Part 58 (2/2)
I turn around, and see Pierce jogging out of the building. He's in nothing but his fighting shorts. There's a trickle of blood running down the side of his face, and as he approaches me, pa.s.sing beneath a street lamp, I see that the st.i.tches above his eye have split.
”What, Pierce?”
”Why are you leaving?”
I put my hands on my hips. ”I told you not to do this fight.”
”I had to.”
”I knew you would,” I say, venom in my voice. ”I knew you wouldn't f.u.c.king listen to me.”
”Then why did you come? If you knew I'd be here, but you didn't want to be here?”
”I don't know!”
We stand in silence for a moment.
”Well, you sure got f.u.c.ked up tonight,” I say.
”I couldn't concentrate.”
”I'm falling for you, Pen.”
He just says it, and it catches me off-guard. I can't say that it's not what I wanted to hear. But still...
Sensing that I'm on higher ground, I ask him, ”Why didn't you listen to me?”
”Pen,” he says, and he steps toward me, grabs my arm.
”Hey! Don't hold me like that.”
”Come with me,” he growls, yanking me with him. There's a plane taking off nearby; the fight was held in a private hangar at the airport.
Pierce walks me quickly toward the gate in the fencing that lines the hangar. I can see him s.h.i.+vering.
”d.a.m.n it, Pierce,” I say, taking off my cardigan. I go to wrap it around his neck but he holds his hand out.
”I'm not cold. It's just the adrenaline wearing off.”
”Where are we going?”
”Where's your car?”
”I came here by taxi.”
”f.u.c.k, I'm parked a mile from here. Can you run?”
I blink. ”What the h.e.l.l do you mean?”
”Can you run?”
”Yes, of course I can f.u.c.king run!” I cry, exasperated.
”Run with me,” he says.
We begin jogging toward the fence in the distance. Red lights blink intermittently on top of it. The access gate is unlocked.
”f.u.c.k,” he says, and I follow his eyes. There's somebody walking toward the gate. It's hard to tell if he's airport security or not.
We duck into the shadow between two hangars, and he turns me to face him. ”We need to get out of here, Pen.”
”What the h.e.l.l is going on?”
He puts his finger to his lips, and cranes his neck behind us. Blood is dripping down his face, mixed with sweat, but he doesn't seem to notice.
”What are you looking for?”
”Fallon's goons.”
That's when it clicks for me. f.u.c.k. He ducked out of the fight, didn't complete his end of the deal. They're going to be after him now.
”You idiot!” I hiss. ”Why didn't you finish the fight?”
”Because you left!” he whispers angrily. Then his expression softens. ”I wasn't going to let you get away.”
I shake my head, wondering just what the h.e.l.l we've gotten ourselves into. But something feels off. He's acting too skittish.
”What aren't you telling me?”
He looks me dead in the eye. ”They didn't threaten me. They threatened you.”
The sound of that plane taking off fades into nothingness. All I hear is a dull metallic sound, like a bomb has just gone off. I struggle to wrap my mind around it.
”They said they'd hurt me?”
”They implied it.”
”If you didn't fight.”
”You f.u.c.king idiot!” I say again, slapping his arm. ”I can't believe you left the fight!”