Part 36 (1/2)

Windyridge W. Riley 12680K 2022-07-22

”Farmer Goodenough is there. He will tell you all about it.”

I held my peace until we entered the field and stood by my late landlord's side. Explanation was unnecessary, for the field was still littered with splintered wood and broken gla.s.s, though much of it had been cleared away.

”So you're about again, miss! Well, I'm downright glad to see you.”

Then, indicating the _debris_ with an inclination of the head: ”I've sorted out all 'at seemed to be worth ought. All t' gla.s.s picturs 'at weren't reight smashed I've put into a box an' ta'en into t' 'ouse.

But there isn't much left. Them 'at saw it say 'at t' stewdio cut up t' paddock like a hairyplane, an' it must ha' collapsed in t' same way.”

”It knew it was doomed,” remarked the Cynic, ”supplanted--and it promptly put an end to itself.”

”Well, never mind, miss,” put in Reuben, ”there's nought to fret about.

'Off wi' the old love an' on with the new!' I'd nearly put that down to t' Owd Book, but I should ha' been mista'en. However, ye've made a good swop, an' I don't know which on ye's got t' best o' t' bargain.”

”I have, Reuben,” said the Cynic heartily.

I wasn't going to contradict him, of course, though I know he is ”mista'en.”

”I was just thinkin', miss, if it's all t' same to you,” continued the farmer, ”'at it 'ud be a charity to let Martha an' her little la.s.s have your cottage. You see----”