Part 13 (1/2)


As it chanced, Mr. Steele's groom, who had been sent with the coach and who sat beside Bob, was on the wrong side to give any a.s.sistance at this crucial moment. To have jumped from the seat threatened to send him plunging down the undefended hillside-perhaps with the coach rolling after him!

For some seconds it did seem as though the horses would go down in a tangle and drag the coach and its occupants after them.

Bob was doing his best with the reins, but the frisky nigh leader was dancing and plunging, and forcing his mate off the firm footing of the road. Indeed, the latter animal was already slipping over the brink.

”Get him!” yelled Bob, meaning the horse that had broken the trace and had stirred up all the trouble.

But who was to ”get him”? That was the difficulty. The groom could not climb over the young driver to reach the ground.

There was at least one quick-witted person aboard the Sunrise coach in this ”touch and go” emergency. Ruth was not afraid of horses. She had not been used to them, like Ann Hicks, all her life, but she was the person now in the best position to help Bob.

To reach the ground on the nigh side of the coach Ann Hicks would have to climb over a couple of boys. Ruth was on that end of the seat and she swung herself off smartly, and landed firmly on the road.

”Look out, Ruth!” shrieked her chum, ”you'll be killed!”

Ruth had no intention of getting near the heels of the horse that had broken its harness. She darted around to his head and seized his bridle.

His mate was already scattering gravel down the hillside as he plunged.

Ruth, paying no attention to the shrieks of the girls or the commands of the groom and the boys, jerked the nigh horse's head around, and so gave his mate a chance to obtain firm footing again. She instantly led both horses toward the inside of the road.

Tom was off his perch by now and had dashed forward to her aid. Amid the gabble of the others, they seemed the only two cool persons in the party.

”Oh! hold them tight, Tom!” cried his sister. ”Don't let them run.”

”Pshaw! they don't want to run,” growled Bobbins.

The groom climbed carefully over him and leaped down into the road. Tom was looking at Ruth with s.h.i.+ning eyes.

”You're the girl for me, Ruthie,” he whispered in a sudden burst of enthusiasm. ”I never saw one like you. You always have your wits about you.”

Ruth smiled and blushed. A word of approbation from Tom Cameron was sweeter to her than the praise of any other of her young friends. She gave him a grateful look, and then turned back to the coach, where the girls were still as excited as a swarm of bees.

They all wanted to get down into the road, until Madge positively forbade it, and Ruth swung herself up to her seat again.

”You can't do any good down there, and you'd only be in the way,” Madge said. ”And the danger's over now.”

”Thanks to Ruthie!” added Helen, squeezing her chum.

”Oh, you make too much fuss about it,” said Ruth. ”I just grabbed the bridle.”

”Yes,” said Mercy, from inside. ”I thought I'd need my aeroplanes to fly with, when that horse began to back over the edge of the hill. You're a good child, Ruthie. I always said so.”

The others had more or less to say about Ruth's action and she was glad to turn the conversation to some other subject.

Meanwhile the groom had mended the harness, and now he and Tom led the leaders to straighten out the team, and the four horses threw themselves into their collars and jerked the coach-wheel out of the gutter.