c40 (1/2)
Defiled Hero Chapter 040
Defiled Hero
「I was never liked very much, but she seems to like you quite a bit, Izayoi.」 (Guildmaster)
「...I trained her well.」 (Izayoi)
「It doesn't give off the feeling of training though?」 (Guildmaster)
About two weeks had pa.s.sed, and the guildmaster came back. Looking at Tear clinging to me, the guildmaster was somewhat surprised, and cast me a disapproving glare.
「The guildmaster has returned. There's no reason for me to be in this town any more... so please let go.」 (Izayoi)
「...Ichayoi, don't want.」 (Tear)
「If you don't like me then I can leave.」 (Izayoi) (TN: Feels like he's messing around with her incomplete language here. Please confirm.)
「...No.」 (Tear)
Tear clung tightly to my waist, refusing to separate.
「*Kukekuke.*」 (Rigolo)
Tear appeared to be persuaded by Rigolo's troubled expression, but she buried her face in my side while ignoring what was being said.
「I'll negotiate so you only have to bathe once every two days. So relax.」 (Izayoi)
「...No. Even three days, one time, not want.」 (Tear)
「Then what should I do?」 (Izayoi)
「...Ichayoi, together always.」 (Tear)
「That's impossible.」 (Izayoi)
「...Why? Why, no good, Ichayoi?」 (Tear)
「That's because, there's somewhere I have to go no matter what...」 (Izayoi)
「...Not go, bad?」 (Tear)
「Well... That is...」 (Izayoi)
Somehow I couldn't find the words to respond. I tried to deceive Tear, but it didn't shake her resolve at all.
「It's like I'm the bad one if I try and separate the two of you... Izayoi. Are you in so much of a hurry that you absolutely have to leave today?」 (Guildmaster)
「If I was in such a hurry, I wouldn't have stayed in this town for two weeks. However, it's not like I can afford to laze around any more.」 (Izayoi)
「Then isn't one more day fine? Wasn't your promise to take care of them for two weeks? Business was completed quickly, so we came back a day early.」 (Guildmaster)
「Even if you extend it another day, I don't think Tear's decision will change.」 (Izayoi)
「That may be the case, but look at her, don't you feel bad for her? I think one last day would be fine.」 (Guildmaster)
Tear said the guildmaster was supposed to come back tomorrow. Since she came back earlier than scheduled, Tear is probably unhappy.
「I understand. Tear, we'll be together for the rest of today... But I really will be leaving tomorrow.」 (Izayoi)
She didn't want to accept it, but it can't be helped. She's still a child.
Although we returned to the house and pa.s.sed the time as usual, Tear clung to me the entire time.
Uri and Reri blended in before anyone noticed it, and it returned to being noisy like it was before. There was pointless conversation, and I pa.s.sed the time sprinkling salt.
Tear was sleeping in front of me. Though they all mobbed me, Tear held on to the very end.
Everyone was sleeping peacefully.
Our day together has ended.
I have my concerns, but I've taught them what they needed to learn. Even if I'm not here, there are the guildmaster and Lilia, Uri and Reri, as well as Rigolo and the rest. She's not alone. There are only good people nearby.
She should be fine even if I leave. I patted Tear's head as she slept, and closed my eyes.
I walked on the darkened road. There's a bit of time until the morning sun rises. The temperature is low, it's somewhat chilly.
The sound of my footsteps mingled with the sounds of shops preparing. Compared to when it's noisy, the atmosphere is completely different. I erased my presence while they were all sleeping, and slipped out of the bed.
Let's leave the town, just like this.
「...Ichayoi, liar.」 (Tear)
「...I didn't lie though.」 (Izayoi)
Coming from the town's gate, a small set of hands grabbed onto my waist.
「So, why are you here? You were sleeping a second ago.」 (Izayoi)
「...Chased after.」 (Tear)
「Chased after? I completely erased my presence though.」 (Izayoi)
I thought it was weird, so I looked back over my shoulder.
「It's you, so of course you would think you could leave however you wanted.」 (Lilia)
There stood Lilia with the rest of the members a.s.sembled. Did she read my mind? There shouldn't have been any reason at all to see me off.
「So Tear, are you going to stop me?」 (Izayoi)
「...Not it. Bye bye, ok.」 (Tear)
「Did you come here with words of parting? Let me hear them.」 (Izayoi)
Removing Tear's hands, I turned around to face her, then bent down at the knee to match her gaze.
「...Ichayoi, what going to do?」 (Tear)
「Those aren't words of parting though.」 (Izayoi)
「...Ichayoi, hesitated.」 (Tear)
Certainly, I am at a loss. I'm hesitating even now. I don't quite understand. No response will come out.
「...Bad things, no good.」 (Tear)
Tear resolved to separate from me. However, she doesn't know what she's sending me off to go do, and she seems to be worrying about me having seen through my hesitation.
...Is such a small child worrying about me?
「Well, it's as Tear says. I don't want to go if I don't have to. Because it's a pain.」 (Izayoi)