Part 19 (2/2)
”Straight?” he echoed. ”Yes, I dare say you will!”
The news came as a distinct shock to him. He had not even entertained the possibility of undergoing an operation. Years ago he had had his adenoids removed, and the memory was by no means pleasant. All along he had told himself he would recover in time--that was all he wanted. To have an operation was, he thought, to run another and unnecessary risk.
Later in the evening the Sister came in with a large phial, and injected the contents into his arm.
”Morphine,” she explained.
In a moment or so he felt that he did not care what happened. The morphine made him gloriously drunk.
”Sister,” he confided. ”I'm drunk. It isn't fair to go and kill a fellow when he's drunk, you know. It isn't playing the game. You ought to suspend hostilities till I'm sober!”
He felt ridiculously proud of himself for these inanities.
”I know you,” he strutted with laughter. ”After it's all over, you'll write home to my people and say, 'The operation was successfully performed, but the patient died soon afterwards!'”
By this time they had stripped him of all but his s.h.i.+rt.
”Where's my bier? Where's my bier? Is a gentleman to be kept waiting all night for his bier?” he exclaimed, with mock impatience.
They lifted him on to a stretcher, and began to push it through the open window into the street.
”Farewell, Ophelia!” he cried to the Sister, as his head disappeared.
He was too drunk to feel afraid.
They carried him into the room that had been turned into a theatre. He found that the same young Doctor was to operate on him. He was alarmed at his youth.
”I like a fellow to have white hair if he's to operate on me,” he said to himself.
Another Doctor began to adjust the ether apparatus.
”Look here,” he mumbled, ”how do you know my heart's strong enough for this sort of thing?”
”Don't be a fool; it's your only chance.”
”Oh, all right. Have it your own way, only don't say I did not warn you!” he replied.
”Rather a character,” said one of the Doctors, as he placed the sodden wool firmly over his nose and mouth.
”Yes,” replied the Sister; ”he said just now that the operation would be unsuccessful and that he would die!”