c18 (1/2)

Defiled Hero Action 26540K 2022-07-22

Defiled Hero Chapter 018

Defiled Hero

Unfavorable Legacy

Various people were moving about the streets. As they walked by they kept a distance away from us. They were afraid and whispering among themselves.

Since this is Tear’s first time coming here, I wonder if she’s scared? She held onto Rigolo’s feathers with her right hand and grasped my arm with her left.

「Tear, Rigolo, is there anything you want to buy? I’m rewarding you.」 (Izayoi)

「......Reward?」 (Tear)

「*Kukekeke?*」 (Rigolo)

While alternatively moving her ears with small motions, Tear anxiously looked at the lined up stalls. Since Rigolo seemed to be looking for something good, he curiously looked around.

「......Nothing, want.」 (Tear)

「*Kukeke? Kukekeike?*」 (Rigolo)

Nothing at all? Even though I said I’d especially buy something for them? That was a pretty typical response from Rigolo wasn’t it?

「......Nothing. Want to hurry home.」 (Tear)

As I thought, she really is bad at dealing with crowds, huh. She was more or less looking around in fear I think.

「*Kuke......Kukeke!*」 (Rigolo)

Seems like Rigolo found something. He had approached a store, and the man who seemed to be the shopkeep instantly turned pale. What a professional at handling the situation.

「W-welcome~, this is the general store, p-please freely browse through our wares~」 (Shopkeeper)

Rigolo showed what it was holding in its beak, it was a brush used for women’s hair. Rigolo is a Longcoat Gryphon. Having long body hair was one of its characteristics. It doesn’t like having its body washed, yet it pays attention to its hair, huh.

As Rigolo requested, we bought the brush. Tear said she wanted to hurry home, it was about time wasn’t it?

I thought so, and as we were about to return, Tear motionlessly stood in front of the general store.

「What’s wrong? Did you find something you wanted?」 (Izayoi)

Tear was holding something in her hands. I looked at it in curiosity.

「......The same, Ichayoi.」 (Tear)

In Tear’s hand was a picture book.

It had a super deformed boy holding a sword, and the name of the book was――

【The Sacred Hero】

――That’s the me of the past isn’t it?

Someone had willfully made this book.

「W-what’s similar between me and the book?」 I asked Tear, maintaining my composure.

「......You have, same hair.」 (Tear)

That’s because... it’s the same person..

「If it’s about the color of his hair, you and Rigolo have the same color don’t you?」 (Izayoi)

On the cover of the picture book was me of the past with white hair. Originally I had the black colored hair of a regular j.a.panese man, but to become the bearer of the sacred sword, I unfortunately had to change. Regrettably it had become the same white color as Astrea’s hair.

Speaking of which, it was the same white as Tear and Rigolo’s hair.

「That picture book, which depicts the hero-sama’s exploits is extremely popular with children~ It is so famous that it is unlikely that there is a child out there who has never read it~」 (Shopkeeper)

In an instant the explanation ceased.

「Hero, sama......」 (Tear)

「T-Tear, you said you wanted to hurry up and go home right? It’s about time we go......」 (Izayoi)

Tear was holding the book close to her chest and was looking at me.

(TN: His face can also be described with a T-T)

......Are you serious?

「Ichayoi......」 (Tear)

「Do you... want it? This book?」 (Izayoi)