Part 14 (2/2)

”You forgot he was coming back today?”

”He was supposed to come back tomorrow!” she cries.

Well... this could get very awkward.

Chapter Sixteen.

I dart wide eyes to Chance, but he just returns my look of utter horror with a smirk.

”Are we meeting each other's parents already?”

”Shut up!” I hiss at him. ”Um, quick, hide!”

He makes a face. ”I'm not going to f.u.c.king hide.”

”Chance!” I spit, slapping my thighs. I hear one car door close, but it's followed by a second.

I bunch my brow together. Who the h.e.l.l has Dad brought over?

I realize belatedly that I'm not even dressed, and that my hair is a mess, and if Dad's brought over a guest... argh! And without telling me?

I'll kill him.

”At least put on your f.u.c.king s.h.i.+rt!” I hurl at Chance. He shrugs, takes the tee from the counter and squeezes into it.

It's tight, hugs his muscular body. I'm not even sure it qualifies as a t-s.h.i.+rt. Maybe some kind of under-garment.

I hear keys jingle at the front door, and quickly corral my hair as best I can. I check myself, make sure everything is in order, and then the front door swings open and Dad walks in.

He sniffs the air for a moment, and I chew on my lower lip, heart racing.

Then he turns toward the kitchen, sees me. He beams me a broad smile.

Then his eyes flick to Chance, and his smile plummets into a frown.

”Ca.s.sie?” I hear Dad say, and he walks slowly into the kitchen, setting down his luggage.

”Hey, Dad.”

Dad's eyes wipe up and down Chance. They linger on his tattoos for a moment, then on his build, then his face. ”Who is this?”

”Just a friend from school,” I quickly say before Chance can reply.

From behind Dad, I see the door open a little wider. To my great astonishment, a woman walks in. She's wearing, a severe expression, and uptight clothing.

For some inexplicable reason, Chance just starts laughing. It's only a few seconds later that he's gripping onto the kitchen counter, knuckles all white, eyes tearing up, silently heaving with laughter.

”What the h.e.l.l is wrong with you?” I hiss at him.

The woman approaches us, stands next to Dad. She offers me a strained smile, and then her eyes skip over to Chance.

”What are you doing here?” she asks, removing her Her brows are knitted together, and she looks utterly confused.

”You know this boy?” Dad asks.

”Yes!” the woman says. ”He's my son.”

I look between Chance and his mother, see the resemblance. His beautiful hazel eyes are from his mother!

Oh my G.o.d!

Then I see the glint of something s.h.i.+ny on Dad's hand. I peer at it... it's a ring!

”Dad,” I say in a whisper, pointing at his hand. Then I see a ring on her hand as well. ”Did something happen in Vegas?”

Dad puts an arm around Chance's mother, and squeezes her into his side.

”This is Deborah Hudson,” he says. ”We got married.”

He's smiling broadly, proudly, but my world is falling away.

”When?” I cry, palms facing the ceiling.

”A few days ago.”

”A few days ago?” I echo in disbelief. ”And you didn't tell me?”

”I thought it would be better face to face.”

”Are you insane?” I shout, utterly consumed by exasperation and incredulity. ”Just like that?”

I cast wild eyes on Chance, but he's just leaning against the kitchen counter, regarding me, considering me, that stupid look of amus.e.m.e.nt on his face. He picks up his plate of unfinished eggs, and begins to eat.

I huff out a frustrated sigh, but Dad's expression has changed. He looks angry now.

”Ca.s.sie,” he says. ”You are being impolite.”

Chance's mother steps into the kitchen, approaches me. ”I didn't know you two were friends?”

”We only just became friends,” I say hastily when I see Chance opening his egg-filled mouth to speak. I stick out a hand quickly. ”It's nice to meet you Ms. Hudson.”

”You're right in a.s.suming I didn't take your father's name,” she says, and she's got this patronizing tone in her voice. ”What an archaic inst.i.tution.”

”Okay?” I whisper, now thoroughly confused.