Part 3 (1/2)
Aaron's pa.s.sword yielded even more fruit. HBGary used Google Apps for its e-mail services, and for both Aaron and Ted, the pa.s.sword cracking provided access to their mail. But Aaron was no mere user of Google Apps: his account was also the administrator of the company's mail. With his higher access, he could reset the pa.s.swords of any mailbox and hence gain access to all the company's mail-not just his own. It's this capability that yielded access to Greg Hoglund's mail.
And what was done with Greg's mail?
A little bit of social engineering, that's what.
A little help from my friends Contained within Greg's mail were two bits of useful information. One: the root pa.s.sword to the machine running Greg's site was either ”88j4bb3rw0cky88” or ”88Scr3am3r88”. Two: Jussi Jaakonaho, ”Chief Security Specialist” at Nokia, had root access. Vandalizing the website stored on the machine was now within reach.
The attackers just needed a little bit more information: they needed a regular, non-root user account to log in with, because as a standard security procedure, direct ssh access with the root account is disabled. Armed with the two pieces of knowledge above, and with Greg's e-mail account in their control, the social engineers set about their task. The e-mail correspondence tells the whole story: tells the whole story: From: Greg To: Jussi Subject: need to ssh into rootkit im in europe and need to ssh into the server. can you drop open up firewall and allow ssh through port 59022 or something vague?
and is our root pa.s.sword still 88j4bb3rw0cky88 or did we change to 88Scr3am3r88 ?
thanks -------------------------------------.
From: Jussi To: Greg Subject: Re: need to ssh into rootkit hi, do you have public ip? or should i just drop fw?
and it is w0cky - tho no remote root access allowed -------------------------------------.
From: Greg To: Jussi Subject: Re: need to ssh into rootkit no i dont have the public ip with me at the moment because im ready for a small meeting and im in a rush.
if anything just reset my pa.s.sword to changeme123 and give me public ip and ill ssh in and reset my pw.
From: Jussi To: Greg Subject: Re: need to ssh into rootkit ok, it should now accept from anywhere to 47152 as ssh. i am doing testing so that it works for sure.
your pa.s.sword is changeme123 i am online so just shoot me if you need something.
in europe, but not in finland? :-) _jussi -------------------------------------.
From: Greg To: Jussi Subject: Re: need to ssh into rootkit if i can squeeze out time maybe we can catch up.. ill be in germany for a little bit. anyway I can't ssh into rootkit. you sure the ips still
thanks -------------------------------------.
From: Jussi To: Greg Subject: Re: need to ssh into rootkit does it work now?
From: Greg To: Jussi Subject: Re: need to ssh into rootkit yes jussi thanks did you reset the user greg or?
From: Jussi To: Greg Subject: Re: need to ssh into rootkit nope. your account is named as hoglund -------------------------------------.
From: Greg To: Jussi Subject: Re: need to ssh into rootkit yup im logged in thanks ill email you in a few, im backed up thanks Thanks indeed. To be fair to Jussi, the fake Greg appeared to know the root pa.s.sword and, well, the e-mails were coming from Greg's own e-mail address. But over the course of a few e-mails it was clear that ”Greg” had forgotten both his username and his pa.s.sword. And Jussi handed them to him on a platter.
Later on, Jussi did appear to notice something was up: From: Jussi To: Greg Subject: Re: need to ssh into rootkit did you open something running on high port?
As with the HBGary machine, this could have been avoided if keys had been used instead of pa.s.swords. But they weren't. was now compromised.
Standard practice Once the username and pa.s.sword were known, defacing the site was easy. Log in as Greg, switch to root, and deface away! The attackers went one better than this, however: they dumped the user database for, listing the e-mail addresses and pa.s.sword hashes for everyone who'd ever registered on the site. And, as with the CMS system, the pa.s.swords were hashed with a single naive use of MD5, meaning that once again they were susceptible to rainbow table-based pa.s.sword cracking. So the crackable pa.s.swords were cracked, too.
So what do we have in total? A Web application with SQL injection flaws and insecure pa.s.swords. Pa.s.swords that were badly chosen. Pa.s.swords that were reused. Servers that allowed pa.s.sword-based authentication. Systems that weren't patched. And an astonis.h.i.+ng willingness to hand out credentials over e-mail, even when the person being asked for them should have realized something was up.
The thing is, none of this is unusual. Quite the opposite. The Anonymous hack was not exceptional: the hackers used standard, widely known techniques to break into systems, find as much information as possible, and use that information to compromise further systems. They didn't have to, for example, use any non-public vulnerabilities or perform any carefully targeted social engineering. And because of their desire to cause significant public disruption, they did not have to go to any great lengths to hide their activity.
Nonetheless, their attack was highly effective, and it was well-executed. The desire was to cause trouble for HBGary, and that they did. Especially in the social engineering attack against Jussi, they used the right information in the right way to seem credible.
Most frustrating for HBGary must be the knowledge that they know what they did wrong, and they were perfectly aware of best practices; they just didn't actually use them use them. Everybody knows knows you don't use easy-to-crack pa.s.swords, but some employees did. Everybody you don't use easy-to-crack pa.s.swords, but some employees did. Everybody knows knows you don't re-use pa.s.swords, but some of them did. Everybody you don't re-use pa.s.swords, but some of them did. Everybody knows knows that you should patch servers to keep them free of known security flaws, but they didn't. that you should patch servers to keep them free of known security flaws, but they didn't.
And HBGary isn't alone. a.n.a.lysis of the pa.s.swords leaked from and Gawker shows that pa.s.sword re-use is extremely widespread, with something like 30 percent of users re-using their pa.s.swords. HBGary won't be the last site to suffer from SQL injection, either, and people will continue to use pa.s.sword authentication for secure systems because it's so much more convenient than key-based authentication. of the pa.s.swords leaked from and Gawker shows that pa.s.sword re-use is extremely widespread, with something like 30 percent of users re-using their pa.s.swords. HBGary won't be the last site to suffer from SQL injection, either, and people will continue to use pa.s.sword authentication for secure systems because it's so much more convenient than key-based authentication.
So there are clearly two lessons to be learned here. The first is that the standard advice is good advice. If all best practices had been followed then none of this would have happened. Even if the SQL injection error was still present, it wouldn't have caused the cascade of failures that followed.
The second lesson, however, is that the standard advice isn't good enough. Even recognized security experts who should know better won't follow it. What hope does that leave for the rest of us?
[image]On November 16, 2009, Greg Hoglund, a cofounder of computer security firm HBGary, sent an e-mail to two colleagues. The message came with an attachment, a Microsoft Word file called AL_QAEDA.doc, which had been further compressed and pa.s.sword protected for safety. Its contents were dangerous.
”I got this word doc linked off a dangler site for Al Qaeda peeps,” wrote Hoglund. ”I think it has a US govvy payload buried inside. Would be neat to [a.n.a.lyze] it and see what it's about. DONT open it unless in a [virtual machine] obviously... DONT let it FONE HOME unless you want black suits landing on your front acre. :-)”
The attached doc.u.ment, which is in English, begins: ”LESSON SIXTEEN: USING POISONS AND COLD STEEL (UK/BM-154 TRANSLATION).”
It purports to be an Al-Qaeda doc.u.ment on dispatching one's enemies with knives (try ”the area directly above the genitals”), with ropes (”Choking... there is no other area besides the neck”), with blunt objects (”Top of the stomach, with the end of the stick.”), and with hands (”Poking the fingers into one or both eyes and gouging them.”).
But the poison recipes, for ricin and other a.s.sorted horrific bioweapons, are the main draw. One, purposefully made from a specific combination of spoiled food, requires ”about two spoonfuls of fresh excrement.” The doc.u.ment praises the effectiveness of the resulting poison: ”During the time of the destroyer, Jamal Abdul Na.s.ser, someone who was being severely tortured in prison (he had no connection with Islam), ate some feces after losing sanity from the severity of the torture. A few hours after he ate the feces, he was found dead.”
According to Hoglund, the recipes came with a side dish, a specially crafted piece of malware meant to infect Al-Qaeda computers. Is the US government in the position of deploying the hacker's darkest tools-rootkits, computer viruses, trojan horses, and the like? Of course it is, and Hoglund was well-positioned to know just how common the practice had become. Indeed, he and his company helped to develop these electronic weapons.
Thanks to a cache of HBGary e-mails leaked by the hacker collective Anonymous, we have at least a small glimpse through a dirty window into the process by which tax dollars enter the military-industrial complex and emerge as malware.
Task B In 2009, HBGary had partnered with the Advanced Information Systems group of defense contractor General Dynamics to work on a project euphemistically known as ”Task B.” The team had a simple mission: slip a piece of stealth software onto a target laptop without the owner's knowledge.
They focused on ports-a laptop's interfaces to the world around it-including the familiar USB port, the less-common PCMCIA Type II card slot, the smaller ExpressCard slot, WiFi, and Firewire. No laptop would have all of these, but most recent machines would have at least two.
The HBGary engineering team broke this list down into three categories. First came the ”direct access” ports that provided ”uninhibited electronic direct memory access.” PCMCIA, ExpressCard, and Firewire all allowed external devices-say a custom piece of hardware delivered by a field operative-to interact directly with the laptop with a minimum amount of fuss. The direct memory access provided by the controllers for these ports mean that devices in them can write directly to the computer's memory without intervention from the main CPU and with little restriction from the operating system. If you want to overwrite key parts of the operating system to sneak in a bit of your own code, this is the easiest way to go.
The second and third categories, ports that needed ”trust relations.h.i.+ps” or relied on ”buffer overflows,” included USB and wireless networking. These required more work to access, especially if one wanted to do so without alerting a user; Windows in particular is notorious for the number of prompts it throws when USB devices are inserted or removed. A cheerful note about ”Searching for device driver for NSA_keylogger_rootkit_tango” had to be avoided.
So HBGary wanted to go the direct access route, characterizing it as the ”low hanging fruit” with the lowest risk. General Dynamics wanted HBGary to investigate the USB route as well (the ports are more common, but an attack has to trick the operating system into doing its bidding somehow, commonly through a buffer overflow).
The team had two spy movie scenarios in which its work might be used, scenarios drafted to help the team think through its approach: 1) Man leaves laptop locked while quickly going to the bathroom. A device can then be inserted and then removed without touching the laptop itself except at the target port. (i.e. one can't touch the mouse,keyboard, insert a CD, etc.)2) Woman shuts down her laptop and goes home. One then can insert a device into the target port and a.s.sume she will not see it when she returns the next day. One can then remove the device at a later time after she boots up the machine.
Why would the unnamed client for Task B-which a later e-mail makes clear was for a government agency-want such a tool? Imagine you want access to the computer network used in a foreign government ministry, or in a nuclear lab. Such a facility can be tough to crack over the Internet; indeed, the most secure facilities would have no such external access. And getting an agent inside the facility to work mischief is very risky-if it's even possible at all.
But say a scientist from the facility uses a memory stick to carry data home at night, and that he plugs the memory stick into his laptop on occasion. You can now get a piece of custom spyware into the facility by putting a copy on the memory stick-if you can first get access to the laptop. So you tail the scientist and follow him from his home one day to a local coffee shop. He steps away to order another drink, to go to the bathroom, or to talk on his cell phone, and the tail walks past his table and sticks an all-but-undetectable bit of hardware in his laptop's ExpressCard slot. Suddenly, you have a vector that points all the way from a local coffee shop to the interior of a secure government facility.
The software exploit code actually delivered onto the laptop was not HBGary's concern; it needed only to provide a route through the computer's front door. But it had some constraints. First, the laptop owner should still be able to use the port so as not to draw attention to the inserted hardware. This is quite obviously tricky, but one could imagine a tiny ExpressCard device that slid down into the slot but could in turn accept another ExpressCard device on its exterior-facing side. This sort of parallel plugging might well go unnoticed by a user with no reason to suspect it.
HBGary's computer infiltration code then had to avoid the computer's own electronic defenses. The code should ”not be detectable” by virus scanners or operating system port scans, and it should clean up after itself to eliminate all traces of entry.
Greg Hoglund was confident that he could deliver at least two laptop-access techniques in less than a kilobyte of memory each. As the author of books like Exploiting Software: How to Break Code Exploiting Software: How to Break Code, Rootkits: Subverting the Windows Kernel Rootkits: Subverting the Windows Kernel, and Exploiting Online Games: Cheating Ma.s.sively Distributed Systems Exploiting Online Games: Cheating Ma.s.sively Distributed Systems, he knew his way around the deepest recesses of Windows in particular.
Hoglund's special interest was in all-but-undetectable computer ”rootkits,” programs that provide privileged access to a computer's innermost workings while cloaking themselves even from standard operating system functions. A good rootkit can be almost impossible to remove from a running machine-if you could even find it in the first place.