Part 31 (1/2)
”I'll agree to anything,” she answered; then, becoming suddenly earnest, she spoke with s.h.i.+ning eyes: ”Mr. Hilliard is going to open up this copper, and it is going to make me rich--rich! I can't tell you what that means to me--you wouldn't understand. I can leave that whole North Country behind me, and all that it signifies. I can be what I want to be--what I really am.”
Boyd saw the great yearning in her eyes, saw that she was fairly breathless with the intensity of her hope. He reached forth and, taking her tightly clasped hands in his, said, simply:
”If I can help you in any way it will be my greatest pleasure.” Her glance dropped before his straight gaze, and she answered:
”You are a good man. I am glad to have you for a friend. But you will pardon my selfishness, won't you? I didn't mean to put forward my own affairs when yours are going so badly.”
”They went very well,” he declared, ”until I tried to climb this-- glacier.”
”Did that newspaper story frighten Mr. Hilliard?”
”I couldn't make out whether it did or not.”
”Let's see! It was nearly a week ago that it appeared.”
”Five days, to be exact.”
”It takes three days to come from Chicago, doesn't it?”
”What has that to do with it?”
”Hasn't it struck you as strange that Hilliard should wait until you had sewed yourself up in a web of contracts and obligations before advising you of the bad news?”
”If you mean that this is the doing of that Chicago outfit, why did they wait so long? If the a.s.sociated Press sent that item to Chicago, or if they were advised from here, why didn't they wire back? It all could have been effected by telegraph in no time.”
”It wouldn't be possible to do such a thing by wire or by mail, and, besides, Willis Marsh doesn't work that way. If that despatch was printed in Chicago, and if he saw it, I predict trouble for you in raising one hundred thousand dollars in Seattle.”
”You are not a bit rea.s.suring. However, I shall soon determine.” He arose.
”I'll call for you at seven, and I'll wager right now that your fears are groundless. Prepare to see me return with a ring through the nose of our giant.”
”At seven, sharp!” she agreed. ”Meanwhile I shall delight myself with a shopping expedition. I'm a perfect sight.”
At seven she descended from her room in answer to his call, to find him pacing the hotel parlor, his jaw set stubbornly.
”What luck?” she demanded.
”You spoke with the tongue of a prophet. Money has suddenly become very scarce in Seattle.”
”How many banks did you try?”
”Three. I shall try the rest to-morrow. How did you fare?”
”First blood is mine. I feel that I shall capture Mr. Hilliard. Now, no more business, do you understand? No, you are not to mention the subject again. You need a rest. Do you know that your face is haggard and drawn?
You are tired out.”
After a moment's pause, he acknowledged: ”I believe I am. I--I am very glad you have come, Cherry.”