Chapter 58 (1/2)

The Reincarnated Princess’s Request (4)

No, no, no I ht tofixedly at the woman

She had rich, wavy black hair Ally defined brows, and fine sculpted features She had glossy red lips, and a beauty mark on the lower left side of her ure excellent The high-collared dark blue dress she as simple, but it made her beauty stand out even more

Make no mistake—it was Miss Bianka

A little younger than when she appeared in the game, but definitely her in the flesh

I can’t possibly mistaken someone like her, but I didn’t re acquainted with each other in the game…

I dug through the faded memories from my past life

Bianka von Diebold

The eldest daughter of a viscount I think she was 22 years old, a year older than Michael She was a character who only appeared in Michael’s route, and she was very popular a nature, and they respectfully called her “Miss Bianka”

I loved her character as well She was really cool

In Michael’s route, even though she was puzzled about Michael’s transfor The Priestess saw the darkness inside hiether with Bianka, she tried to find the truth… Otherwise known as the True Route

Throughout the route, the Priestess faced dangers and lost heart many times, but the one who protected and comforted her was always Miss Bianka

Hey, whose route is this supposed to be? I re

Well, I guess they didn’t really have a choice since the purpose was to search for Michael’s true identity, but it was still pretty bad

The one who protected the Priestess when Michael gradually began to show his yandere nature was Miss Bianka

The one who scolded the Priestess for being scared of the truth, then held her close to comfort her was Miss Bianka

In fact, after crying into Miss Bianka’s chest for a while, the Priestess turned red and thanked her

Seriously, whose route did this belong to? I wanted to ask the developing team

To be honest, I couldn’t accept the final CG for this route After they were met with so many trials, as it only Michael and the Priestess in the end?

Forget Michael, what about Miss Bianka? Where was Miss Bianka?!

I wasn’t the only one who grieved:

“I finished Bianka’s route and I’m not sure why Michael is in the CG”

“You talkin’ about Michael, the sister-in-laho intruded on the Yuri End with Miss Bianka?”

“Holy shi+t, that’s scary”

“Was it a bug?”

“Sorry to disappoint, but don’t hold out The truth is… The hero of the True Route wasn’t Miss Bianka, it was Michael!”


A bunch of skits like that popped up all over the net

They also had strange ways of praising the route For exa soainst how messed up this scenario went”

I auys, but it was different because none of the love interests were the high point of the game It was so different, however, no one else could compare


Absentminded, I didn’t hear him

“Miss Marie”

Sir Leonhard’s voice broughton relevant inforot sidetracked

“Huh?! Yes?!” I raisedwryly, and he indicated with gaze to look at… I met eyes with a peerless beauty

Inside, Miss Bianka was staring intently at lass s

When…did she get so close?