Volume II Part 74 (1/2)

”All well at home?” demanded the receiver, weighing the copper: ”your mother and sister are in good health?”

”Yes, Micou.”

”The children also?”

”The children also.”

”And your nephew Andre, where is he?”

”Don't speak of it! he was in luck yesterday. Barbillon and the Big Cripple took him away; he only came back this morning; he is already gone on an errand to the post-office, Rue Jean Jacques Rousseau.”

”And your brother Martial, is still savage?”

”I do not know anything about him.”

”You don't know anything about him?”

”No,” said Nicholas, affecting an indifferent manner; ”for two days we have not seen him; perhaps he has returned to his old trade of a poacher--unless his boat, which was very old, has sunk in the river, and he with--”

”That don't give you much concern, good-for-nothing, for you can't feel it much!”

”It is true, one has his own ideas. How many pounds of copper are there?”

”You made a good guess--one hundred and forty-eight pounds, my boy.”

”And you will owe me--”

”Exactly thirty francs.”

”Thirty francs, when copper is a franc a pound? Thirty francs!”

”We will say thirty-five, and don't turn up your nose, or I will send you to the devil--you, copper, dog and cart.”

”But, Micou you cheat me too much! there's no sense in it.”

”Prove to me this copper belongs to you, and I will give you fifteen sous a pound for it.”

”Always the same song. You are all alike; get out, you nest of thieves! Can one gouge a friend in such style? But this is not all. If I take your merchandise in exchange, you should give me good measure at least!”

”Just so! What do you want? chains or hooks for your boat?”

”No; I want four or five iron plates, very strong, such as would answer to line window-shutters with.”

”I have just what you want--the third of an inch thick; a pistol ball could not go through.”

”Just the thing!”

”What size?”

”In all, seven or eight feet square.”