Chapter 122 - Escape! (1/2)

Chapter 122 - Escape!

Nie Yan's eyes widened in shock as notices flooded his screen He never expected the shop to sell so much in only two days

Over the last few days, the activity surrounding Sosil Valley, instead of lessening, had actually increased substantially! Even though the drops froave decent experience, thebehind this event was due to ru better prepared when it opens, various players and guilds were feverishly gathering better equipth

As a consequence, the denified So, when the supply in the auction house eventually ran out, the ht Potion Shop Unfortunately, the Black Phenol and Black Phenol Recipes there were excessively overpriced It was as if they were being squeezed for everything they had! However, since the oas nowhere to be found, there was no one to negotiate with Thus, after struggling for a long period of tioods one after another Despite being fully aware that they were being cheated, there was nothing they could do because the only place left that had Black Phenol and Black Phenol Recipes for sale was this single shop in the middle of the slums!

Often times, this was just the way the world worked

After su two days worth of sales, he had earned another twenty-five gold!

In ter money, ould be able to compete with him?

With more money in his pockets, he planned to rapidly expand his capital After all, if he left it sitting there, its purchasing poould only slowly depreciate, because as the players gradually advanced in level, the value of in-game currency would definitely fall Furthermore, since he had reached Level 10, it was finally possible for him to use the transfer point to teleport to other cities, allowing him to proceed to the next phase of his plan His ambitions didn’t stop only at Calore as he planned to purchase land in other cities too, but he wouldn’t get the chance if he was late!

The coame real-estate was extremely fierce Who would wait for others when all of these properties were being quickly eaten up?

Not tothe Black Phenoleffect It would reduce the capital of thetheir rate of expansion while rapidly increasing his own

Having received soood news, Nie Yan’s ured out, as well asVaht out a suitable plan Although there was one sive it a try

Nie Yan stared at the darkness below and walked the route he would take in his head Finally, he ju Stealth theinto the background

If he wished to stay outside of the detection range of these Vampires, he needed to stay at least ten ly hard as he was no longer able to overlook their position from atop the pillar Thus, he could onlythe route heon h that even if he was running around in the dark or his eyes were shut, he would stillabout fifty meters, he came to a halt and held his breath

Only tenby before eventually roup of Vaeneral direction

Noticing this, Nie Yan rapidly sped up and hurried forward in order to avoid the After a roups of patrolling Vah not the best of the best, was undoubtedly excellent

Afteranother thirtyfinally arrived within thirty meters of the Lord-class Vahtly coloured attires and possessed fair, beautiful co the area around the his stealth, he looked past the Vampire Earls at the very top of the square stone platforlance instantly caused his heartbeat to race uncontrollably

The Chapter of Freedoet ahold of it, it would belong to him Then, he could safely teleport aith the Unknown Transfer Scroll

Suddenly, three groups of patrolling Vaed from different directions

Nie Yan took a deep breath while trying tostep would be thegroups, he would have at least thirty seconds to get past the Lord-class Vampire Earls and seize the Chapter of Freedom!

However, he wasn’t fully confident whether he was in an absolutely safe spot The reason he had taken his ti was because there were siroups near the stone platforroups were now extre hi step would lead to hi with death!

As the three groups of va closer and closer to Nie Yan Very soon, they would cross that ten-ed in his throat

Calm down! </e Varoup was fairly large Some had several dozen in their ranks while others had over a hundred In any case, he was clearly able to see their sinister appearances

One group left the square followed by another Apparently, Nie Yan’s hopes were being fulfilled

However, at thisthe silence in the square

Nie Yan quickly locked onto the source of the sound A Vampire had discovered him!

Subsequently, all of the Va the Va an intruder, all of them went into an uproar

shi+t, they saw me! There was not an ounce of hesitation in Nie Yan’s mind nor any to his movements He whipped out a Basic Haste Scroll and tore it ith as he could muster, he sprinted towards the Chapter of Freedom This was his final chance If he failed to retrieve the Chapter, then he would be forced to escape with his Unknown Transfer Scroll and wait until the next opportunity arose

It was quite possible that he would never get another chance prior to Level 20 After all, without the Unknown Transfer Scroll or so similar to save his life, he would never dare to come here to seize the Chapter of Freedom

When the Vampire Earls' noticed his presence, they imly leaving after-ian pursuing hi off all paths of retreat

A Va hi to slon, he made a mad dash

Dammit… If only Flash Powder, Web Scrolls, or Sheep Transformation Scrolls</e Dash If only…