Part 1 (1/2)
by P.N. Elrod.
Chapter 1.
”BE A SPORT,” I said to the bartender, not quite meeting his eye, ”I'm nursin' a broken heart.”
”Yeah, yeah,” he replied, and continued polis.h.i.+ng a gla.s.s with a gray rag.
”No foolin', I got the money.” And I fumbled five singles from my s.h.i.+rt pocket and let them flutter onto the damp black wood of the bar. ”Come on, that's worth a bottle, ain't it? I won't make no trouble.”
”You can make book on it.”
He had a right to be confident. We were nearly the same height, but I'm on the lean side and he was built like a steam shovel and just as solid. He thought he could take care of me.
He stopped polis.h.i.+ng the gla.s.s and put it down next to the bills. I smiled and tried to look friendly, which was a h.e.l.l of an act under the circ.u.mstances. This was one of those cheaper-than-two-bit dives where you take your life in your hands just by going to the men's room. From the smell of things, the facilities were located just outside the front door against the wall of the building, gentlemen on the left, ladies...
I renewed my hopeful smile and rustled the bills temptingly.
He looked at them, then gave me a fishy eye, gauging my apparent drunkenness against the lure of the money. It was a slow night and the money won. His hand made a move for it, but mine was a little faster and covered three of Was.h.i.+ngton's portraits first.
”Wise guy,” he said, and took a bottle of the cheap stuff down from the shelf behind him. h.e.l.l, it was all cheap, but that hardly mattered to me, I only wanted an excuse to hang around.
”I've had some, but not that much.” I left two bucks on the bar, took the bottle, gla.s.s, and remaining money, and tottered to the second booth in line along the wall. With my back to the front door I settled in, using the careful movements of a drunk who wants to show people he isn't. I spent a lot of time counting my three dollars and putting them away before pouring a drink and pretending to imbibe. Ten cents for the whole bottle would have been an overcharge; the stuff smelled like some of the old poison left over from before repeal. I brought the gla.s.s to my lips, made a face, and coughed, spilling some of it down my well-stained s.h.i.+rtfront.
While I was busy dabbing at the mess with a dirty handkerchief, a big man in dark gray came in and went straight to the bar. He was in a suit, which was wrong for the neighborhood, and he was in a hurry, which was wrong for the hour. At one in the morning, n.o.body should be in a hurry. He ordered a whiskey with a beer chaser and took a look around. It didn't take long; except for me, seven booths, and the bartender, the place was empty.
He studied me like a bug. I pretended real hard that I was drunk and simple- minded and hoped he'd buy the act. It helped that I wore rough work clothes that stank of the river and past debauches with the bottle-just another country kid corrupted by the big bad city.
Apparently I was no threat. He knocked back the whiskey and took the beer to the last booth next to the back door and sat on the outside edge, where he could see people coming in from the street. I used the tilted mirror hanging over the bar to watch him. It was an old one with flecks of tamish like freckles, but his reflection was clear enough. He hunched over the beer and drained it a sip at a time, with long pauses in between. His soft hat was pulled low, but now and then his eyes gleamed when he used the mirror himself. I kept still and enjoyed his slight puzzlement when he couldn't spot my image in the gla.s.s.
Another man walked in from the night and hesitantly approached the bar. He was also too well dressed, but was a bit more seedy and timid. He had a tall, thin body with a beaky nose that supported some black-rimmed pince-nez on a pastel blue velvet ribbon. He wore a cheap blue suit, the cuffs a little too short and the pants a little too tight. His ankles stuck out, revealing black silk socks peeking over the tops of black shoes with toes that had been chiseled to a lethal point. He affected a black cane with a silver handle, which would buy him eternity in this neighborhood if he waved it around too much.
He tried ordering a sherry and got a look of contemptuous disbelief instead. He had better luck asking for gin, then made a point of wiping the rim of the gla.s.s clean with his printed silk handkerchief before drinking. After taking a sip, he dabbed his lips and smoothed the pencil line under his nose that pa.s.sed for a moustache.
He looked around, as nervous as a virgin in a frat house. He noted me and the man in the back booth, and when neither of us leaped out to cut his throat, he relaxed a little. He checked the clock behind the bar, comparing its time to a silver watch attached to his vest and frowned.
The bartender moved away, no doubt driven off by the scent of dying lilies that the newcomer had doused over himself. A cloud of it hit me in the face like exhaust from a truck, and I gave up breathing for a while.He looked at the watch again and then at the door. No one came in. He removed his hat, placing it gently on the bar, as though it might offend someone. From a low widow's peak to the curl-cl.u.s.tered nape, his dark hair had been carefully dressed with a series of waves that were too regular to be natural. He removed his gloves, plucking delicately at the fingertips, then absently patted his hair down.
The bartender caught the eyes of the man in the booth and shrugged with raised brows and a superior smile as though to say he couldn't help who walked through the door as long as they paid. The man in the booth hunched closer to his beer and watched the mirror.
Two minutes later a lady walked in, probably the first one to ever cross the threshold. She was small, not much over five feet, wearing emerald green with a matching hat and a heavy dark veil that covered her face down to her hard, red lips.
She carried a big green bag trimmed with beads that twinkled in the light. Her green heels made quite a noise as she crossed the wood floor to the tall man at the bar. He straightened a little, because polite men do things like that when a lady comes up to them, and he did look polite.
She glanced around warily, her eyes resting on me a moment. She must have been pretty enough to be noticed even by a drunk like me; at least she had a trim figure and good legs. I gave her an encouraging, if bleary leer and raised my gla.s.s hopefully. After that she ignored me and tilted her chin expectantly at the tall man.
He frowned, worried, but gathered up his hat, cane, gloves, and drink and followed her to the second-to-last booth at the end. She sat with her back to me and the man slid in opposite her with his back to the big man in gray, who was now pressed tight against the wall. She seemed not to have noticed him.
The gin placed his cane across the table, the curved handle hanging over the outside edge. His hat went next to it and the gloves were tucked into a pocket. I could tell he was nervous again from the way he fussed with things. He quietly asked the woman if she cared to have a drink. She shook her head. He repeated the gesture to the bartender, who then moved down to my end and picked up another gla.s.s to polish. He was watching me, but I was in a slack-jawed dream, staring into s.p.a.ce, at least at the s.p.a.ce occupied by the mirror behind him.
The man in gray leaned to the outside and craned his neck. He could see the bartender and was now worried that he couldn't see me as well, but it was too late to investigate the problem without calling attention to himself.
The woman stared at her companion, her breath gently ruffling the veil. Her voice was pitched low, but even at that distance I had no trouble hearing the conversation.
”Do you have it?”
The man c.o.c.ked his head to one side, favoring her with the stronger lens of the pince-nez. ”I might ask you the same question.” His voice was flat and breathy, as though he were afraid the let the words out.
She didn't like him or his answer, but eventually lifted the purse from her lap to the table. With her left hand she pulled out a slim leather case and opened it for his inspection. It was no larger than a pack of cigarettes, and she held it ready to pull back if he grabbed it. He peered at the contents a moment, then drew a jeweler's loupe from his pocket.
”May I?” He extended a manicured hand. She hesitated. ”I have to verify that it is genuine. Miss... er... Green. Mr. Swafford was very clear on that point.”
She put the case on the table, her right hand lingering inside the big purse. ”Just as long as you know that this is genuine,” she told him, and turned the bag to let him see inside.
He stiffened, his eyes frozen on her hidden hand. He licked his lower lip. ”V-very well.” Slowly he picked up the leather case, removing the pince-nez and s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g the loupe into one eye. He examined what was in the case for ten seconds and reversed the motions, replacing it back onto the scarred tabletop.
”Well?” she said.
”It is genuine.” He settled the pince-nez back on his nose.
”I knew that, let's get on with it.”
”Y-yes, certainly.” From his coat pocket he produced an envelope and gave it to her. She opened it and examined the contents in turn, pulling out one of the hundred-dollar bills from the center. A second later she looked up and grabbed the leather case.
”You can tell Swafford it's in the fire,” she said in a voice like ground gla.s.s.
His eyes darted unhappily from the empty spot on the table to her veil. ”But why?”
”These bills are marked. If there's cops outside you're a corpse.”
”No, please, I didn't know about this, please wait!”
She didn't look like she was ready to move, but the man was unnerved. Behind him the big guy had s.h.i.+fted a hand to the inside of his coat, which explained why she hadn't noticed him; there'd been no need to notice her partner.
”I-I don't understand this. Mr. Swafford entrusted me to verify the stamp and to pay you-nothing more. I a.s.sure you that I had no idea-”
”I said it's in the fire.”
”But wait, please, you have no idea how valuable it is- ”Five grand. I only asked for half.”
”I can help you. I know other collectors, ones who would ask no questions. They'd be glad to pay you its full worth. If I had the money, I'd buy it myself.”
She took in his cheap clothes, her mouth becoming small and thin. ”I'm sure you would.” Her hand shot up and knocked the pince-nez from his nose, and his head snapped back a fraction too late to avoid it. They hung from the velvet ribbon, swinging free and hitting the table edge with a soft tick.
In turn his gray eyes hardened and his cowering posture altered and straightened. ”We may still come to an equitable arrangement. Miss Green.” His breathy manner of speech had been replaced by a precise English accent, and the prissy mannerisms dropped from him like sour milk.