Volume II Part 110 (1/2)
”The day before yesterday, on going to see Louise at Saint Lazare, I met her.”
”The Goualeuse?”
”Yes, M. Rudolph.”
”In Saint Lazare?”
”She came out with an old lady.”
”It is impossible!” cried Rudolph, astonished.
”I a.s.sure you it was she, neighbor.”
”You must be mistaken.”
”No, no; although she was dressed as a peasant girl, I knew her at once. She is still very handsome, although pale; and she has the same soft, melancholy manner as formerly.”
”Come to Paris without my knowledge! I cannot believe it. What was she doing at Saint Lazare?”
”The same as I was; visiting a prisoner, doubtless. I had no time to ask more questions; the old woman who accompanied her had such a cross look, and was in such a hurry. So you know La Goualeuse also, M.
”Then, there is no more doubt that it is you of whom she spoke.”
”Of me?”
”Yes. I related to her the misfortunes of Louise and Germain, both so good, so virtuous, and so persecuted by that villain Jacques Ferrand, taking care not to tell what you forbid, that you interested yourself in them; then La Goualeuse told me that if a generous person whom she knew was informed of the unhappy and undeserved fate of my poor prisoners, he would certainly come to their a.s.sistance. I asked the name of this person, and she named you, M. Rudolph.”
”It is she, it is she!”
”You may suppose that we were both much astonished at this discovery, or resemblance of names. We promised to write if our Rudolph was the same person. And it appears that you are the same, M. Rudolph.”
”Yes. I have also interested myself for this poor child. But what you have told me of her presence in Paris surprises me so much that if you had not given me so many details of your interview with her, I should have persisted in believing that you were mistaken. But, adieu, neighbor; what you have just told me about La Goualeuse obliges me to leave you. Remain still reserved toward Louise and Germain as regards the protection of unknown friends. This secrecy is more necessary than ever. Apropos, how are the Morel family?”
”Better and better, M. Rudolph. The mother is on her feet again; the children improve daily. All owe their life to you--their happiness.
You are so generous to them!”
”And how is poor Morel?”
”Better. I had news from him yesterday. He seems occasionally to have some lucid moments; there is great hope of restoring him to reason.”
”Come, courage: I shall soon see you again. Have you need of anything?
Do you still earn enough to support yourself?”