Part 10 (1/2)

”Hey, Aunt Avery.” Liyah grinned, moving to hug Avery with one arm and balance Brayden with the other.

”Hi, sweetheart. And h.e.l.lo there big man.”

”Abee.” Sloane proudly watched the little boy recognize and reach for his great aunt. His version of her name always sounded more like the first two letters of the alphabet than Avery.

”Well, I guess he's excited to see you.”

”Oh my, you're getting so big.” Avery took Brayden from Liyah's arms and kissed the little boy on his head. ”And you look exactly like your father.”

”Auntie, please don't start.” Sloane rebuffed and walked down the hallway to her bedroom to retrieve her bags. Avery never let a chance go by to throw in a dig about Sloane telling Gates. The car service would be there shortly to take her to the airport and she was nervous enough about giving a speech in front of people she didn't know. She didn't need her aunt adding fuel to the fire by mentioning Gates.

”I'm only making an observation. You will be in New York and that's the perfect opportunity to tell someone about his son.”

”I'm not listening to you. Come here little one.” Reaching out, she took Brayden from her aunt's arms. ”Are you going to be a good boy for Abee?” Looking back at her with Gates' eyes, Brayden opened his mouth wide showing off his new tooth and put his hand on her nose.

”I guess that means yes.” She kissed him just as the she heard the horn signaling that her ride had arrived. ”I love you little one and I'll see you when I get back.” Sloane handed Brayden to Avery and headed out to the awaiting car.

”...and accepting on behalf of the Mariana Reyes Foundation, Sloane Davis.” Smiling, Sloane stood and took the announcer's hand as he helped her to the podium. She was radiant in a jade satin dress with a rhinestone clasp on the right shoulder, leaving the left shoulder exposed. The dress hugged her slim figure until it reached the waist where it hung straight with a split on the side. She stood a few inches taller than her normal 5'6” height in the strappy black heels she wore. She had pulled her naturally curly hair up off of her neck, making her look younger than she was. She'd been a hit with the males, but noticed many women cutting their eyes at her as she made the rounds of the room earlier. She took the award and placed it on the podium before giving her short acceptance speech. As she finished, she looked up to lock eyes with none other than Gates McCall who was sitting with a familiar gorgeous redhead by his side. Quickly thanking everyone again, Sloane walked to her seat. She could feel her heart move up to her throat and she reached for a gla.s.s of water to try and calm her nerves. What is he doing here? And why is he with her?

Once the presentation was over, Sloane chatted with people around the room and she lost sight of Gates and his date. She was somewhat happy about it because the redhead was none other than Allison Gentry, or Allie as most people called her. Allie had never made any bones about wanting Gates and would do whatever she had to in order to get him. Obviously, she had achieved her goal since Sloane was no longer in the picture. It was just as well she couldn't see them in the room. Maybe they left and she wouldn't have to deal with the drama. Weaving through the crowd to the side doors to get a breath of fresh air, she moved to the railing on the terrace and looked out. It was a beautiful night and she could swear she could see every star ever formed in the sky.

”Beautiful night, huh?” She gasped hearing a familiar deep voice resonate from the shadows behind her.

”You following me now?” Turning she watched Gates saunter over to the railing and stand beside her. He was dressed impeccably in a black tux and she felt lightheaded from the cologne he was wearing.

”No, actually, I was out here first. I watched you come out and I thought I wouldn't say anything and let you enjoy the view. But when I see something beautiful...the sky I mean, I have to say something.”

”Well, I'm sorry I interrupted you.” She looked up at him through her long lashes and realized she was actually happy to see him.

”I'm glad you came out. I wanted to tell you the speech was nice. I'm sure you'll leave here with a lot more money than you imagined.” She felt a surge of heat rush up her neck as his eyes washed over her face.

”Why do I think you'd have something to do with that?”

”Oh no, you did it on your own. You always were good at finding a cause and doing everything in your power to support it.” She could feel herself being sucked into his trance as he stared into her eyes.

”I didn't know you'd be here.” Quickly changing the subject, she tried breaking up the awkwardness between them. ”I see you and Allie are together.”

”Allie's just a friend.” She hated that she even cared he was there with anyone, but it really bothered her he was there with the witch. Little did she know Gates had only asked Allie to the event to keep up appearances. Nor did she know he'd made his way out to the terrace to find a small moment of solace away from her.

”Oh, hey, it's none of my business.” She threw her hands up in mock defense, grinning at his quick reply.

”How's Chase?” Gates counteracted.

”Fine.” She swallowed hard knowing it was only a matter of time before she was going to have to start tap dancing around the truth.

”I'm surprised he didn't come with you. New York can be a very dangerous place for a beautiful woman alone.” She could feel herself slowly withering under his overly appreciative gaze.

”Dangerous huh? No he didn't make this trip. He had to, uh, to work, couldn't rearrange his schedule.” Sloane quickly made up another lie. Both stood eyeing the other carefully and she could feel a thick cloud of tension billowing between them. It was hard to tell whether it was animosity or s.e.xual tension. She was leaning towards the latter.

”So, how long are you in town?”

”One more day and then I'm on my way back.”

”Well, maybe you and I could get together for lunch or something tomorrow...before you head back. That is, if it's okay with Chase.”

Sloane struggled to push down the lump sitting in the middle of her throat. She knew the longer she kept up the charade the harder it would be to tell Gates the truth.

”I'd like that. Actually, I wanted to talk to you about-” She quickly decided there was no time like the present for her to tell him about Chase and Brayden. Just as she opened her mouth, she noticed Allie walking towards them dressed in a very revealing red slinky dress that clung to her perfect figure and shed much light on her ample cleavage.

”Gates McCall, there you are. I've been looking for you.” Sloane could feel her stomach churn watching Allie snuggle up to Gates and slip her arm in his before turning to grin at Sloane. ”Sloane Davis, you haven't changed a bit. How are you?” Her voice was still as sweet and full of Splenda as she remembered and Sloane bit back the urge to scratch her eyes out. Get a grip Sloane. She hated to see the viper with her arms coiled around Gates, but she would not let Allie get the satisfaction of knowing it.

”I'm great, Allie. How are you?” Sloane forced a smile at the beast.

”I'm wonderful. I think it's so nice how you're working and doing so much to help the less fortunate. But you always did like getting your hands dirty and doing that well-meaning kind of work. That's so sweet.” Anyone else would have seen Allie's comments as a compliment, but Sloane knew better. Allie was being condescending with every sweet melodic word that trickled out of her mouth. It was the equivalent to the old saying 'bless her heart' women used in the South when someone was grating on their last nerve.

”Well you know me. I always did want to rid the world of the parasites that cling to anything they can sink their teeth in. I see you haven't changed a bit either.” Two can play this game honey.

”Hmm, well things have changed a little bit and I couldn't be happier.” Sloane knew if she had to keep watching Allie move closer to Gates, she was going to hurl. ”It's a beautiful night and I've got one of the most gorgeous and most eligible men in New York on my arm. Tonight's perfect.” She wickedly raised her eyebrow at Sloane before turning to Gates. ”Are you ready?” She batted her fake eyelashes at Gates and looked back at Sloane.

If Sloane didn't know any better, she could swear she saw Gates' jaw tense like it always did when someone was agitating him. She smiled and reached over to squeeze his free arm letting him off easy and sparing Allie the embarra.s.sment of being put in her place by Gates McCall. If Allie wanted to play a game of chess, Sloane was up for it.

”Actually, I've gotta go anyway. I have an early morning meeting with some investors, but I'll see you tomorrow afternoon, right?” Sloane pointedly asked, giving Gates a look that wilted Allie's smile. Check.

”Yeah, I'll definitely see you tomorrow. I'll call you.” She noticed Gates' jaw relax as he grinned at her. And mate.

”Sounds perfect. Good night, Gates. Allie.” Sloane demurely tipped her chin and left their presence as she sashayed through the French doors. She floated across the floor with the biggest smirk on her face knowing Gates was going to hear it from that harlot for the rest of the night.

”Well, look what the cat dragged in.” Sloane turned to see Angelica with her arms crossed and staring a hole into her. She had been a little hesitant when Gates asked her to meet him at his office before lunch. She knew it could be a little uncomfortable, but she finally relinquished since it was close to where her meeting was. Now seeing the scathing look on Angelica's face and hearing the disdain in her voice, she was second-guessing her decision.

”Angelica.” She silently hoped Gates would come and save her from the hate that seemed to spew from Angelica's eyes. Angelica knew how close she and Gates were and Sloane could only imagine how angry she was with her for walking out on Gates.

”This is quite a surprise. Usually when people turn tail and run, they don't return.” Angelica tilted her head and continued to stare Sloane down.

”Um, uh-” Sloane started to reply but she was cut off by a familiar baritone voice behind her.

”That's enough, Gel.” Sloane turned to see Gates standing behind her. Gates' pointed glare demanded that Angelica shut her mouth and keep any other thoughts to herself. ”Sloane, I hope you haven't been waiting long.”

”Oh, no. I just got here a few minutes ago. My meeting ran a little long and I was hoping that I wouldn't be holding you up.” Great. Her nerves were shot by running into Angelica and now she was rambling.

”I'm sure.” Sloane could hear Angelica muttering underneath her breath.

”Well, we should go.” Gates reached for the door, ignoring the snide comments from his friend and escorted Sloane out of the building. They got into an awaiting car and headed to lunch.

”I'm pretty sure I know how Angelica feels about me.” Sloane shrugged and glanced warily at Gates.

”You know Gel. She's a little overprotective at times.” Gates replied nonchalantly, putting her at ease. They enjoyed lunch and he shared the details of how the rest of his night with Allie had transpired.

”Gates, stop.” She couldn't remember the last time she'd laughed so hard. They took a detour once they were done with lunch and took a walk in the park and she was a little shocked at the ease in which both had fallen into rhythm. It felt like old times and she had to keep reminding herself things were different now. A lot different.