Volume III Part 60 (1/2)

”Your brother has told you all?” demanded the prince, coldly.


”Your ambition is satisfied?”

”It is satisfied.”

”The clergyman and the witnesses are here.”

”I know it. One word, my lord.”

”Speak, madame.”

”I wish to see my daughter.”

”It is impossible.”

”I tell your highness that I wish to see my child.”

”She is hardly convalescent--she has been quite ill this morning; this interview might be fatal to her.”

”But at least she will embrace her mother.”

”For what purpose? You are now a sovereign.”

”I am not yet, and I will not be until I have embraced my child.”

Rudolph looked at the countess with profound astonishment. ”How!” he cried, ”you subject the satisfaction of your pride--”

”To the satisfaction of my maternal tenderness; that surprises your highness.”

”Alas! yes.”

”Shall I see my child?”


”Take care, my lord; my moments are perhaps counted. As my brother said, this crisis may save or kill me. At this moment I collect all my strength, all my energy, and I need them much to struggle against the shock of such a discovery. I wish to see my child, or I refuse your hand; and if I die, her birth is not legitimate.”

”Fleur-de-Marie is not here; I should have to send for her at my house.”

”Send for her at once, and I consent to all. As my moments, perhaps, are counted, I have said it. The marriage can take place while some one goes for Fleur-de-Marie.”

”Although this feeling astonishes me, it is too praiseworthy to be disregarded. You shall see Fleur-de-Marie; I will write to her.”

”There, on the desk where I was wounded.” While Rudolph hastily wrote a few lines, the countess wiped away the icy sweat which stood upon her brow; her features now betrayed violent and concealed suffering.

His note being written, Rudolph arose and said to the lady, ”I will send this to my daughter by one of my aids-de-camp. She will be here in half an hour. Shall I bring with me, on my return, the clergyman and witnesses?”

”You can, or, rather, I beg you will do so. Ring--do not leave me alone!”