Volume II Part 23 (1/2)

For a moment astonished, Saint Remy replied, dryly, ”What?”

”Counterfeits,” answered the notary, continuing to examine those he held closely.

”For what purpose do you make this remark to me, Sir?”

Jacques Ferrand stopped a moment, looked steadily at the viscount through his gla.s.ses; then, shrugging his shoulders, he turned again to counting and examining the bills.

”By George, Master Notary, you must know, when I ask a question, I am always answered!” cried Saint Remy, irritated beyond measure at the calmness of Jacques Ferrand.

”_These_ are good,” said the notary, turning toward his bureau, whence he took a bundle of stamped papers, to which were annexed two bills of exchange; he afterward placed one of the notes for a thousand francs and three rouleaux of one hundred francs on the back of the papers; then he said to Saint Remy, pointing his finger to the money and bills, ”There is what is to come to you from the forty thousand francs; my client has ordered me to collect the bill of costs.”

The viscount had with great difficulty contained himself while Jacques Ferrand arranged his accounts. Instead of answering him and taking the money, he cried, in a voice trembling with anger, ”I ask you, sir, why you said to me, respecting the bank bills that I have just given you, _that there were such things as forged notes?_”



”Because I have sent for you here concerning a forgery.” The notary turned his green gla.s.ses full on the viscount.

”How does this forgery affect me?”

After a moment's pause Ferrand said, with a severe tone, ”Are you acquainted, sir, with the duties of a notary?”

”The duties are perfectly clear to me, sir. I had just now forty thousand francs; I have now remaining but thirteen hundred.”

”You are very jocose, sir. I will tell you, that a notary is to temporal affairs what a confessor is to spiritual ones; from his profession he often knows ign.o.ble secrets.”

”What next, sir?”

”He is often obliged to be in relations with rogues.”

”What after this, sir?”

”He ought, as much as in his power, to prevent an honorable name from being dragged in the mire.”

”What have I in common with all this?”

”Your father has left you a respected name, which you dishoner, sir!”

”What do you dare to say?”

”But for the interest that this name inspires to all honest people, instead of being cited here before me, you would have been at this moment before the police.”

”I do not comprehend you.”

”About two months since, you discounted, through the agency of a broker, a bill for fifty-eight thousand francs, drawn by the house of Meulaert and Co., of Hamburgh, in favor of one William Smith, and payable in three months, at Grimaldi's, banker, in Paris.”


”That bill is a forgery.”