if she will even be coming back after todays fiasco. Ill give her a call after dinner to see how she is and where her head is.” Sona thought out loud. ”Aunt Glenn will you watch a movie with me?” Shaley asked changing the subject. ”Sure kid. As soon as dinner is over we can watch whatever you want.” Glenn smiled warmly. ”Shaley if youre done eating could you take Glenn to her room and show her around?” Markie asked. Shaley bolted out of her chair and ran to the foyer to get Glenns duffle bag.
Emma helped Sona clear the table. ”Glenn I talked to Uncle Tullio and he wants to talk to you about the diner.” Markie said to her little sister. Glenn ignored her. ”Is there anywhere around here I can get a drink?” She asked no one in particular. ”Uncle Tullio and Naomi hang out at the Legion on the weekends.” Emma offered. ”Perfect! I can kill two birds with one stone.” Glenn said cheerfully then followed Shaley down the hall and up the front staircase. *
Shaley took the heaviest of Glenns bags and started up the stairs. Glenn for her part followed momentarily with the rest of her gear. ”What do you think of the house? Its great right.” Shaley smiled. She walked to the end of the hall toward the front of the house. ”Its amazing.” Glenn said taking a cursory look around the upper floor. ”I love this room. The energy in here is nice and light... and you can see when people come and go.” Shaley said pointing toward the window. Glenn dropped her bags by the door. ”You can use these drawers and the closet is over there. Its small but Sona says its a miracle we even have them in a house this old. You also have your own bathroom in there.” Shaley turned to smile at her favorite Aunt.
Glenn smiled checking out the rooms features. It was like walking into a place in history. ”Ok then Ill meet you downstairs for that movie. Any one in particular you want to see? Aunt Markie has quite the collection.” Shaley said heading out the door. ”Im sure whatever you pick will be fine.” Glenn responded. ”Ok Ill meet you downstairs. Dont be long or well end up watching some sports show Emma likes.” Shaley said. ”Wait Shaley!” Glenn called after her. Shaley peeked her head back into the room.
Glenn sat down on the edge of the bed and patted the place beside her indicating she wanted Shaley to join her. ”Do you really think Markie is happy Im here?” Glenn asked. ”Oh sure. Shes always telling us stories about the trouble you two got into as kids. I think she really misses you... we all do.” Shaley confided. Glenn sighed as though a great weight had been lifted from her shoulders. ”Shaley can I ask you something?” Glenn was more tentative this time. ”Sure whats up?” Shaley answered. ”What the h.e.l.l is all this about you seeing and talking to ghosts and s.h.i.+t? Is that true?” Glenn suddenly looked very serious. Shaley giggled. ”I love that you dont treat me like a dumb kid Auntie Glenn.” Shaley said covering her mouth to giggle.
Glenn just looked at her expectantly. ”I see and talk to people who have crossed over. I dont know why no one else sees them. It feels perfectly normal to me.” Shaley said seriously. ”I like that when people are gone from this world and the physical existence that theyre not really gone.” Shaley said looking into Glenns eyes. ”I can understand that... no offense but I dont really want to see ghosts.” Glenn smiled but looked worried at the same time. Shaley decided not to tell her about Nurse Gordon or her Father who were both hovering nearby. *
Chapter Fourteen.
Glenn had a great time watching a movie with the girls but she really needed to blow off some steam. She was feeling stressed about working in a kitchen again and she hoped she could keep it together. She hadnt told anyone the real reason shed sold the restaurant. She had begun having anxiety attacks at high traffic times in the kitchen and would have to walk outside at the most inappropriate times. The walls would start closing in, shed break out in a cold sweat and she felt like she couldnt breathe. She felt a lot of shame that she was letting everyone down and she vowed shed get into counselling.
She told her head Chef and Maitre d about selling and they made an offer. Frankly it was a low ball offer but she just wanted out before her depression and anxiety reduced the value even further. It all happened very quickly and at the same time she sold her home on Kitty Murray Lane and moved to a much more reasonable older home on Fiddlers Green Road in Ancaster. With the crisis averted, her bills paid and anxiety alleviated thoughts of counselling went to the back burner. Instead she started to self-medicate with marijuana and alcohol.
Thinking of going to work at Uncle Tullios diner forced some of those old feelings which had been hidden for so long to resurface. The restaurant and the diner were two very different businesses and she wouldnt be at the helm but she worried that she would let everyone down. Glenn sat in her car in the parking lot of the Legion Hall thinking about all this and she started feeling the familiar beginnings of anxiety starting to build. She opened her window taking deep breaths and loosened the neck of her spring jacket. ”d.a.m.n I need a drink!” She said closing the window and locking everything up before going inside.
The Legion looked like a hundred others shed seen over the years, too dark, dingy and needing a thorough cleaning. Everything about the place said old including most of its patrons. She made a bee line for the bar and ordered a shot and a beer. She downed the shot and cringed at the taste. When had she become such a hard a.s.s drinker she thought to herself. Glenn stared into the foam of her beer for several minutes.
She heard shuffling footsteps behind her seconds before a gentle familiar voice spoke. ”Glenda. Im so glad to see you! Its been too long.” Uncle Tullio said. Glenn turned and looked into his kind eyes. Hed aged some since the last time shed seen him. A little older, a little greyer, but his eyes still held the deepest love and compa.s.sion of anyone shed ever met. It was almost enough to make Glenn break down into tears. She turned and gave him a warm hug. ”Ive missed you too Uncle.” He hugged her tightly. ”Come over to my table so we can talk.” He said motioning to a quiet set up against the wall.
Glenn wasnt looking forward to this conversation in spite of the love she felt for him. ”How are you Glenda?” Uncle Tullio said as they both placed their drinks on the table and sat down. ”Im ok.” She said unconvincingly. He looked at her with that familiar skeptical gaze. ”I dont want to talk about that right now ok Uncle. Lets talk about the Diner now.” Glenn said hopefully. ”For a small place we get pretty busy and we dont have a short order cook. We have a Chef I brought here that I knew back in Toronto. Hes very good and is putting a new and vibrant twist on old favorites. The people are locals and they are very laid back so you dont have to get all stressed during the rush. I have a great staff and if you need extra help Emma and Naomi can pitch in.” Tullio explained. ”So Naomi doesnt work at the diner? Where is she anyway? I want to meet this woman whos stolen my favorite Uncles heart.” Glenn teased. ”She thought we might like to get reacquainted and have a private talk before she comes over. Shes not at all like Gina-Marie Glenda but shes a very good woman and we love each other so I want you to be nice to her.” Tullio looked serious.
In the past Glenn hadnt had the best judgment and might very well have acted like a fool but shed grown up since then. ”Dont worry Uncle. If she makes you happy... Im happy.” She said taking a sip of her beer. ”I need you to keep an eye on the diner. I have a good staff and they know what to do. I just want you to help out anywhere youre needed. We dont stand on ceremony. You will be doing everything from busing tables to taking out the trash. Whatever needs doing ok?” Tullio concluded looking at Glenn for signs of displeasure. Working in a backwoods diner was a far cry from what Glenda was used to.
Glenn squirmed nervously. ”There is something you should know Uncle...” Glenn started to say but was interrupted by a regal looking woman with chiseled features , mocha skin and long ebony hair tied in a braid. ”Naomi my love, this is my niece Glenda.” Tullio said smiling proudly. Glenn stood up to shake hands with Naomi. ”Im pleased to meet you maam. My friends call me Glenn. Only stubborn Uncle Tullio calls me that ridiculous name.” Glenn blushed. ”And you can call me Naomi.” Tullios better half offered. Naomi hadnt meant to interrupt but she sensed there was tension building and she hoped to defuse it.
Naomi sat down beside Tullio and smiled lovingly at him. ”Thanks for coming to help. Tullio is really looking forward to getting out of the diner and doing what he does best.” Noami said. ”Im glad I could help out.” Glenn mumbled and Naomi didnt miss the hesitation in her voice. ”Tullio said youve been out of the business for a while so maybe Ill come by and help you out.” Naomi offered. ”Thats not necessary Naomi. I should be able to handle it.” Glenn said trying to sound confident but not feeling it inside. Inside her chest her heart raced at the thought and she felt like she might puke. ”Well let me give you my cell number just in case.” Naomi said holding out her hand for Glenns phone. Glenn hesitated but then handed it over. Naomi quickly programmed hers and Tullios numbers in the contact folder. ”I have to use the little girls room.” Glenn lied taking her phone back.
Naomis eyes followed Glenn across the room. Something was going on with Glenn and she was going to find out what. Glenn went to the restroom to splash water on her face. This was going to be a nightmare. How was she going to work inside a tiny diner with crowds of people, noise and the heat. She almost started to cry at the thought of letting her family down. A group of women came stomping into the restroom their heels clicking loudly on the ceramic tiles. Glenn made a hasty escape.
Almost as soon as she re-entered the main room a couple of locals offered to buy her drinks. She accepted not wanting to return to the table with Tullio and Naomi. Several hours later and a number of drinks downed Glenn was three sheets to the wind. Shed sat down with the Murphy brothers and a few of their buddies. They bought her a couple of very strong drinks and once shed loosened up she spent some time on the dance floor. Finally Glenn realized shed had too much to drink. ”Ok guys, I hate to love you and leave you but its time I went home. Thanks for such a great time... good night.” Glenn said trying to make a graceful exit. ”Wait a minute there little lady. You havent decided which one of us youre going home with.” Jeremy Murphy put his arm around her waist and pulled her close.
Glenn knew this might not be an easy escape. ”I just came in for a few drinks, some fun and now its time for me to head home.” Glenn slurred. ”Oh were going to have some fun alright...” Jeremy the youngest of the Murphy boys said as his brothers laughed. ”Come along Glenda Ill take you home now.” Tullios strong voice said over the din of country music and other voices vying to be heard. ”Uncle!” Glenn said a little too enthusiastically. Jeremy let her go reluctantly as she stumbled toward Tullio. Tullio caught her and helped her steady herself as he glared at Jeremy. ”Ive missed you Uncle. Youre such a good man.” Glenn pulled herself away from Tullios embrace as she patted him gently on the chest.
Tullio lead the way to his newly restored truck. Glenn hopped into the pa.s.senger seat and immediately opened the window. Tullio entered the drivers side and slammed the door. Naomi came to his window. ”Will you be ok?” He asked her in his thick Italian accent. ”Ill be fine. I can handle the Murphys. Ill be here when you get back. Drive safe.” Naomi said stepping up on the running board and giving him a kiss on the lips. She stepped down and walked back to the Legion entrance. Tullio pulled out of the parking lot and headed toward the edge of town and The Old Rectory. ”I like her Uncle.” Glenn said turning toward him with bleary eyes. ”Who Naomi? Me too.” He replied smiling. ”Oh G.o.d! I shouldnt have drank so much.” She said. Tullio for his part just shook his head. ”Dont you go puking in my nice new truck.” Tullio scolded.
Glenn hung her head out the window like a puppy excited about a car ride. ”Ive missed you all so much Uncle. All I had in Ancaster was Michael after you left and now hes gone too.” She mumbled as they pulled into the Rectory driveway. Tullio didnt respond as he pulled into an empty spot. He knew Glenn needed to talk about it but this was not the right time. Glenn exited the truck and stumbled slightly as she did so. Tullio opened his door to help. ”Its ok Uncle. Ive got it. Ill be ok. Thanks for the ride.” Glenn blew him a kiss and staggered up the porch steps. Tullio shook his head wondering if she really was going to be ok and find peace while being sheltered with her family. He very much hoped so.
Glenn stumbled up the stairs on unsteady legs and was greeted by Storm who let out a single woof. She patted him on the head with one hand while having a death grip on the railing with the other. ”Its ok boy its just me.” She told him. She made it to her room and took off her shoes and jeans before flopping face first onto the antique bed. She fell asleep but at some point started to feel nauseated with the bed spinning around like a tilt-a-whirl ride. She flipped onto her back and put one foot down on the floor. That usually helped with the spinning sensation but not this night. She had really overdone it with the booze and now she was paying for it.
Her mouth started hyper-salivating and she knew it was imperative that she make it to the restroom before she lost her cookies on Sonas nice quilted bedspread. She made it just in time to hurl not just the copious amounts of alcohol shed downed but also remnants of the meal shed consumed earlier. Glenn wretched long after shed emptied her entire stomach contents leaving her throat raw and her stomach muscles sore. ”Oh G.o.d” she moaned. She sat there on the floor for some time making sure the nausea had completely subsided.