Part 10 (1/2)
Which, halfway wandering from the sky, Amid the rose of morn delays And (large and less alternately) Bends down a l.u.s.trous, tearful gaze.
Mother and home of spirits blest!
Bright gate of Heaven and golden bower!
Thy best of blessings, love and rest, Depart not till on earth thou shower!
If sense of Man's unworthiness With Nature's blameless looks at strife, Should wake with wakening May, and press New-born contentment out of life:
If thoughts of sable breed and blind Should stamp upon the springing flower, Or blacker memories haunt the mind As ravens haunt the ruined tower:--
O then how sweet in heart to breathe Those pure Judean gales once more; From Bethlehem's crib to Nazareth In heart to tread that Syrian sh.o.r.e!
To watch that star-like Infant bring To one of soul as clear and white May-lilies, fresh from Siloa's spring, Or Pa.s.sion-flower with May-dews bright!
To follow, earlier yet, the feet Of her the ”hilly land” who trod With true love's haste, intent to greet That aged saint beloved of G.o.d.
Before her, like a stream let loose, The long vale's flowerage, winding, ran: Nature resumed her Eden use; And Earth was reconciled with Man.
_Causa Nostra Laet.i.tiae._
Whate'er is floral on the earth To thee, O Flower, of right belongs; Whate'er is musical in mirth, Whate'er is jubilant in songs.
Childhood and springtide never cease For him thy freshness keeps from stain: Dew-drenched for him, like Gideon's fleece, The dusty paths of life remain.
Spirit of Brightness and of Bliss!
Thou threaten'st none! A sinless lure, Thy fragrance and thy gladsomeness Draw on to Christ; to Christ secure.
Hope, Hope is Strength! That joy of thine To us is Glory's earliest ray!
Through Faith's dim air, O star benign, Look down, and light our onward way!
_Stella Maris._