Volume 10 Chapter 5 (1/2)
Translated by Tianic, edited by Grammarly
Big thanks to last chapter’s lovely editor, your name has been added
I diseants in front of me
”Sir!” They saluted
From the way they made the salute, their slave-marked face skin as well as the firmness in their eyes, I knew these 10 were the earliest ion
”Greetings” I greeted as I spoke, ”Sergeants, I have a question for you”
”Yes, sir”
”It is coe that our new recruits are very ineffective in combat Once we make out of this tunnel, i, there's no chance for those newbies to survive Therefore, we need to train theeable” I gestured to gather them closer, ”However, there're only less than 10 days allocated to you on the job Now, 10 days, what can you offer?”
”Recall your inner thoughts when I arrived the 9th Legion on my first day Your mal-practices and how did I turn them around? Our current new recruits are eants reehts, ”List them all and fix them, one at a time”
I had faith in my men because their similar experience could definitely help to find the key problems
”Sir…” Eventually, one of theest problems”
”Good, counts as one” I nodded, ”And?”
”They do wanna try their best on the works we give the them properly”
”Well said! Counts as one too” said I, ”Go on…”
”Newbies lack self-control and need our constant reminder…”
”Sir, maybe we could…”
Though the sergeants' ideas were rather crude, they were enough forask-and-ansas aimed to eliminate their tense and lead the topic deeper Later on, the heat discussion had attracted Malphite and several IGTs around
Less than half an hour was enough forplan for the new recruits
”That is all” I concluded this discussion, ”Fall out”
”Yes, sir” The sergeants rejoined their units with utter confidence and continued the 1-hour standing session with the rest of the men
I nodded to Malphite who stood beside ht him how earlier
Although Malphite was merely promoted a petty officer, he who had experienced series of real as not like any ordinary officers Fighting on the edge of death had ihtiness, sharpness as well as a trace of calm, which were also coest suit of my army
”STANDING is the most crucial skill! Chin up, chests lift, abdomens in, eyes level front!” Malphite fixed hiure stood erect like a statue, his words fir, ”On the battlefield, your enehty stone Once your foes see you, they feel they can never cross you! Sluggishness makes you die faster! Now listen up, pay attention to orders…”
I was fas I talked back when I trained ht overhear it from other officers And tofrom him, the orcs were not as barbarous as I had perceived
While Malphite was yelling to hisprocedures
”Sir, training session, 1 hour,your next instruction”
”Good, fall in”
”All, sit down!” I stoodthe men and ordered them to take a rest
”Like your captain had said, you'll never underesti There're reasons he requires you to master every step” I called over a soldier then started explaining by pointing on his arh it has extra paddings underneath, incorrect standing and sitting position will er, there's a high chance that the pressure will paralyze yourcombat quickly
I demonstrated on the soldier several ti and convincing
”Behind every technique we taught you, there's a certain significance We don't have much time to explain every detail and I won't make any further specific interpretation fro!” I wasted no time once I saw my earlier speech worked, ”Without doubts, your future drill will give you a hard time Ofttimes you'll not understand the importance behind it But eted to preserving your lives! Every subject will properly protect you fro har et me?”
”We get you, sir!”
”Good!” I nodded in satisfaction, ”Now, all rise Next, your sergeant will teach you how to run!”
”Atten-hut!” Malphite roared, ”Now join 2 rows March forward!”
I rode along watching the men run into the woods
Marching was a crucial training subject Field value was one thing, neat et the soldiers to familiarize army life faster
A real army should be a collective without any individual ideas because that would be disharaps or intervals One immediately after another, intense coly; intensified training will exhaust their physical strength And when a soldier was extre from muscle memories instead of the brain
I did not need them to exercise their brains and question orders now
Once Malphite'sorders issued by the staff officers were delivered to every drill sergeants Save for necessary duty officers and vigilant scouts, the whole ar
Standing, squatting, sitting, standing…
Marching forar, dirty commands My officers were not born froan, they reet their trainees with 'ass, shi+t' or anything related to that
Perhaps it was a part of the ar machines instead of refined and polite soldiers Profanities had the ability to arouse er and cultivate military atmosphere
Although the daily drills were incredibly boring, soldiers' attitudes towards it were more serious than I had expected I pondered the reason, it probably had so closely And only after the first day's training did I find out the real reason for a plain new recruit
”Sir, we've never been trained before today” His eyes pointed to the ground while he said, then he raised his head proudly towards me and continued, ”This is why I'm joyful no matter how hard or bitter it is”
”I see…” His true heart had given s I tapped his shoulder and said, ”Your joyfulness is guaranteed every day”
Day 3, training on lining roas close to a finish Soldiers now had fewer discords and sluggishness in their movements
So between today's drills, I started fa soldiers with their other half: weapons!
Every weapon kind ranging froer to a war saber, from enhanced crossbow to spear, I needed e, how it may kill another
I told the sergeants like so, ”Do not leave your weapons alone! Always maintain them in the best condition!”
The yellings worked All the soldiers had learned how to keep weapons in one hand and use the other hand to do so that usually took a man's both hand They had spent only 2 days on this skill
To be fair,their men than I did to them The officers were trained by others in the old days and they only becaht soreatly satisfied hat they had done because they had unintentionally improved the outcome
As the training went on, the soldiers had changed substantially
The progress marked on day 5, soldiers were supposed to exercise confrontation in units of teams But this time, I had prepared an unexpected episode for them
Ninty new recruits in tea face to face The red teaht
I kept the idly for quite a while so a man from the red team made a merely noticeable funny face to the opposite team
Nevertheless, I caught him
”Funny, right?” I strode over
”Yes, sir… no, not funny, sir…”
”Ya a soldier and you ought to act like one” I knew he can't properly respond to my inquiry, ”And as a soldier who stands in your unit, HE WILL NEVER GIGGLE!”
In this case, I told the ive hiuy slapped gently
”That's how you exert your commander's order?” I roared, ”Malphite, show them how to slap!”