Part 40 (1/2)
”Look here,” said Edwin, with an air of resentment as to which he himself could not have decided whether it was a.s.sumed or genuine, ”what earthly right have you to suppose that I'm like all the rest?”
”I'm very sorry,” she surrendered. ”I knew all the time you weren't.”
With her face still bent downwards, she looked up at him, smiling sadly, smiling roguishly.
”Father's against them,” he proceeded, somewhat deflated. And he thought of all his father's violent invective, and of Maggie's bland acceptance of the a.s.sumption that workmen on strike were rascals--how different the excellent simple Maggie from this feverish creature on the sofa! ”Father's against them, and most people are, because they broke the last arbitration award. But I'm not my father. If you ask me, I'll tell you what I think--workmen on strike are always in the right; at bottom I mean. You've only got to look at them in a crowd together.
They don't starve themselves for fun.”
He was not sure if he was convinced of the truth of these statements; but she drew them out of him by her strange power. And when he had uttered them, they appeared fine to him.
”What does your father say to that?”
”Oh!” said Edwin uneasily. ”Him--and me--we don't argue about these things.”
”Why not?”
”Well, we don't.”
”You aren't ashamed of your own opinions, are you?” she demanded, with a hint in her voice that she was ready to be scornful.
”You know all the time I'm not.” He repeated the phrase of her previous confession with a certain acrimonious emphasis. ”Don't you?” he added curtly.
She remained silent.
”Don't you?” he said more loudly. And as she offered no reply, he went on, marvelling at what was coming out of his mouth. ”I'll tell you what I am ashamed of. I'm ashamed of seeing my father lose his temper. So you know!”
She said--
”I never met anybody like you before. No, never!”
At this he really was astounded, and most exquisitely flattered.
”I might say the same of you,” he replied, sticking his chin out.
”Oh no!” she said. ”I'm nothing.”
The fact was that he could not foretell their conversation even ten seconds in advance. It was full of the completely unexpected. He thought to himself, ”You never know what a girl like that will say next.” But what would he say next?
They were interrupted by Osmond Orgreave, with his, ”Well, Edwin,”
jolly, welcoming, and yet slightly quizzical. Edwin could not look him in the face without feeling self-conscious. Nor dared he glance at Hilda to see what her demeanour was like under the good-natured scrutiny of her friend's father.
”We thought you'd forgotten us,” said Mr Orgreave. ”But that's always the way with neighbours.” He turned to Hilda. ”It's true,” he continued, jerking his head at Edwin. ”He scarcely ever comes to see us, except when you're here.”
”Steady on!” Edwin murmured. ”Steady on, Mr Orgreave!” And hastily he asked a question about Mrs Orgreave's asthma; and from that the conversation pa.s.sed to the doings of the various absent members of the family.
”You've been working, as usual, I suppose,” said Edwin.