Part 9 (1/2)

”She's a grown woman, Coop. She can do what she wants. You're going to have to get used to that. She'll probably do all kinds of things that you won't like.”

”I just, ugh...” He buried his head in his hands. ”I can't stand Ian and I know he's going to screw her over. I can just feel it.” His head held a cacophony of emotions he wished he didn't have. They were invading his entire body, making him sicker to his stomach with every pa.s.sing moment. ”You should have seen the way she looked when she left the apartment this morning. She said she was going to soften her approach. She said something about catching more flies with sugar.”

”So you're worried she's going to cheat on you?”

”No. Not really. I trust her.” Visions of the night before flashed before him. ”I told her I love her.”

”And what did she say?”

”She said she loves me too.” This should have brought a smile to his face, but he'd sensed hesitation from Allie last night. Yes, she'd returned the words, but did she really mean it? Was she as head-over-heels for him as he was for her?

Brian grinned and reached to slap his brother on the arm. ”That's fantastic. I'm also guessing that's what makes this so hard.”

”I just wish there was a way to know that she's okay.” He straightened his stapler on his desk for what felt like the twentieth time. Anything slightly off-kilter was driving him bonkers.

”Then let's go.” Brian slid his planner off Cooper's desk. ”I'll tell everybody we're taking a long lunch.”

”What are you talking about? You think I should drop in? That'll go over like a lead balloon.”

”No, dumba.s.s. We'll sit on the other side of the restaurant and I'll keep an eye on her and tell you what's going on. Then you won't have to worry so much. She can tell you exactly what happened later.”

”That's about the stupidest idea I've ever heard.”

”Would you rather sit at your desk and stew all afternoon?”

Cooper stared at the black cursor blinking on his laptop. He wouldn't accomplish a single thing today. Not when Allie was having lunch with Ian on the other side of town. Not when all he could think about was her trying to soften her approach or entice him with sugar. ”Fine. But I'm bailing if I think there's any chance she'll see us.” He propped his on top of his head and stood up from his desk.

”One more thing,” Brian said. ”You're paying.”

As Allie had predicted, Miller and Main was packed. It was a well-known spot for power lunches, and the hostess looked at Cooper as if he were crazy when he asked for a booth partially obscured by a part.i.tion and a wait station. It was easily the worst seat in the house.

Allie's red leather handbag made her easy to spot and luckily she sat with her back to the door in a half-round booth with Ian. Cooper had only glanced at them, terrified of being busted but alarmed to see her in such a cozy setting with her ex. A distance of several tables, or a few miles, was more palatable.

”This is literally the most idiotic thing you've ever talked me into,” Cooper said, looking at the menu, which at this point was nothing more than an indecipherable jumble of letters on the page. ”That includes the time you convinced me to copy down the answers from your World History test.”

Brian smirked as he set down his menu. ”That was pretty funny. Mom couldn't figure out how you could get every single answer wrong on a multiple-choice test.”

”Oh yeah, that was hilarious.”

The waiter brought the two India Pale Ales they'd ordered. ”Do you know what you'd like for lunch?”

”I'll have the club sandwich and fries,” Brian said.

”Same for me,” Cooper muttered, distracted. He pulled his phone from his pocket, desperate for something to do, but didn't have a single text or voicemail. ”Can you see anything?” he asked, his heart pounding. He watched his brother's eyes narrow as he looked across the restaurant. This is so wrong. Insanely wrong.

Brian leaned a bit out of the booth. ”You didn't tell me he was such a handsome guy.”

”Great. Thanks. I appreciate that. Can you just tell me what they're doing?”

”He's laughing. She's taking a sip of her martini.”

She's having a d.a.m.n martini? ”Okay. I guess it's good he's laughing.” Or is it? Maybe she's cracking jokes.

”The waitress just brought their food. It looks like Allie got a salad. Not sure what he got.” Brian hesitated. ”Maybe the prime rib special. d.a.m.n, I knew I should've ordered that.”

”I don't need to know what they're eating.” Cooper rubbed a clammy hand on his jeans, the wash so dark that his palm turned light blue. He rubbed at his skin with the white napkin. ”Anything else?”

”Um, he's smiling and nodding his head.”

Smiling is good. I guess.

”He's not saying anything, just chewing,” Brian continued. ”Now he's drinking. Looks like he's having bourbon.”

”Again, don't need the running commentary on what they ordered.” Of course Ian was lunching on steak and bourbon. Could he try any harder to be the alpha male?

”Will you chill out? I'm just telling you what I see.” Brian took a glug of his beer and swiped his upper lip with the back of his hand. ”It's hard to know what Allie's doing because I can't really see her face. All she's doing is gesturing and flipping her hair back over her shoulder. Stuff like that. Now she's playing with her earring.”

Flipping her hair back and playing with her earring? Jesus. Cooper's stomach felt empty and the thought of food was revolting. This was such a bad idea.

The waiter brought their sandwiches. ”Mustard or ketchup for either of you?”

”Mustard please. Dijon if you have it,” Brian answered. He popped a fry into his mouth, looking across the room again. ”Oh, okay. Weird.”


”Allie just downed the rest of her drink. Ian doesn't look very happy.”

f.u.c.k. Now what? ”Can you be a little more specific?”

”Hold on.” Brian flattened his hand on the table, keeping his sights on the other side of the restaurant. ”Oh, okay. No.” Brian frowned.

”You're literally killing me,” Cooper said.

”Shut up. I'm doing the best I can.”

”Then please tell me what's going on.”

”Ian is smiling again. He just patted her on the shoulder. Allie is running her fingers up and down the stem of her gla.s.s.”

Jesus. She does that when she's flirting with me. I'm going to make myself crazy.

”Anything else?” the waiter asked as he clunked the bottle of mustard on the table.

”Yes,” Cooper answered. ”Can you wrap this up? We need to go.”