Part 58 (1/2)

The Silver Horde Rex Beach 18770K 2022-07-22

”How interesting! Are there many Greeks here?”

”No. It is a relic of the Russian days. The natives wors.h.i.+p there.”

”I intended to go closer; but the walking is not very good, is it?” She glanced down at her dainty French shoes, then at Cherry's hunting-boots.

”Do you live here?”

”Yes. In the log house yonder.”

”Indeed! I tried to find some one there, but--you were out, of course. You have it arranged very cozily, I see.” Mildred's manner was faintly patronizing. She was vexed at the beauty and evident refinement of this woman whom she had thought to find so different.

”If you will go back I will show it to you from the inside, Miss Wayland.”

Cherry enjoyed her start at the name and the look of cold hostility that followed.

”You have the advantage of me,” said Mildred. ”I did not think we had met.

You are--?” She raised her brows, inquiringly.

”Cherry Malotte, of course.”

”I remember. Mr. Marsh spoke of you.”

”I am sorry.”

”I beg your pardon?”

”I say I am sorry Mr. Marsh ever spoke of me.”

Mildred smiled frigidly. ”Evidently you do not like him?”

”n.o.body in Alaska likes him. Do you?”

”You see, I am not an Alaskan.”

It occurred to Cherry that this girl was ignorant of the unexpected change in Boyd's affairs. She decided to sound her--to find out for herself the answer to those questions which Boyd had evaded. He had not spoken to Mildred of Marsh. Perhaps if she knew the truth, she would love him better, and even now her a.s.sistance would not be valueless.

”Do you know that Mr. Marsh is to blame for all of Boyd's misfortune?” she said.


”Yes, Boyd's, of course. Oh, let us not pretend--I call him by his first name. I think you ought to know the truth about this business, even if Boyd is too chivalrous to tell you.”

”Why do you think he has not told me?”

”I have just come from him.”

”If Mr. Emerson blames any one but himself for his failure, I am sure he would have told me.”

”Then you don't know him.”

”I never knew him to ask another to defend him.”