Part 10 (1/2)
This was not the gate where Charmides entered. This entrance was reserved for the judges, the compet.i.tors, and the heralds. Inside there were seats for forty-five thousand people. On one side the hill made a natural slope for seats. But on the other sides a ridge of earth had to be built up. The track was about two hundred yards long. Only the two ends have been excavated. The rest still lies deep under the sand.
Here Creon and the other boys spent a month in training before the games. The gymnasium had a covered portico as long as the track in the stadion, where the boys could run in bad weather. A Greek boy of to-day is playing on his shepherd's pipes in the foreground, and they are the same kind of pipes on which the old Greeks played.
From a vase painting. They are wrestling, jumping with weights, throwing the spear, throwing the discus, while their teachers watch them. One man is saying, ”A beautiful boy, truly.”
When we see a picture of fallen broken columns lying about a field in disorder, we try to learn how the original building looked and to imagine it in all its beauty. This, men believe, is the way the Temple of Zeus looked. The figures in the pediment were all of Parian marble.
In the center stands Zeus himself. A chariot race is about to be run, and the contestants stand on either side of Zeus. Zeus gave the victory to Pelops, and Pelops became husband of Hippodameia, and king of Pisa, and founded the Olympic Games. These games were held every fourth year for more than a thousand years.
Note: This and the following plates of the Labors of Herakles and the statue of Victory, were photographed from Curtius and Adler's ”Olympia: Die Ergebnisse der von dem Deutschen Reich Veranstalteten Ausgrabung,” etc. This is one of the most beautiful books ever made for a buried city.
Boys and girls who can reach the Metropolitan Museum Library should not miss it. It is in many volumes, each almost as large as the top of the table, and you do not need to read German to appreciate the plates.
Under the porches of the Temple of Zeus were twelve pictures in marble, six at each end, showing the Labors of Herakles. Herakles was highly honored at Olympia and, according to one tale, he, instead of Pelops, was the founder of the Olympic Games.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Herakles and the Nemean lion.--_Metropolitan Museum_]
[Ill.u.s.tration: Herakles and the hydra.--_Metropolitan Museum_]
In the sand, not far from the Temple of Zeus, the explorers found the fragments of this statue. It shows the G.o.ddess flying down from heaven to bring victory to the men of Messene and Naupaktos. So the victors must have erected this statue at Olympia in grat.i.tude.
Something like the picture used as the frontispiece, men believe the statue looked originally. It stood upon a base thirty feet high so that the G.o.ddess really looked as if she were descending from heaven.
This shows the ruins of the temple where Charmides saw the statue of Hermes, perhaps the most beautiful statue in the world.
The Greek artist who made this statue believed that a beautiful body is glorious, as well as a beautiful mind, and a fine spirit. Do you think his statue shows all these things? The original is now at the Metropolitan Museum.
The artist had great skill who could chisel out of marble such a strong, bold rider, and such a spirited horse.