Part 23 (1/2)
Gates motioned for Sloane to sit on the tiny bench in the middle of the structure. He sat beside her and she waited for him to say something.
”We've been through a lot. And I know that I didn't make things easy on you.” He looked at her with such sincerity and love in his eyes that made her instantly forget how chilly it was.
”Gates, we're both responsible for the issues we had.” She hated the thought of him thinking it was his fault for their problems. She knew keeping Brayden from him could have been a huge deal-breaker, but he'd forgiven her and their relations.h.i.+p had come full circle.
”You're so amazing and I'm glad to have you in my life again. I can't imagine what life would be like without you and Brayden. Things are different for me now and I need you to know how dedicated I am.”
”I don't doubt you're going to be here for me and Brayden.” She squeezed his hand as they sat facing one another. ”I mean, wow, look at all of this, and even all of the gifts and things you've done for us so far. Gates, you don't have to give me anything for me to know how dedicated you are.” He listened to her and smiled when she caressed his face, rea.s.suring him of her love and devotion.
”For a long time after you left, I threw myself into work because it was something I didn't have to think about. It was all I needed. At least I thought it was, but now, it's not enough. It's not the same for me anymore. It doesn't give me the same feeling as being with you and Brayden and I don't want to ever go back to that, because it was a lonely existence. I love you, Sloane, and I don't want to lose you again.”
Slowly he reached into his pocket and brought out a small black velvet box. Moving from his place beside her on the bench, he sank to one knee, taking her left hand in his and gently removed her glove. ”I know I asked you this before, but I'm asking you again. Sloane Davis, will you marry me?”
Gasping, Sloane felt tears p.r.i.c.k her eyes before they ran warm down her cheeks. She breathed deeply watching Gates slide the ring on her finger. Looking down at the glistening five-carat ring, she realized it was her ring. It was the ring she left behind when she left him more than a year ago.
”Oh, Gates, you still have it.” Her words came out not much louder than a whisper as she looked at the platinum band with the three emerald cut diamonds.
”Of course. This ring belongs on no other woman's finger but yours. I don't want anyone else but you. I never did. So, will you do me the biggest honor of my life and marry me?”
”Yes. Yes, I'll marry you.” He stood and pulled her into his embrace. ”I love you so much.”
”I promise you things will be different this time.” Placing his hands on either side of her face, he planted a soft kiss on her lips. Pulling back, he leaned his forehead against hers. ”I love you.”
The two strolled hand in hand back to the sleigh to enjoy the remainder of the ride and the quick helicopter flight back to the city. Sloane couldn't stop enjoying the fact she and Gates were going to be married and raise Brayden together as a family. All of her wishes were coming true and she was happier than she'd been in a long time. She snuggled closer to him as they rode the elevator to the penthouse. ”I'm sure Brayden is asleep by now.”
”Who knows what he's up to with Abee?” She giggled at Gates' imitation of Brayden and his inability to say his aunt's name correctly.
”You got a point there.”
Before Gates could open the door, Sloane stopped him.
”What? What's wrong?” He stopped to look at her and she could see the concern in his eyes.
”Nothing's wrong. I...I can't remember a time when I was happier than I am right now. Thank you for loving me, and our son.”
”It's the easiest and best thing I've ever done.” He leaned over and kissed the tip of her nose before he opened the door and let her in. As he switched on the lights, he watched her eyes light up as they heard a roar of voices. ”SURPRISE!”
”Oh, my...” Sloane jumped as she looked and saw Avery, Liyah, Chase, Hannah, Evan and his wife and baby, and surprisingly, Angelica all smiling back at her. Gates had mentioned how he had finally calmed down and how Angelica had apologized. She only wanted the best for him and since that seemed to be Sloane, she, wouldn't continue to give him a hard time about it.
Liyah rushed over to hug her. ”I'm so happy for you.”
”I can't believe this.” Sloane laughed, turning to Gates. ”You're just full of surprises.”
”This is one of the most important days of our lives. What better way to celebrate, but with family and friends.” He reached down to pick up Brayden who had escaped Avery's arms and scampered across the room to his daddy.
She kissed him and then kissed Brayden on his forehead. ”This is the absolute best Christmas I've ever had.”
A few weeks after Christmas, Sloane felt ready for another vacation. Finis.h.i.+ng the hospital project and planning a wedding had her so stressed out that she could hardly tell if she was coming or going. Evidently, Gates sensed her high anxiety level and arranged for Avery to take care of Brayden for a week, while he whisked her off to Charleston.
Checking her reflection in the mirror, Sloane smoothed the white silk gown over her hips. She took her hair down and it now fell in loose curls across her shoulders. Exiting the bathroom, she walked to the bed where Gates sat. A long white tube lay on her side of the bed with a red ribbon around it.
”What's this?” She picked up the tube, pulling back the covers before sliding in beside him.
”Maybe you should open it and find out.”
”Gates, what've you done?” She could tell he was up to something, noticing the mischievous grin plastered across his gloriously handsome face. She'd never seen him smile as much as he had in the past couple of weeks and it was wonderful to see. He was back to the man she'd fallen in love with and her heart felt full every time she looked at him.
”It's a wedding gift.”
”But the wedding is weeks away.”
”I know, but I can't wait until then to give it to you.”
”You're ruining me, you know that, right?” She laughed, pulling the white cap from one end of the tube and reaching to pull out what at first looked like a poster. ”Don't tell me, you got me an autographed poster of Jason Momoa?” She giggled, fan-girling over the Conan the Barbarian film star.
”You're so funny.” Gates rolled his eyes at her sarcastic remark as she continued to laugh. ”Just open it.”
”This is a...blueprint.” With Gates' help she slowly lay the tube aside and spread out the paper. Real estate was his life, but a blueprint? What kind of present could that possibly be? ”What is this...a house?”
”Gates, you're building a house?” She turned to look at him, confusion plastered across her face. It still wasn't clicking with her why he'd give her a blueprint of a house for a wedding...oh no!
”We are building a house,” he motioned back and forth between them.
”When? I mean, why? I-” The man may be a real estate shark, but he was the most generous and wonderful man she'd ever met. It was the best wedding present that she'd ever imagined.
”Why not?”
”But, we have a house. Aren't we living in the penthouse in New York?”
”We'll keep it, so we have a place to stay when we visit.”
”Visit? What are you talking about? We aren't building the house in New York?” She was truly confused by now and sat anxiously, awaiting his answer.