Chapter 932 - Cao Xu Missing! (1/2)

Everyone in the roo out the prep work for the early stages of the hostile takeover of the Century Financial Group They would be holed up here for the next 5 to 10 days, with at least 20 people watching the co service hired

Everyone was both nervous and excited Each action they took caused major ripples in the outside world

Nie Yan and his parents sat down on chairs off in a corner

There were representatives of several dozens of co the most attention: the Glory Financial Group’s Xie Faonsoar Financial Group’s Liu Fa-established na player in the industry The heir was the guild leader of asskickers United in Conviction, an inner s, and someone Mo Yuntian paid close attention to All these identities created a dazzling halo around him There was one other ement between Nie Yan and Xie Yao The Nie Fao to him Once Nie Yan married Xie Yao, he would control 100 of World Bloc, 12 of the Dragonsoar Financial Group, and 28 of the Glory Financial Group That was, assue When the current higher-ups of the Glory and Dragonsoar Financial Groups handed over their power to Xie Yao, Nie Yan’s poould be even greater If this attempt at a forceful takeover of the Century Financial Group succeeded, one could hardly iine what the future would look like for hilobal superpower under the leadershi+p of Nie Yan

The representatives approached the Nie Faood relationshi+p with Nie Yan He in turn stood up and politely greeted them It was better to make a friend than an enemy He naturally wouldn’t push them away

Xie Jun was the head of this operation He put on a solemn expression and supervised the work His usually calht now, he gave off the air of a leader

It was about tiradually settled down Everyone became deathly quiet, especially the people in front of the co fixedly at the h five capital market refor one of the most important capital markets in the world, China’s stock?” Xie Jun asked

“Everything is ready”

Xie Jun turned to the higher ups of the Glory and Dragonsoar Financial Groups and asked, “Are the three large shareholders willing to take action?”

“They didn’t give us a straight answer They are opportunists Once the situation looks bad for the Century Financial Group, they’ll pounce on thees to survive this, convincing them to help us will be a little harder,” an old h he was a bit thin and short, he still appeared hale and hearty Everyone here knew hionsoar Financial Group and Xie Yao’s randfather

“Start the operation Release the infor the shares in 10 minutes!” Xie Jun said heavily He passed down the order Even though he only spoke a few simple lines, everyone in the rooe stir was about to overtake the world!

The various large econo on the Century Financial Group’s financial scandal, how the higher-ups were corrupt and reporting false quarterly figures If these claims were false, it would be considered slander, and Xie Jun and the others would be liable for defamation However, if it were true, the consequences would be uniency announced al out an investigation on the Century Financial Group Naturally, this was orchestrated by the Glory Financial Group, Dragonsoar Financial Group, and World Bloc, or else they wouldn’t be so quick to act

Apart froation, various other inforative light was also leaked out, such as how they were predicted to suffer an 80 decline in sales in the fourth quarter with a deficit of ¥17 billion The Century Financial Group had completely withdrawn from the virtual reality industry, which accounted for nearly 35 of their total revenue All of it was gone The investered a mass panic in theintentionally short sold, their stock price was plu

The Century Financial Group’s shares dropped by 12 within minutes As they tried to invest money back to prevent the drop, it would be ie financial groups working together, as soon as they took action, any sort of resistance would be futile Cao Xu originally had an enor to recoup his invest short Toin Conviction, in hopes of winning the war against asskickers United, he’d even resorted to selling so stake he had in the Century Financial Group had dropped to 30 by now, reaching a dangerous level

The Century Financial Group’s net worth was over ¥500 billion, a drop of 12 in share pricesdisaster! And it was only beginning!

The Century Tower Tonight it was brightly lit This 600-o, towered over the eastern part of Huadong The once unied and worn

At the top floor, there were people rushi+ng everywhere, similar to the situation at the Rekod Grand Tower

Cao Xu sat in his office chair with his eyes closed His fororous self now appeared desolate

“Chairht? Here’s the medicine you asked for,” a 24-year-old secretary said Cao Xu’s heart condition had flared up 15 e scare

“Place it over there” Cao Xu powerelessly waved his hand, not bothering to glance at his peerlessly beautiful secretary