Vol 14 Chapter 5 (1/2)


at 6th of April 2020 08:36:25 AM

Chapter 5

In the front hall of the viceroy’sFischer’s handwritten as passed and read a the civil servants

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Since the start of the LuhrTherefore, little by little, the empire’s civil officials ere still loyal to the royal faathered in Dark City and DarkmoonThey were nuh most of them were not from renowned noble houses, nor were they supercrats who had much power, they were not to be looked down uponAll of them have been deputy directors of the empire’s main ministries, they kne to administer and most of them were even better than their head directorsBasically, the ministry directors’or book-keeping that were , without these deputies, the ee mistake when he chose to just win over the head directors

Viceroy Visual Kheda sat quietly behind a desk drinking water one sip at a ti silently behind hi their brains to co officialsThese people were not very friendly to Cohen

Then finally, as everybody has read the king’s will, the piece of cloth was back in Visual Kheda’s hand

“What are your opinions?” Visual Kheda spread the cloth onto the desktop, “During such a time of crisis if you do not oppose, we shall carry it out accordingly”

No one said a wordNo one dared to oppose it because it was King Fischer’s dying order, but they doubted if they could trust an abominable rascal viceroyWhat kind of hell would he lead the last people loyal to the e the iuement to start and finish sooner because with the her chance they can winIf these officials can speak out their different opinions, she will be able to find a way to win thee into their daily duties, the future will be even ht the silent atmosphere has becoedBefore today, he was still working closely with these people; but now, their standings have opposed due to the pass of the king

“What can I do? It’s Fischer’s willI have already failed ClihtFinally, the hand that has been holding his forehead rested on the desk, “Whatever they think, letapart”

As Visual Kheda was prepared to speak, a eunuch, looking all panic, ran by the door, “Lord Visual, Viceroy Cohen fainted after hearing the king’s letter, he puked blood!”

“WHAT?” Visual was stunned, he talked, “Flynn, go nowI’ll be right with you”

“Yes, father”

Flynn left before Master Lorenzo approached and asked, “Lord Visual, you should go to your sonSounds like he is suffering”

Visual Kheda looked at Lorenzo, for a time, he was puzzled by this bad-teo” Lorenzo approached a bit more, he forced a smile then whispered, “No matter what, we can’t lose him either”

“Well, then, I’ll let you handle this place” Visual Kheda vaguely caught Lorenzo’s idea, he nodded and exited the front hall

Once Visual Kheda was absent, sst the civil officials who still remained

As they watched with confusion, Master Lorenzo stepped by the table where Visual Kheda had been sitting behindHe kept his back to the officials for quite a while before he turned to face them

“I assume you all know e of the table, his , “Servants of Swabia?”

“Master Lorenzo…” A voice said, “What did you mean by that? You’re our mentor!”

Lorenzo raised a hand to halt the noisy discussion

“My nae of 36, I’ve been the master of Divine City’s Royal AcademyNow, 20 years have passedI was a very different person back then, more stubborn than this dayI was not from a noble house by birth, therefore the early days in DC were harshI was constantly faced with harassuesBut still, King Cliround despite all the objections, insisted onmewhen His Majesty suardenHe said ‘Steve Lorenzo, a unanimous voice itself within the empire is naturally not normalThat is why I need a firm man like youI believe men under your influence will be as firm and as stubborn of their belief as their h I was not liked by everybody, I took the job, becae of 36…”

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“Since then, not a single day goes by that I remind myself I a people for the king, for the empire!” Lorenzo suddenly thumped on the desk, he raised his voice, “YOU, ALL OF YOU, do you reraduation?”

“Aye!” Dozens of voices replied, “Loyal to the Race Supreme, to the elad I haven’t failedKing Climos has not failed” Lorenzo welled his eyes, “At least you all re it outAt least you’ve gathered here fro what you’ve voith the ut Climos Summers has not failed”

“Master…” Many of the officials also held tears

“Let me mention Cohen KhedaI know you don’t like or trust himBut do you know him? For myself, I hate him, I truly amI even refuse toof Cohen, Lorenzo grew complex in his eyes, “However, in the days to coot and with nothing held back”

“Master, why…”

“WHY? Because it’s King Fischer’s will! The Swabian King’s order!” Master Lorenzo said absolutely, “Follow the orderHelp the new king is h the Summers have passed away, its purpose re and last for eternity!”

“No matter how difficult this order is, nor do I care about if I personally can accept it, I will carry onIt is a choice after careful consideration” Lorenzo raised his voice, “As a Swabian official, it’s my duty”

All civil servants calmed down slowly from the shock earlier

“I, Steve Lorenzo, sole, till the end ofthe headmaster’s wrinkled face, “I hate thisFischer’s willAlso, I… I believe in His Majesty’s choice”


“You people, if you still have other thoughts, you’re free to leaveI won’t stop youIt is a choice that’s going to take everything you’ve gotThe least reluctance is going to make it worse than it already isI cannot force you” Lorenzo peacefully gazed at his past students, “You’re going to make more choices in the futureNo one will know if the choices are right or not”

“Master, I’m with you” One civil servant stepped up, “I will dohie the Summers shall be my primary purpose”

“I am with you, master!”

“I’m with you!”

Nearly all civil officials tore, stepped up and swore their allegiance with very hoarse voices

“Thank you, allI now announce King Fischer Summers’ special decree coe of emotions overwhelmed Lorenzo, he said as his clenched hands shi+vered irresistibly, “Let those shameless rebels watch Climos Summer’s willpowerLet them see the Summers have not failed!”

“On behalf of the House of Kheda, I extend their appreciation for your trust” Lorenzo rolled the loyal name listBefore he made his leave by the door, he turned back and bowed to the rest of the hall

All civil officials curtsied back, eyes still welled

When Lorenzo brought the list to the back hall, elf physicians were tied up treating Cohen KhedaThe patient had countless wounds that were caused by a variety of waysHis incident earlier has made the healed wounds to break, which was extremely troublesome

“Minister,” Lorenzo handed Visual Kheda the list, “King Fischer’s special decree has passed and taken effectThis is the list of officials ore their loyalty”

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“That’s very good news, masterThank you” Visual took the scroll, “In the days to co to need your help”

“I’m a servant to the empire, so do the ones who chose to stayBut 2 of thelimpsed Cohen who fell in a coht”

“Don’t worryCohen will be fine” Visual Kheda forced a smile, “As his father, it’s the 3rd time for a situation like thisHe’ll still be alive even after we’re all dead”


“Nothing else I can think ofTo be honest, I haven’t run out of luck” Visual Kheda tucked the list into his chest pocket, “We’re in a really bad position nowStill, soldiers and military officers are here with usAll the more so, Master Lorenzo, you’ve shown that you’re very trustworthy and firm to your faith”