Volume II Part 59 (1/2)

At this moment some one knocked at the door.

”Who is there?” demanded Rudolph.

”I want to speak to Madame Mathieu,” answered a hoa.r.s.e and husky voice, with an accent which denoted the speaker to be one of the lowest order. Madame Mathieu was a diamond broker living in this house, who employed Morel.

This voice, singularly accented, awakened some vague recollections in the mind of Rudolph. Wis.h.i.+ng to enlighten them, he went and opened the door. He found himself face to face with a fellow whom he recognized at once, so fully and plainly was the stamp of crime marked on his youthful and besotted face.

Either this wretch had forgotten the features of Rudolph, whom he had seen only once, or the change of dress prevented him from recognizing him, for he manifested no astonishment at his appearance.

”What do you want?” said Rudolph.

”Here is a letter for Madame Mathieu. I must give it into her own hands,” answered the man.

”She does not live here: inquire opposite,” said Rudolph.

”Thank you, friend; they told me it was the door to the left; I am mistaken.”

Rudolph did not know the name of the diamond broker; he had therefore no motive to interest himself about the woman to whom the rogue came as a messenger. Nevertheless, although he was ignorant of the crimes of this bandit, his face had such a guilty look of perversity, that he remained on the threshold of the door, curious to see the person to whom he brought this letter. Hardly had the man knocked at the opposite door when it was opened, and the broker, a large woman of about fifty years of age, appeared, holding a candle in her hand.

”Madame Mathieu?” said the messenger.

”That's my name.”

”Here is a letter; I want an answer.” He made a step in advance, as if to enter the room; but she made a motion for him not to advance, unsealed the letter, read it, and answered, with a satisfied air:

”You will say it is all right, my lad; I will bring what they wish; I will go to-morrow at the same time as before. Give my compliments to this lady.”

”Yes, ma'am. Don't forget the messenger.”

”Go ask those who sent you; they are richer than I am;” and she closed the door.

Rudolph re-entered Germain's room, seeing the messenger rapidly descending the staircase.

The latter met on the boulevard a man of a villainous and ferocious appearance, who waited for him before a shop. Although several persons might have heard him, but not understood him, it is true, he appeared so much pleased that he could not help saying to his companion, ”Come, toss off your tipple, Nick! the old girl's toddled into the trap; she'll meet Screech Owl; Mother Martial will give us a lift in squeezing the sparklers out of her, and then we will carry the cold meat away in your boat.”

”Look sharp, then; I must be at Asnieres early; I am afraid my brother Martial will suspect something.” And the rogues, after having held this conversation, quite unintelligible to those who might have heard it, directed their steps toward the Rue Saint Denis.

A few moments after, Rigolette and Rudolph left the abode of Germain, got into the carriage, and drove to the Rue du Temple. When the carriage stopped, and the portress came to open the door, Rudolph saw by the street light a friend of his, who was waiting for him at the pa.s.sage door.

That presence announced some great event, or, at least, something unexpected, for he alone knew where to find the prince.

”What is the matter, Murphy?” said Rudolph, quickly, while Rigolette collected the papers in the vehicle.

”A great misfortune, your highness!”

”Speak, for Heaven's sake!”

”The Marquis d'Harville.”

”You alarm me!”