Part 45 (2/2)
And the four Sundays of Advent disappeared with the turned pages of the prayer-book; the night of the Nativity was come. After the ”Jesu Redemptor” of Vespers, the old Portuguese chant, the ”Adeste Fideles,”
arose at Benediction from every lip. It was a sequence of a truly charming simplicity, an old carving wherein defiled the shepherds and the kings to a popular air appropriate to great marches, apt to charm, to aid by the somewhat military rhythm of its steps, the long lines of the faithful quitting their cottages to go to the distant churches in the towns.
And imperceptibly, like the year in an invisible rotation, the circle turned, and stopped at the Feast of the Holy Innocents, where there flourished out, like a flower from a slaughter-house, on a shoot culled from a soil irrigated by the blood of lambs, this sequence, red, and smelling of roses, the ”Salvate Flores Martyrum” of Prudentius; the crown moved again, and the hymn of the Epiphany, the ”Crudelis Herodes”
of Sedudius, appeared in its turn.
Now the Sundays grew heavy, the violet Sundays when the ”Gloria in Excelsis” is no more heard, when the ”Audi Benigne” of Saint Ambrose is chanted, and the ”Miserere,” that cinder-coloured psalm, which is perhaps the most perfect masterpiece which the Church has ever drawn from her store-houses of plain chants.
It was Lent, when the amethysts fade in the moist grey of onyxes, in the embrowned white of quartz, and the magnificent invocation, ”Attende Domine,” rose beneath the arches. Sprung like the ”Rorate Coeli” from the sequences of the Old Testament, this humble and contrite chant, enumerating the deserved punishments of sins, became, if not more sorrowful, at all events more grave and more pressing when it confirmed, when it resumed in the initial stanza of its burthen, the avowal of shame already confessed.
And suddenly on this crown there burst out after the expiring fires of Lent, the flaming ruby of the Pa.s.sion. On the upturned yellow of the sky a red cross was raised, while majestic shouts and despairing cries proclaimed the blood-stained fruit of the tree; and the ”Vexilla Regis”
was again repeated the following Sunday at the Feast of Palms, which joined to that Sequence of Fortunatus the green hymn which it accompanied with a silky noise of palms, the ”Gloria laus et honor” of Theodulph.
Then the fires of precious stones grew grey and died. To the glowing coals of gems succeeded the dead cinders of obsidians, black stones scarcely swelling, without a gleam above the tarnished gold of their mountings; one entered no Holy Week, everywhere the ”Pange Lingua” and the ”Stabat Mater” wailed under the arches, and then came the ”Tenebrae,”
the lamentations, and the psalms, whose knell shook the flame of the brown waxen tapers, and after each halt, at the end of each of the psalms, one of the tapers expired, and its column of blue smoke evaporated still under the lighted circ.u.mference of the arches, while the choir recommenced the interrupted series of complaints.
And the crown turned once more; the beads of this musical rosary still ran on, and all changed. Jesus had risen, and songs of joy issued from the organs. The ”Victimae Paschali Laudes” exulted before the gospel of the, and at the Benediction the ”O Filii et Filiae,” created indeed to be intoned by the wild jubilations of crowds, ran and sported in the joyous hurricane of the organs, which uprooted the pillars and unroofed the naves.
And the feasts rung in with bells followed at longer intervals. At Ascension the heavy and clear crystals of Saint Ambrose filled with their luminous water the tiny basin of the catkins; the fire of rubies and garnets lighted up again with the crimson hymn and scarlet sequence of Pentecost the ”Veni Creator” and ”Veni Spiritus.” The Feast of the Trinity pa.s.sed, signalized by the stanzas of Gregory the Great; and for the Feast of the Blessed Sacrament, the liturgy could exhibit the most marvellous jewel case of its dower, the Office of Saint Thomas, the ”Pange Lingua,” the ”Adore Te,” the ”Sacris Solemniis,” the ”Verb.u.m Supernum,” and above all the ”Lauda Sion,” that pure masterpiece of Latin poetry and scholasticism, that hymn so precise, so lucid in its abstraction, so firm in its rhymed words, round which is rolled the melody perhaps the most enthusiastic, the most supple in plain chant.
The circle displaced itself again, showing on its different faces the twenty-three to twenty-eight Sundays which defile after Pentecost, the green weeks of the time of Pilgrimage, and stopped at the last feast, at the Sunday after the Octave of All Saints, at the Dedication of Churches which the ”Coelestis Urbs” incensed, old stanzas of which the ruins were badly consolidated by the architects of Urban VIII., old jewels, on which the troubled water slept and was reanimated only in rare lights.
The juncture of the religious crown, of the liturgical year, was then made at the, in which the gospel of the last Sunday after Pentecost, the Gospel according to Saint Matthew, repeats, as well as the Gospel according to Saint Luke, recited on the first Sunday in Advent, the terrible predictions of Christ on the desolation of the time, on the end of the world.
”This is not all,” Durtal continued, who was interested in this run through his prayer-book. ”In this crown of the Proper of the Seasons are inserted, like smaller stones, the sequences of the Proper of Saints which fill the empty places, and finish the round of the circle.
”First the pearls and gems of the Blessed Virgin, the limpid jewels, the blue sapphires and rose rubies of her antiphons; then the aquamarine, so lucid and pure, of the 'Ave Maris Stella,' the topaz, pale as tears, of the 'O Quot nudis Lacrymarum' on the Feast of the Seven Dolours, the hyacinth, colour of dried blood, of the 'Stabat;' then were told the feasts of the Angels and the Saints, the hymns dedicated to the Apostles and the Evangelists, to the Martyrs, whether solitary or in couples, both out of and during the Paschal season, to the Confessors, Pontiffs, and non-Pontiffs, to Virgins, to Holy Women, all Feasts differentiated by special Sequences, by special Proses of which some are very simple, like those stanzas made in honour of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, by Paul the Deacon.
”There still remains All Saints, with the 'Placare Christe,' and the three blows on the alarm bell, the knell in triplets of the 'Dies Irae,'
which resounds on the day set apart for the Commemoration of the Dead.
”What an immense fund of poetry, what an incomparable estate of art the Church possesses!” he cried, closing his book; and many memories rose for him at this excursion into his prayer-book.
On how many evenings had the sadness of life been dissipated in listening to these proses chanted in the churches!
He thought over again of the suppliant voice of Advent, and recalled one evening, when he had wandered under a fine rain along the quays. He had been driven from home by ign.o.ble visions, and at the same time had been hara.s.sed by the increasing disgust of his vices. He had ended by being brought up against his will at St. Gervais.
In the chapel of the Virgin, some poor women were prostrate. He had knelt, tired and dazed, his soul so ill at ease, that he slumbered without power to wake himself. Some men and boys of the choir were installed in the chapel, with two or three priests; they had lighted candles, and the voice, light and sustained, of a child, had in the dark of the church chanted the long antiphons of the ”Rorate.”
In the state of overwhelming sadness in which he was stagnant, Durtal felt himself open and bleeding to the bottom of his soul; then a voice older and less trembling, which understood the words it said, narrated ingenuously, almost without confusion, to the Just One, ”Peccavimus et facti sumus tanquam immundus nos.”
And Durtal took up these words, and spelt them over in terror, thinking, ”Ah! yes, we have sinned and become like the leprous, O Lord!” And the chant continued, and in His turn, the Most High borrowed that same innocent organ of childhood, to declare to man His pity, and to confirm to him the pardon a.s.sured by the coming of the Son.
And the evening had ended by the Benediction in plain chant, in the midst of the silence and prostration of unhappy women.
Durtal remembered how he left the church refreshed, freed from his hauntings, and he had gone away in the drizzling rain, surprised that the way was so short, humming the ”Rorate,” of which the air had taken possession of him, ending by seeing in it the personal touch of a kindly unknown.