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Defiled Hero Action 36590K 2022-07-22

Defiled Hero Chapter 010

Defiled Hero

Versus the Phantom Dark Knight

The gale winds blew fiercely. I took a low stance, protecting my eyes with my hands.

I was a.s.saulted by a strong shockwave, and the ground shook.

Peeking through my hands, I saw a ma.s.sive demon twice my size. It was wearing human-shaped armor reminiscent of a knight's, and held a rusted lump of iron similar to a sword.

「This child is the Phantom Dark Knight Gradius. It fights like you do, you know?」 (Tsukuyomi)

This heavy knight, how would it fight like me with light equipment and a one-handed sword?

The large sword approached.

I bent my body, evading the sword.

The sword screeched as it cut through the air. My back ran cold. Leaving no gap, the sword approached again.

d.a.m.n, the speed of the demon's giant sword is unbelievable.

The ominous sword shone in the moonlight, a.s.saulting me repeatedly. Unable to evade in time, I stepped forward firmly and received the sword.

A terrible shock ran through, cracking the ground and pressuring my body. I could feel my sword breaking. Even though it was strengthened, it couldn't withstand a direct impact, I see.

Changing the direction of my body, I barely avoided being hit.

Instead of a sword strike, it felt like a meteor.

One hit from that and I'll be dead. To regain my stance, I backed off immediately. Phantom Dark Knight Gradius, calm and collected, approached once again.

The opponent is a demon. It may never tire, so avoiding a prolonged battle is necessary.

「What do you think? Long ago, this child crushed 4000 troops, and destroyed an ”impregnable” castle wall in one hit, causing an entire country to despair, you know! Can you even defeat it without the holy sword?」 (Tsukuyomi)

The attacks from Gradius came one after another, as I kept it in my field of view and replied,

「...So it would appear. It would be easy with the holy sword.」 (Izayoi)

Its speed is the same as mine. Is its power equal, or is it greater? It's strong and fast, but that's it.

It's fast, but that doesn't mean it can't be overcome. It's strong, but that doesn't mean it can't be overpowered. Even if there's no weakness, I just need to make one. I have more combat experience.

『Hurry up and beat it Izayoi! Astrea-chan divided her power, but her magic will be gone soon! It's going to become dangerous!』 (Astrea)

(I know that. I'll end it soon. Put more power into the blade.) (Izayoi)

『You don't understand at all Izayoi!』 (Astrea)

If she runs out of magic power, even parrying the blade will become impossible.

Performing an unnatural move, I dodged the sword again. The large sword carved into the ground. I used that moment to get inside Gradius' range.

Gradius tried to step back, but it wasn't in time. Holding the sword level I cut through the large demon's foot, separating it.

The attack may have worked, but lowering your guard is bad. Its regenerative power is high. It'll heal in a few minutes.

The fairy's magic power is just about gone. It has to be now.

This one strike will end it!

「——Astrea.」 (Izayoi)

『This is the last of it, okay?』 (Astrea)

More power was infused into the sword, and blue light overflowed. Gradius staggered from having lost its foot. I accelerated and thrust forward.

Using all of my strength, I thrust the sword through a crack in the armor, rending its flesh. A beam of blue light ran through Gradius' body.

With a resounding crash, Gradius fell to the earth, dissipating into a large plume of black smoke. Confirming Gradius' disappearance, the blue light disappeared from the sword.

(Is the fairy alright?) (Izayoi)

『Alright, as if! She would've been fine, but we're back to where we started now. It was just a little more, what a pain!』 (Astrea)

The fairy was truly concerned.

When the water fairy's consciousness returns, I'll apologize.

「Gradius caused despair to many people, and yet you dealt with it right now, as expected of the former hero... I want you even more now.」 (Tsukuyomi)

「...It's my win. Shut up and disappear already.」 (Izayoi)