Volume II Part 26 (1/2)

”I will write.”

”Adieu, my worthy and good counselor.”

”Ah! you people of the world do not know how disagreeable it is to take charge of such deposits--the responsibility which bears on us. I tell you there is nothing more detestable than this fine reputation for probity which brings one nothing but drudgery.”

”And the admiration of good people.”

”Praise the Lord! I place otherwise than here below the recompense I seek for,” said Ferrand, in a sanctified tone.

To Madame d'Orbigny succeeded Countess Sarah M'Gregor.

Sarah entered the cabinet of the notary with her habitual coolness and a.s.surance. Jacques Ferrand did not know her; he was ignorant of the object of her visit. He observed her very closely, in the hope to make a new dupe; and, notwithstanding the impa.s.sibility of the marble face, he remarked a slight tremor, which appeared to him to betray concealed embarra.s.sment.

The notary arose from his chair, and handed a seat to the countess, saying, ”You asked for a meeting, madame, yesterday. I was so much occupied that I could not send you an answer until this morning; I make you a thousand excuses.”

”I desired to see you, sir, on business of the greatest importance.

Your reputation has made me hope my business with you will be successful.”

The notary bowed in his chair. ”I know, sir, that your discretion is well tried.”

”It is my duty, madame.”

”You are, sir, a rigid and incorruptible man.”

”Granted, madame.”

”Yet, if one should say to you, sir, it depends on you to restore life--more than life--reason to an unhappy mother, would you have the courage to refuse?”

”State facts, madame, I will answer.”

”About fourteen years since, in December, 1824, a young man, dressed in mourning, came to propose to you to take, for an annuity, the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand francs, for a child of three years, whose parents desired to remain unknown.”

”Continue, madame,” said the notary, avoiding a direct answer.

”You consented to receive this amount, and to a.s.sure the child an income of eight thousand francs. The one-half of this amount was to be added to the capital until its majority; the other half was to be paid by you to the person who should take charge of this little girl.”

”Continue, madame.”

”At the end of two years,” said Sarah, without being able to conquer a slight emotion, ”the 28th November, 1827, this child died.”

”Before continuing this conversation, madame, I shall ask you what interest you have in this affair?”

”The mother of this little girl is my _sister_, sir; I have here, for proof of what I advance, the publication of the death of this poor little thing, the letters from the person who had care of her, the receipt of one of your clients, with whom you placed the fifty thousand crowns.”

”Let me see these papers, madame.”

Quite astonished not to be believed at her word, Sarah drew from a portfolio several papers, which the notary closely examined.

”Ah, well, madame, what do you want? The notice of the death is quite correct; the fifty thousand crowns became the property of M. Pet.i.t Jean, my client, by the death of the child; as to the interests, they were always punctually paid by me until its decease.”